Interface RepositoryManager

All Superinterfaces

Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory and IVirtualRepositoryManager

public interface RepositoryManager
extends Serializable

This class acts as a virtual repository to all configured repositories. It is the entry point to connect to and operate on the repositories. For each available Repository, a RepositorySession will be created and added to the returned array. A connection may also be attempted to a specific Repository in which case, the RepositorySession for that attempted connection will be added to the RepositorySession array and returned. The RepositoryManager may be cached (perhaps in the HttpSession). If this is the case, it is up to the client to keep RepositorySessions in sync with the user's connection and disconnections to Repositories.

Method Summary
 void addSession(String repositoryName, RepositorySession session)
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory
 RepositorySession[] connect()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory
 RepositorySession connect(String repositoryName)
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory
 RepositorySession connect(String repositoryName, String userName, String password)
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory
 NodeOps getNodeOps()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getNodeManager()
 ObjectClassOps getObjectClassOps()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getTypeManager()
 RepositoryOps getRepositoryOps()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getVirtualRepositoryManager()
 SearchOps getSearchOps()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getSearchManager()
 RepositorySession[] getSessions()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory
 WorkspaceOps getWorkspaceOps()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getNodeManager()
 void removeSession(String repositoryName)
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Method Detail


RepositorySession[] connect()
                            throws NoRepositoriesDefinedException,
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Attempts to connect to all availble Repositories with the current user's Credentials. A RepositorySession is created for each Repository and added to the returned array. Any error in connecting is described by the RepositorySession's state.

RepositorySession[] - an array of the RepositiorySessions, one for each Repository that a connection was attempted.
NoRepositoriesDefinedException - - if there isn't any Repository defined to connect to.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


RepositorySession connect(String repositoryName)
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Attempts to connect to a specific repository using the current user's credentials and returns the RepositorySession based on the attempt. Any error in connecting is described by the RepositorySession's state.

repositoryName - the name of the Repository to connect to.


RepositorySession connect(String repositoryName,
                          String userName,
                          String password)
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Attempts to connect to a specific repository and returns the RepositorySession based on the attempt. Any error in connecting is described by the RepositorySession's state.

repositoryName - - the name of the Repository to connect to.
userName - - the username to connect with.
password - - the password to connect with.
RepositorySession - the session that contains the state of the connection attempt.


RepositoryOps getRepositoryOps()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getVirtualRepositoryManager()

Gets a RepositoryOps service.

RepositoryOps - the RepositoryOps manager.


NodeOps getNodeOps()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getNodeManager()

Gets a NodeOps service.

NodeOps - the NodeOps manager.


ObjectClassOps getObjectClassOps()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getTypeManager()

Gets a ObjectClassOps service.

ObjectClassOps - the ObjectClassOps manager.


WorkspaceOps getWorkspaceOps()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getNodeManager()

Gets a WorkspaceOps service object

WorkspaceOps - the WorkspaceOps service.


SearchOps getSearchOps()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory.getSearchManager()

Gets a SearchOps service.

SearchOps - the SearchOps manager.


void addSession(String repositoryName,
                RepositorySession session)
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Adds a RepositorySession.

repositoryName - - the name of the Repository to which the RepositorySession is for.
session - - the RepositorySession for the the Repository.


void removeSession(String repositoryName)
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Removes a RepositorySession

repositoryName - - the name of the repository to remove the RepositorySession for.


RepositorySession[] getSessions()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by ContentManagerFactory

Gets the RepositorySessions.

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