Interface ICapabilityManager

public interface ICapabilityManager

Interface for managing and evaluating capability definitions

Note: new methods may be added to this interface periodically -- therefore, this not a good CM extension point. The recommended extension point is at the Service Provider Interface, in package com.bea.content.spi.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal. BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 CapabilityLevel checkRepositoryCapability(ContentContext context, ICapabilityDefinition capabilityDef, String repoName)
          Determine support for the specified capability definition in the specified repository

 Set<ICapabilityDefinition> getCapabilityDefsOfType(ContentContext context, CapabilityType type, String repoName)
          Retrieve all capability definitions of the specified type, for the specified repository

 Set<ICapabilityDefinition> getRepositoryDefinedCapabilities(ContentContext context, String repoName)
          Create a capability definition referring to the specified named capability definition.

Method Detail


Set<ICapabilityDefinition> getRepositoryDefinedCapabilities(ContentContext context,
                                                            String repoName)
                                                            throws AuthenticationException,
Create a capability definition referring to the specified named capability definition. Named capabilities are non-standardized and are repo-specific. Validation will occur when the capability definition is checked against a repository.

context - the content context
repoName - the repository name
a set of all repository defined capability definitions
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


Set<ICapabilityDefinition> getCapabilityDefsOfType(ContentContext context,
                                                   CapabilityType type,
                                                   String repoName)
                                                   throws AuthenticationException,
Retrieve all capability definitions of the specified type, for the specified repository

context - the content context
type - the capability type to retrieve
repoName - the repository name
a set of all capability definitions
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


CapabilityLevel checkRepositoryCapability(ContentContext context,
                                          ICapabilityDefinition capabilityDef,
                                          String repoName)
                                          throws AuthenticationException,
Determine support for the specified capability definition in the specified repository

context - the ContentContext object
capabilityDef - the capability definition to evaluate
repoName - the repository name
the specified repository's capability level for the specified capability definition
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception

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