Class ContentHelper

  extended by com.bea.content.manager.ContentHelper

public class ContentHelper
extends Object

Helper class for dealing with Content

Field Summary
          A name to be used for a common request attribute that a content node can be placed under.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Node addFolder(ContentContext context, ObjectClass objectClass, String relPath, Property[] properties)
          This method adds a new node to the repository of type folder.
static Node addFolder(ContentContext context, String relPath)
          This method adds a new node to the repository of type ObjectClass.FOLDER.
static String pathInfoEncode(String pathInfo)
          Correctly URLEncode a path-info string.
static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream)
          Converts an InputStream to a byte[].
static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream, int maxSize)
          Converts an InputStream to a byte[].
static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream, long start, long length)
          Converts an InputStream to a byte[].
static String toHTML(String in)
          Convert an arbitrary string to HTML which will display as the original string intended.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String NODE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
A name to be used for a common request attribute that a content node can be placed under. Mainly for use with the getNode and setNode tags (and the display template tags).

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public ContentHelper()
Method Detail


public static Node addFolder(ContentContext context,
                             String relPath)
                      throws AuthorizationException,
This method adds a new node to the repository of type ObjectClass.FOLDER. It assigns default properties to that node. This is the default folder for a BEA repository. For a non-bea repository, it will be the name of the first folder listed in content-config.xml (property name = "folder_badge_objectClasses". Multiple folders are comma-separated).

context - The ContentContext Object
relPath - The absolute path to this node, appended with the node's name. For example /A/B/C indicates a node C being added under the parent node B.
The newly created node.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have CREATE capability on the parent node, or if the user does not have INSTANTIATE capability on the type of the node. This exception will also be thrown if the user is not authorizated by the repository.
NodeExistsException - - if the parent Node already has a child with the same name.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the node's ObjectClass doesn't exist.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


public static Node addFolder(ContentContext context,
                             ObjectClass objectClass,
                             String relPath,
                             Property[] properties)
                      throws AuthorizationException,
This method adds a new node to the repository of type folder.

This type must be derived from ObjectClass.FOLDER if this is a BEA repository, or must be declared in content-config.xml with the RepositoryConfig.FOLDER_BADGES_KEY property on the repository . todo: add an example

context - The ContentContext Object
objectClass - The ObjectClass of this folder. If it's ObjectClass.FOLDER, then use addFolder(ContentContext context, String relPath). Otherwise, this ObjectClass must be a child of NT_FOLDER
relPath - The absolute path to this node, appended with the node's name. For example /A/B/C indicates a node C being added under the parent node B.
properties - The properties of the node, which can be null
The newly created node.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have CREATE capability on the parent node, or if the user does not have INSTANTIATE capability on the type of the node. This exception will also be thrown if the user is not authorizated by the repository.
NodeExistsException - - if the parent Node already has a child with the same name.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the node's ObjectClass doesn't exist.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


public static String pathInfoEncode(String pathInfo)
Correctly URLEncode a path-info string.

This can be used to pass a contentId as Path-Info to the ShowDocServlet.

This will url encode the pathInfo, but will leave "/"'s alone.

pathInfo - The path-info string.
the URLEncoded path-info string.


public static String toHTML(String in)
Convert an arbitrary string to HTML which will display as the original string intended.

This will replace the characters '&', '"', '<', and '>' with '&amp;', &quot;', '&lt;', and '&gt;', respectively.

in - The string to convert to HTML.
The string converted to HTML.


public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream)
Converts an InputStream to a byte[].

inputStream - - the InputStream to convert to the byte[].
byte[] - the byte[] converted from the InputStream. todo: [CAM] why aren't we closing the inputStream here?


public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream,
                                 int maxSize)
                          throws RepositoryException
Converts an InputStream to a byte[]. If the input stream won't fit into the cache (maxSize is exceeded), then return null. For this case, the inputStream will remain open and unconsumed.

Otherwise, we can fit the InputStream data into the cache, and will return that byte array instead of the InputStream. In this case, the InputStream will be consumed and closed.

inputStream - - the InputStream to convert to the byte[].
maxSize - The maximum size to convert.
byte[] - the byte[] converted from the InputStream, or null if the InputStream size is larger than maxSize.
RepositoryException - if the conversion fails.


public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream,
                                 long start,
                                 long length)
Converts an InputStream to a byte[].

inputStream - - the InputStream to convert to the byte[].
start - - the index to start at.
length - - the index to end at.
byte[] - the byte[] converted from the InputStream.

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