Interface ExtendedRepository

All Superinterfaces
Repository, Serializable

Deprecated As of 10.2, replaced by RepositoryConfigOpsV1. The SPI interfaces in the com.bea.content.spi package have all been deprecated as of 10.2. BEA does not intend to remove these interfaces during the next major release of WebLogic Portal. However, please note that new development should take place using the com.bea.content.spi.flexspi interfaces going forward.

public interface ExtendedRepository
extends Repository

The Extended Repository interface allows users to use the extended functionality present In the content management system.

Method Summary
 void createRepository(RepositoryConfig config)
          Deprecated A method called when a new repository is created.
 void removeRepository(String name)
          Deprecated A method called when a repository is removed.
 void updateRepository(RepositoryConfig config)
          Deprecated A method called when a repository is configuration is updated.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.content.spi.Repository
connect, connect, getName, getProperties, setName, setProperties

Method Detail


void createRepository(RepositoryConfig config)
                      throws RepositoryException
A method called when a new repository is created. This method takes the RepositoryConfig object and allows custom actions to be performed at create time.

config - The repository configuration
RepositoryException - if the creation operation fails.


void updateRepository(RepositoryConfig config)
                      throws RepositoryException
A method called when a repository is configuration is updated. This method taks the RepositoryConfig object and allows custom actions to be performed at update time.

config - The repository configuration
RepositoryException - if the update operation fails.


void removeRepository(String name)
                      throws RepositoryException
A method called when a repository is removed. This method takes the name of the repository and allows custom actions to be performed at removal time.

name - The name of the repository
RepositoryException - If the removal operation fails.

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