Class MembershipCriteria

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.MembershipCriteria
All Implemented Interfaces
SearchCriteria, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CommunityMembershipCriteria, MemberMembershipCriteria

public abstract class MembershipCriteria
extends Object
implements SearchCriteria

The MembershipCriteria object is used to specify attributes used to find specific CommunityMembership objects. To use this object, construct a new instance, and call any of the set... methods to specify constraints on the search. Only constraints set using a set... method will be used during the search. All specified constraints are used in conjunction (AND rather than OR). Setting some constraints will automatically un-set others, so view the documentation for each set... method to understand the consequences.

For example, to specify a search criteria to find all disabled memberships in a community for users whose username begins with "A", the following would work:

 CommunityMembershipCriteria criteria = new CommunityMembershipCriteria(communityId);
 criteria.setUsername(FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH, "A");
To specify a search criteria to find all accessible memberships for a particular member, the following would work:
 MemberMembershipCriteria criteria = new MemberMembershipCriteria(username);

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

See Also
MemberMembershipCriteria, CommunityMembershipCriteria, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String ORDER_BY_JOIN_DATE
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
          Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.
Method Summary
 boolean getAccessRecordedCriteria()
          Retrieves the access recorded criteria for the search.
 CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityIdCriteria()
          Retrieves the community ID criteria for the search.
 Date getJoinedAfterCriteria()
          Retrieves the minimum time a membership was created criteria for the search.
 Date getJoinedBeforeCriteria()
          Retrieves the maximum time a membership was created criteria for the search.
 Date getLastAccessAfterCriteria()
          Retrieves the minimum time a membership was last accessed criteria for the search.
 Date getLastAccessBeforeCriteria()
          Retrieves the maximum time a membership was last accessed criteria for the search.
 boolean getMemberActiveCriteria()
          Retrieves the member active status criteria for the search.
 boolean getMemberExternalCriteria()
          Retrieves the member external status criteria for the search.
 CommunityMemberId getMemberIdCriteria()
          Retrieves the member ID criteria for the search.
 boolean getMembershipAccessibleCriteria()
          Retrieves the membership accessible status criteria for the search.
 boolean getMembershipActiveCriteria()
          Retrieves the membership active status criteria for the search.
 MembershipCapability getMembershipCapabilityCriteria()
          Retrieves the membership capability criteria for the search, or null if no membership capability criteria exists.
 boolean getMembershipHasCapabilityCriteria()
          Determines if a membership must have or must not have a particular capability (determinable through the getMembershipCapabilityCriteria() method) to be included.
 String getSortOrderField()
          Returns one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating what field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.
 String getUsernameCriteria()
          Retrieves the username pattern criteria for the search.
 FilterMethod getUsernameFilterMethod()
          Retrieves the username filter method for the username search.
 String getWebAppNameCriteria()
          Retrieves the web app name criteria for the search.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isAccessRecordedCriteria()
          Determines if the membership having an access recorded is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isCommunityIdCriteria()
          Determines if Community ID is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isJoinedAfterCriteria()
          Determines if the time a membership was created after is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isJoinedBeforeCriteria()
          Determines if the time a membership was created before is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isLastAccessAfterCriteria()
          Determines if the time a membership was last accessed after is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isLastAccessBeforeCriteria()
          Determines if the time a membership was last accessed before is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isMemberActiveCriteria()
          Determines if member active status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isMemberExternalCriteria()
          Determines if member external status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isMemberIdCriteria()
          Determines if member ID is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isMembershipAccessibleCriteria()
          Determines if membership accessibility status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isMembershipActiveCriteria()
          Determines if membership active status is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isMembershipCapabilityCriteria()
          Determines if a membership capability is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isSortOrderAscending()
          Returns true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending.
 boolean isUsernameCriteria()
          Determines if username is a criteria for the search.
 boolean isWebAppNameCriteria()
          Determines if web app name is a criteria for the search.
 void orderBy(String field, boolean ascending)
          Used to specify the order for results to be returned.
 void setAccessRecorded(boolean accessRecorded)
          Specifies the last access date status a membership must have to be included.
 void setJoinedAfter(Date joinedAfter)
          Specifies the minimum join date a membership can have to be included.
 void setJoinedBefore(Date joinedBefore)
          Specifies the maximum join date a membership can have to be included.
 void setLastAccessAfter(Date lastAccessAfter)
          Specifies the minimum last access date a membership can have to be included.
 void setLastAccessBefore(Date lastAccessBefore)
          Specifies the maximum last access date a membership can have to be included.
 void setMembershipAccessible(boolean accessible)
          Specifies the that the membership accessibility status CommunityMembership must match to be included.
 void setMembershipActive(boolean active)
          Specifies the membership active status a CommunityMembership must match to be included.
 void setMembershipCapability(MembershipCapability capability, boolean hasCapability)
          Specifies a membership capability a membership must have or must not have to be included.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String ORDER_BY_USERNAME
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_MEMBER_ACTIVE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_MEMBER_EXTERNAL
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_MEMBERSHIP_ACTIVE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_LAST_ACCESS_DATE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ORDER_BY_JOIN_DATE
Constant used to indicate the field used to order query results- used in the orderBy() method.

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


public void orderBy(String field,
                    boolean ascending)
Used to specify the order for results to be returned. Results may only be ordered by a single field; multiple calls to this method will serve only to reset the field being ordered by.

field - one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating which field to order results by, or null if no sorting is to be used.
ascending - if true, results will be ordered in an ascending manner, otherwise they will be ordered in a descending manner.
IllegalArgumentException - if the field argument is not one of the ORDER_BY_ constants or null.


public String getSortOrderField()
Returns one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating what field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.

one of the ORDER_BY_ constants indicating which field results should be sorted by, or null if no sort order has been specified.


public boolean isSortOrderAscending()
Returns true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending. Sorting is done only if the getSortOrderField() method does not return null.

true if the sort order for results is ascending, false if the sort order is descending.


public void setMembershipActive(boolean active)
Specifies the membership active status a CommunityMembership must match to be included. Calling the setMembershipAccessible() method will override any setting specified for membership active status. If this method or setMembershipAccessible() is not called, membership active status is not used as a criteria for selection.

active - if true, only memberships whose membership status is active will be included; if false, only memberships whose membership status is NOT active will be included.


public void setMembershipAccessible(boolean accessible)
Specifies the that the membership accessibility status CommunityMembership must match to be included. Calling the this method will override any setting specified for member or membership active status.

accessible - if true, only memberships which are accessible (where both member and membership status is active) will be included; if false, only memberships which are not accessible (where either member or membership status is disabled) will be included.


public void setMembershipCapability(MembershipCapability capability,
                                    boolean hasCapability)
Specifies a membership capability a membership must have or must not have to be included.

capability - the MembershipCapability to filter on. If null, no capability filter is performed.
hasCapability - if true, a membership must have the specified capability to be included; if false, a membership must NOT have the specified capability to be included.


public void setLastAccessBefore(Date lastAccessBefore)
Specifies the maximum last access date a membership can have to be included. If this method is not called, or if the setAccessRecorded() method is called, or if a null argument is provided, the maximum last access date is not used as a selection criteria.

lastAccessBefore - the maximum last access date a membership may have to be included. If null, there is no maximum last access date limit on search results.


public void setLastAccessAfter(Date lastAccessAfter)
Specifies the minimum last access date a membership can have to be included. If this method is not called, or if the setAccessRecorded() method is called, or if a null argument is provided, the minimum last access date is not used as a selection criteria.

lastAccessAfter - the minimum last access date a membership may have to be included. If null, there is no minimum last access date limit on search results.


public void setAccessRecorded(boolean accessRecorded)
Specifies the last access date status a membership must have to be included. Calling this method will override any specification of minimum and maximum last access dates specified in the setLastAccessBefore() or setLastAccessAfter() methods.

accessRecorded - if true, only memberships for which a last access date has been recorded will be included; if false, only memberships with no access date recorded will be included.


public void setJoinedBefore(Date joinedBefore)
Specifies the maximum join date a membership can have to be included. If this method is not called or if a null argument is provided, the maximum join date is not used as a selection criteria.

joinedBefore - the maximum join date a membership may have to be included. If null, there is no maximum join date limit on search results.


public void setJoinedAfter(Date joinedAfter)
Specifies the minimum join date a membership can have to be included. If this method is not called or if a null argument is provided, the minimum join date is not used as a selection criteria.

joinedAfter - the minimum join date a membership may have to be included. If null, there is no minimum join date limit on search results.


public boolean isCommunityIdCriteria()
Determines if Community ID is a criteria for the search.

true if community ID is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityIdCriteria()
Retrieves the community ID criteria for the search.

the community ID criteria for the search, or null if community ID is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isMemberIdCriteria()
Determines if member ID is a criteria for the search.

true if member ID is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public CommunityMemberId getMemberIdCriteria()
Retrieves the member ID criteria for the search.

the member ID criteria for the search, or null if member ID is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isWebAppNameCriteria()
Determines if web app name is a criteria for the search.

true if web app name is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getWebAppNameCriteria()
Retrieves the web app name criteria for the search.

the web app name criteria for the search, or null if web app name is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isUsernameCriteria()
Determines if username is a criteria for the search.

true if username is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public String getUsernameCriteria()
Retrieves the username pattern criteria for the search.

the username pattern criteria for the search, or null if username is not a criteria in the search.


public FilterMethod getUsernameFilterMethod()
Retrieves the username filter method for the username search.

the username filter method for the search, or null if username is not a criteria in the search.


public boolean isMemberActiveCriteria()
Determines if member active status is a criteria for the search.

true if member active status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getMemberActiveCriteria()
Retrieves the member active status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the member active status is a criteria to be used; the isMemberActiveCriteria() method can be used for that.

the member active status criteria for the search. If the member active status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the member active status is a criteria for the search, use the isMemberActiveCriteria() method.


public boolean isMemberExternalCriteria()
Determines if member external status is a criteria for the search.

true if member external status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getMemberExternalCriteria()
Retrieves the member external status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the member external status is a criteria to be used; the isMemberExternalCriteria() method can be used for that.

the member external status criteria for the search. If the member external status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the member external status is a criteria for the search, use the isMemberExternalCriteria() method.


public boolean isMembershipActiveCriteria()
Determines if membership active status is a criteria for the search.

true if membership active status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getMembershipActiveCriteria()
Retrieves the membership active status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the membership active status is a criteria to be used; the isMembershipActiveCriteria() method can be used for that.

the membership active status criteria for the search. If the membership active status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the membership active status is a criteria for the search, use the isMembershipActiveCriteria() method.


public boolean isMembershipAccessibleCriteria()
Determines if membership accessibility status is a criteria for the search.

true if membership accessibility status is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public boolean getMembershipAccessibleCriteria()
Retrieves the membership accessible status criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the membership accessible status is a criteria to be used; the isMembershipAccessibleCriteria() method can be used for that.

the membership accessible status criteria for the search. If the membership accessible status is not a criteria in the search, false is returned. To determine whether the membership accessible status is a criteria for the search, use the isMembershipAccessibleCriteria() method.


public boolean isMembershipCapabilityCriteria()
Determines if a membership capability is a criteria for the search.

true if a membership having (or not having) a particular capability is a criteria to be used, false otherwise.


public MembershipCapability getMembershipCapabilityCriteria()
Retrieves the membership capability criteria for the search, or null if no membership capability criteria exists. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the membership must have the specified capability or must not have the specified capability in order to be included; the getMembershipHasCapabilityCriteria() method may be used to determine that.

the membership capability criteria for the search, or null if no membership capability criteria exists.


public boolean getMembershipHasCapabilityCriteria()
Determines if a membership must have or must not have a particular capability (determinable through the getMembershipCapabilityCriteria() method) to be included. Note that it is not possible to determine from this method whether the membership capability is a criteria to be used; the isMembershipCapabilityCriteria() method can be used for that.

true if memberships must have the capability specified by the getMembershipCapabilityCriteria() method in order to be included, false otherwise.


public boolean isLastAccessBeforeCriteria()
Determines if the time a membership was last accessed before is a criteria for the search.

true if the time a membership was last accessed before is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public Date getLastAccessBeforeCriteria()
Retrieves the maximum time a membership was last accessed criteria for the search.

the maximum time a membership was last accessed criteria for the search, or null if no maximum last access time is a criteria in the search.


public boolean isLastAccessAfterCriteria()
Determines if the time a membership was last accessed after is a criteria for the search.

true if the time a membership was last accessed after is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public Date getLastAccessAfterCriteria()
Retrieves the minimum time a membership was last accessed criteria for the search.

the minimum time a membership was last accessed criteria for the search, or null if no minimum last access time is a criteria in the search.


public boolean isAccessRecordedCriteria()
Determines if the membership having an access recorded is a criteria for the search.

true if the membership having an access recorded is a criteria for the search, false if not.


public boolean getAccessRecordedCriteria()
Retrieves the access recorded criteria for the search. Note that it is not possible from this method to determine if access recorded is a criteria for the search; the isAccessRecordedCriteria() method may be used for that.

true if memberships must have a recorded last access time to be included in search results, false otherwise.


public boolean isJoinedBeforeCriteria()
Determines if the time a membership was created before is a criteria for the search.

true if the time a membership was created before is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public Date getJoinedBeforeCriteria()
Retrieves the maximum time a membership was created criteria for the search.

the maximum time a membership was created criteria for the search, or null if no maximum created time is a criteria in the search.


public boolean isJoinedAfterCriteria()
Determines if the time a membership was created after is a criteria for the search.

true if the time a membership was created after is a criteria to be used, false if not.


public Date getJoinedAfterCriteria()
Retrieves the minimum time a membership was created criteria for the search.

the minimum time a membership was created criteria for the search, or null if no minimum created time is a criteria in the search.


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object

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