Class BackingContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:
DesktopBackingContext, FooterBackingContext, HeaderBackingContext, MenuBackingContext, WindowBackingContext

public abstract class BackingContext
extends com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext

Context base class for controls that support a backing file. The control framework provides instances of subclasses of BackingContext during actions and in backing files.

See Also
Serialized Form

Method Summary
protected  void ensureCurrentLifecycleStageLegalForOperation(String operation, filter)
 List getChildrenBackingContexts()
          Returns a List of BackingContexts belonging to the children of the control this BackingContext represents that are BackableControls.
 BackingContext getParentBackingContext()
          Returns the BackingContext of the first ancestor that has one.
 Properties getParsedProperties()
          Get the extra properties of the component, if they exist.
 String getProperties()
          Get the extra properties string of the component, if it exists.
 String getProperty(String key)
          Get a property of the underlying component.
 String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue)
          Get a property of the underlying component, using the specified default if none exists.
 String getSendRedirectPath()
          Returns the redirect path if set, null otherwise.
 BackingContext getTopParentBackingContext()
          Returns the BackingContext of the upper most BackableControl in the tree.
 boolean isBackingPhase()
          Returns whether or not this is in the backing phase.
 boolean isVisible()
          Returns the value of the underlying control's visible attribute.
 void sendRedirect(String path)
          Redirects the client to the given path.
protected  void setBackingPhase(boolean backingPhase)
          Sets whether or not this is in the backing phase.
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          Set the visible flag on the underlying control.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean isVisible()

Returns the value of the underlying control's visible attribute.

a boolean, the value of the underlying control's visible attribute.


public void setVisible(boolean visible)
Set the visible flag on the underlying control. If the flag is set to true, the control will not be rendered. It will still run in the handlePostbackData and preRender lifecycles.

visible -


public BackingContext getParentBackingContext()

Returns the BackingContext of the first ancestor that has one.

the BackingContext of the first ancestor that is a BackableControl. If there are no BackableControls among the ancestors returns null.


public BackingContext getTopParentBackingContext()

Returns the BackingContext of the upper most BackableControl in the tree.

the BackingContext of the upper most ancestor that is a BackableControl. If there are no BackableControls among the ancestors returns null.


public List getChildrenBackingContexts()

Returns a List of BackingContexts belonging to the children of the control this BackingContext represents that are BackableControls. Note that this method returns BackingContexts belonging to the immediate children only; in other words it is not a "deep" list of the children.

List of BackingContext


public boolean isBackingPhase()

Returns whether or not this is in the backing phase. This method returns true during every lifecycle except render.

return true if we are in the backing phase of the lifecycle.


public void sendRedirect(String path)

Redirects the client to the given path. The path set should follow the same rules that apply to the sendRedirect method in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse. This method should only be called in the handlePostbackData method on a backing file. Note that the actual redirect happens after executing the handlePostbackData method on all backing files.

path - path


public String getSendRedirectPath()

Returns the redirect path if set, null otherwise.

redirect path


public String getProperties()
Get the extra properties string of the component, if it exists. This value may be null. Properties are formatted as in the following example:

      my-first-key: my-first-value; my-second-key: my-second-value;
Any number of properties may be in a properties string.

The control's extra properties, if set
See Also


public Properties getParsedProperties()
Get the extra properties of the component, if they exist. This value will not be null. The Properties class returned by this method is the parsed view of those from getProperties().

The control's extra properties, if set; an empty Properties instance if not
See Also


public String getProperty(String key)
Get a property of the underlying component. This is a convenience method. The key argument should not be null.

key - The property key
The value associated with the specified key, if it exists


public String getProperty(String key,
                          String defaultValue)
Get a property of the underlying component, using the specified default if none exists. This is a convenience method. The key argument should not be null.

key - The property key
defaultValue - The value to use if no value is found for the specified key
The value associated with the specified key, if it exists, or the default


protected void setBackingPhase(boolean backingPhase)

Sets whether or not this is in the backing phase.

backingPhase -


protected final void ensureCurrentLifecycleStageLegalForOperation(String operation,

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