Package com.bea.content.manager

Interface Summary
NodeIterator Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult
NodeOps Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by INodeManager
ObjectClassOps Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ITypeManager
RepositoryManager Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory and IVirtualRepositoryManager
RepositoryOps Interface describing repository operations.
RepositorySession Defines the state of the attempted connection to a Repository.
SearchOps Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ISearchManager
WorkflowOps Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by IWorkflowManager

Class Summary
ContentEntitlementHelper The constants and helper methods used by the entitlement engine runtime.
ContentHelper Helper class for dealing with Content
DAHelper Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentSecurityHelper
RepositoryConfig Represents the configuration of a content repository.
RepositoryManagerFactory Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Exception Summary
NoRepositoriesDefinedException Thrown if an operation on a Node that already exists occurs, such as attempting to rename a Node to the Name of a Node that already exists.
NoSuchRepositoryConfigException Thrown if an operation attempting to access a RepositoryConfig that does not exist.
RepositoryConfigExistsException Thrown if an operation on a Node that already exists occurs, such as attempting to rename a Node to the Name of a Node that already exists.

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