Class UserAndGroupInviteeIterator

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations.SimpleInviteeIterator
      extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations.UserAndGroupInviteeIterator
All Implemented Interfaces
InviteeIterator, Serializable, Iterator<Invitee>

public class UserAndGroupInviteeIterator
extends SimpleInviteeIterator

Basic convenience class for inviting WLS users and groups to a Community. This class allows for adding either a single WLS user or group at a time, and uses the Communities MessagingAddress facility to obtain messaging addresses for invites based on the caller supplied messagingAddressName, which should be one of the configured mappings to User Profile properties. A map of Invitee attributes can also be supplied, though in the case of adding a group, all group Invitees will receive the same attribute set.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructor specifying that messaging address is not to be looked up for invitees.
UserAndGroupInviteeIterator(MessagingAddressType addrType, String addrMappingName)
          Constructor for specifying address mappings to use when constructing invitees.
Method Summary
 void addGroup(String wlsGroupName, Map<String,Object> attributes)
          Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the default authorization provider.
 void addGroup(String wlsGroupName, Map<String,Object> attributes, Collection<MembershipCapability> capabilities)
          Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the default authorization provider.
 void addGroup(String wlsGroupName, String atnProvider, Map<String,Object> attributes)
          Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the specified authorization provider.
 void addGroup(String wlsGroupName, String atnProvider, Map<String,Object> attributes, Collection<MembershipCapability> capabilities)
          Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the specified authorization provider.
 void addUser(String wlsUserName, Map<String,Object> attributes)
          Adds a single user to this InviteeIterator.
 void addUser(String wlsUserName, Map<String,Object> attributes, Collection<MembershipCapability> capabilities)
          Adds a single user to this InviteeIterator.
 boolean getMessagingAddressRequired()
          Determines whether messaging address is required for every user.
 void setMessagingAddressRequired(boolean messagingAddrRequired)
          Specifies whether messaging address is required for every user; the default value is true.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations.SimpleInviteeIterator
addInvitee, close, hasNext, next, open, remove, reset
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UserAndGroupInviteeIterator()
Constructor specifying that messaging address is not to be looked up for invitees.


public UserAndGroupInviteeIterator(MessagingAddressType addrType,
                                   String addrMappingName)
Constructor for specifying address mappings to use when constructing invitees. If both the address mapping type and mapping name are specified as null, the messaging address is not stored with the invitee-- esentially making the WLS user name the only invitee identification mechanism. The setMessagingAddressRequired method can be used to specify whether messaging address lookup failures are to be tolerated (leaving WLS user name the only identification mechanism for users whose messaging address lookup fails) or reported in an exception.

addrType - the address mapping type to use.
addrMappingName - the address mapping name to use.
Method Detail


public void setMessagingAddressRequired(boolean messagingAddrRequired)
Specifies whether messaging address is required for every user; the default value is true.

messagingAddrRequired - if true and the messaging address type and address mapping name specified in the constructor are not null, then exceptions are thrown from the addUser() and addGroup() methods if a user's profile cannot be found or the specified messaging address cannot be found for the user. If false, an attempt is made to look up the user's profile and messaging address information, but if the attempt fails, the user is still added to the iterator with only their WLS user ID as an identifier.


public boolean getMessagingAddressRequired()
Determines whether messaging address is required for every user.

if true and the messaging address type and address mapping name specified in the constructor are not null, then exceptions are thrown from the addUser() and addGroup() methods if a user's profile cannot be found or the specified messaging address cannot be found for the user. If false, an attempt is made to look up the user's profile and messaging address information, but if the attempt fails, the user is still added to the iterator with only their WLS user ID as an identifier.


public void addUser(String wlsUserName,
                    Map<String,Object> attributes)
Adds a single user to this InviteeIterator.

wlsUserName - the user name to add
attributes - map of attributes to associate with the user.


public void addUser(String wlsUserName,
                    Map<String,Object> attributes,
                    Collection<MembershipCapability> capabilities)
Adds a single user to this InviteeIterator.

wlsUserName - the user name to add
attributes - map of attributes to associate with the user.
capabilities - the set of capabilities to give to the membership if the invitee accepts the invitation.


public void addGroup(String wlsGroupName,
                     Map<String,Object> attributes)
              throws InviteeIteratorException
Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the default authorization provider.

wlsGroupName - group to add
attributes - map of attributes to add to each enumerated user Invitee


public void addGroup(String wlsGroupName,
                     Map<String,Object> attributes,
                     Collection<MembershipCapability> capabilities)
              throws InviteeIteratorException
Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the default authorization provider.

wlsGroupName - group to add
attributes - map of attributes to add to each enumerated user Invitee
capabilities - the set of capabilities to give to the membership if the invitee accepts the invitation.


public void addGroup(String wlsGroupName,
                     String atnProvider,
                     Map<String,Object> attributes)
              throws InviteeIteratorException
Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the specified authorization provider.

wlsGroupName - group to add
atnProvider - the name of the authorization provider to use
attributes - map of attributes to add to each enumerated user Invitee


public void addGroup(String wlsGroupName,
                     String atnProvider,
                     Map<String,Object> attributes,
                     Collection<MembershipCapability> capabilities)
              throws InviteeIteratorException
Adds all of the users from the specified group into this InviteeIterator, using the specified authorization provider.

wlsGroupName - group to add
atnProvider - the name of the authorization provider to use
attributes - map of attributes to add to each enumerated user Invitee
capabilities - the set of capabilities to give to the membership if the invitee accepts the invitation.

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