Interface ExtendedSearchOps

All Superinterfaces
SearchOps, Serializable

Deprecated As of 10.2, replaced by SearchOpsV1. The SPI interfaces in the com.bea.content.spi package have all been deprecated as of 10.2. BEA does not intend to remove these interfaces during the next major release of WebLogic Portal. However, please note that new development should take place using the com.bea.content.spi.flexspi interfaces going forward.

public interface ExtendedSearchOps
extends SearchOps

SearchOps is used to search over Nodes and Properties and return the Node ids that match the given criteria.

Method Summary
 void indexContentByPath(String path)
          Deprecated Index content by path.
 void indexContentByType(long typeId)
          Deprecated Index content by type.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.content.spi.SearchOps

Method Detail


void indexContentByPath(String path)
                        throws RepositoryException
Index content by path. All content at the given path and below will be indexed. This method is provided as a convenience. If a repository has been running without search indexing enabled (either repository events were disabled, or the search listener was not configured), then this method can be used to reindex content. This method should be used sparingly, as it can be quite expensive given a large amount of content.

path - The path of the node on which to start the index operation.


void indexContentByType(long typeId)
                        throws RepositoryException
Index content by type. All content for the given type will be indexed. This method is provided as a convenience. If a repository has been running without search indexing enabled (either repository events were disabled, or the search listener was not configured), then this method can be used to reindex content. This method should be used sparingly, as it can be quite expensive given a large amount of content.

typeId - The id of the type.

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