Package com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations

Interface Summary
InvitationValidationTextGenerator Provides a mechanism for allowing for customizable implementations of Communities Invitiation passwords.
Invitee Represents a single Invitee.
InviteeIterator Implementations of this class are used by the Communities framework to invite multiple users at once via the Invitations mechanism.

Class Summary
Invitation Represents an invitation stored in the system that has been sent to a single user.
InvitationDetails Represents information about a Communities invitation operation, including the community that the invitation targets, a small payload that is intended for use as an application specific reference to the invitation action, and several parameters that control the settings of invitation options.
InviteeFactory Factory for creating new instances of Invitee objects.
SimpleInviteeIterator SimpleInviteeIterator provides an InviteeIterator implementation that allows developers to collect up a set of Invitee objects one at a time for consumption by the Communities Invitation framework.
SimpleValidationTextGenerator Simple implementation of InvitationValidationTextGenerator.
UserAndGroupInviteeIterator Basic convenience class for inviting WLS users and groups to a Community.

Enum Summary
InvitationStatus Represents the status of a single invitation for the Communtities Invitations framework.

Exception Summary
InviteeIteratorException Exception thrown from operations from implementations of InviteeIterator.

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