Interface NodeIterator

All Superinterfaces
Iterator, ListIterator, Serializable

Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult

public interface NodeIterator
extends ListIterator, Serializable

A Serializable Iterator over Nodes that includes pagination.

Method Summary
 Collection currentPage()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult.getCurrentPageNumber() followed by PagedResult.getPage(int)
 Collection nextPage()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult.nextPage()
 Collection previousPage()
          Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult.previousPage()
Methods inherited from interface java.util.ListIterator
add, hasNext, hasPrevious, next, nextIndex, previous, previousIndex, remove, set

Method Detail


Collection nextPage()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult.nextPage()

Gets the next page of Nodes.


Collection previousPage()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult.previousPage()

Gets the previous page of Nodes.


Collection currentPage()
Deprecated As of 9.x, replaced by PagedResult.getCurrentPageNumber() followed by PagedResult.getPage(int)

Gets the current Page. This does not affect the index.

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