Interface IExtensible

All Known Subinterfaces:
Repository, Ticket

public interface IExtensible

Represents an extensible repository SPI interface.

Method Summary
 Map<String,ISPIMarker> getAllInterfaces()
          Retrieve all CM SPI repository interfaces.
 Map<ICapabilityDefinition,CapabilityLevel> getCapabilitySupport(Set<ICapabilityDefinition> capabilities)
          Returns the degree of capability support for each of the specified capabilities.
 ISPIMarker getInterface(String interfaceName)
          Retrieve the specified SPI interface, or null if the repository does not implement the specified SPI interface.

Method Detail


Map<String,ISPIMarker> getAllInterfaces()
Retrieve all CM SPI repository interfaces. If the repository does not implement any SPI repository interfaces, this should return an empty Map. The key should be an entry from SPIRepositoryInterfaces and the value should be an implementation of ISPIRepositoryMarker.


ISPIMarker getInterface(String interfaceName)
Retrieve the specified SPI interface, or null if the repository does not implement the specified SPI interface.


Map<ICapabilityDefinition,CapabilityLevel> getCapabilitySupport(Set<ICapabilityDefinition> capabilities)
Returns the degree of capability support for each of the specified capabilities. Applicable for repository ops capabilities, such as the RepositoryConfigOps.

capabilities - The capabilities to look up.
A map of capability definition and its corresponding capability level.

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