Package com.bea.netuix.application.communities

Interface Summary
CommunityCallback Defines callback methods that the WLP framework makes in response to various community lifecycle events.

Class Summary
AbstractCommunityCallback AbstractCommunityCallback - default implementation of the CommunityCallback interface that no-ops all methods.
CommunitiesConfigProperties Represents a set of properties which have been configured via communities-config.xml.
CommunityDesktop CommunityDesktop - specifies the desktop to be used to create a community.
CommunityInfo A structure to pass information to the CommunityDefinition constructor.
CommunityMember Represents a single CommunityMember.
CommunityMembership CommunityMembership - value object class that contains information about a membership of a CommuntityMember to a Community.
CommunityMembershipCriteria The CommunityMembershipCriteria object is used to specify attributes used to find specific CommunityMembership objects from a particular community.
CommunityProperty Represents a property associated with a community.
CommunityPropertyValue CommunityPropertyValue
CommunitySearchCriteria CommunitySearchCriteria - search criteria for communities.
InvitationSearchCriteria SearchCriteria implementation used to specify a search operation to retrieve Communities Invitations.
MemberCriteria The MemberCriteria object is used to specify a member to search for.
MemberMembershipCriteria The MemberMembershipCriteria object is used to specify attributes used to find specific CommunityMembership objects for a particular user.
MembershipCapability Represents a Capability that has been granted to a CommunityMember with respect to a single CommunityMembership.
MembershipCriteria The MembershipCriteria object is used to specify attributes used to find specific CommunityMembership objects.

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