Class DesktopBackingContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
          extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.application.backing.DesktopBackingContext
All Implemented Interfaces

public class DesktopBackingContext
extends BackingContext

The DesktopBackingContext is used to interact with the underlying Desktop control. This is the BackingContext for a Desktop. This BackingContext can only be referenced from a backing file. If you need to reference this from a JSP you should use DesktopPresentationContext instead.

To get a handle to the BackingContext just call the following:
DesktopBackingContext.getDesktopBackingContext(request); Note: most methods for retrieving child contexts do not work if called from the init() method of a backing file. This is because the portal tree has not been fully initialized. You may have to call the method from the preRender() or handlePostbackData method.

See Also
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class DesktopBackingContext.AsyncModeType
          Valid values for asyncMode attribute on the desktop element.
Field Summary
protected static String CLASS_NAME
Method Summary
 DesktopBackingContext.AsyncModeType getAsyncMode()
          Return the current async mode setting on the desktop.
 BookBackingContext getBookBackingContext()
          Retrieve the main book (top level) backing context.
 BookBackingContext getBookBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return a book searching the entire tree recursively.
 BookBackingContext[] getBookBackingContextsByMeta(MetaData[] metaData, int limit)
          Return a set of books matching the supplied metadata search criteria.
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          Get definition label as defined in the portal file.
static DesktopBackingContext getDesktopBackingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Obtain a reference to the current DesktopBackingContext in the request.
 PageBackingContext getDisplayedPageBackingContext()
          Return the last displayed page (not book).
 FooterBackingContext getFooterBackingContextRecursive()
          Return a reference to the Footer backing context if one exists.
 HeaderBackingContext getHeaderBackingContextRecursive()
          Return a reference to the Header backing context if one exists.
 LookAndFeelDefinitionId getLookAndFeelDefinitionId()
          Return the look and feel definition id.
 String getLookAndFeelDefinitionLabel()
          Return the look and feel definition label.
 PageBackingContext getPageBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return a book or a page but traverse the entire tree, this will go inside books that are on pages too.
 PageBackingContext[] getPageBackingContextsByMeta(MetaData[] metaData, int limit)
          Return a set of pages and books (books extend pages) matching the supplied metadata search criteria.
 PortletBackingContext getPortletBackingContextRecursive(String instanceLabel)
          Return the portlet backing context matching the supplied instance label.
 PortletBackingContext[] getPortletBackingContextsByMeta(MetaData[] metaData, int limit)
          Return a set of portlets matching the supplied metadata search criteria.
 PortletBackingContext[] getPortletsBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return portlet backing contexts matching the supplied definition label.
 String getTitle()
          Get the internationalized title for this desktop.
 boolean isAsyncModeDisabled()
          Is desktop asyncMode set to disabled for this request?
 boolean isAsyncModeEnabled()
          Is desktop asyncMode set to enabled for this request?
 boolean isDiscEnabled()
          Is the Desktop attribute discEnabled currently set to true? Disc is WLP's Dynamic Interface Scripting environment, a JavaScript framework for client-side development.
 boolean isDvtEnabled()
          Is the Desktop attribute dvtEnabled currently set to true? This flag enables or disables dynamic visitor tooling functionality.
 void setAsyncMode(DesktopBackingContext.AsyncModeType asyncMode)
          Set the async mode for this request.
 void setTitle(String title)
          Set a temporary value for the title.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
ensureCurrentLifecycleStageLegalForOperation, getChildrenBackingContexts, getParentBackingContext, getParsedProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getSendRedirectPath, getTopParentBackingContext, isBackingPhase, isVisible, sendRedirect, setBackingPhase, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String CLASS_NAME
Method Detail


public static DesktopBackingContext getDesktopBackingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

Obtain a reference to the current DesktopBackingContext in the request. Note: the DesktopBackingContext should only be obtained from a backing file. If you think you need this context from a JSP look at DesktopPresentationContext.

request - http servlet request.
a refence to the DesktopBackingContext or null if none exist.


public BookBackingContext getBookBackingContext()
Retrieve the main book (top level) backing context.

a reference to the main book backing context otherwise null if none exist.


public BookBackingContext getBookBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return a book searching the entire tree recursively. If you are interested in both books AND pages use getPageBackingContextRecursive() as that method returns both. Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

definitionLabel - of the book
the Book of interest or null if not found.


public BookBackingContext[] getBookBackingContextsByMeta(MetaData[] metaData,
                                                         int limit)
Return a set of books matching the supplied metadata search criteria. This method will search the entire tree looking for books with matching metadata and only stopping when the limit is reached. Meta data can be added to books by inserting <netuix:meta> tags into the body of the main book element. If you are interested in both books AND pages use getPageBackingContextsByMeta() as that method returns both.

metaData - contains the search criteria
limit - maximium number of items to return: 0 == no limit, 1 == first match , n == first n matches
a non null array of matching book backing contexts.


public PageBackingContext[] getPageBackingContextsByMeta(MetaData[] metaData,
                                                         int limit)
Return a set of pages and books (books extend pages) matching the supplied metadata search criteria. This method will search the entire tree looking for pages and books with matching metadata and only stoping when the supplied limit is reached. Meta data can be added to pages by inserting <netuix:meta> tags into the body of the main page element.

metaData - contains the search criteria
limit - maximium number of items to return: 0 == no limit, 1 == first match , n = first n matches
a non null array of matching page backing contexts.


public PortletBackingContext[] getPortletBackingContextsByMeta(MetaData[] metaData,
                                                               int limit)
Return a set of portlets matching the supplied metadata search criteria. This method will search the entire tree looking for portlets and books with matching metadata and only stoping when the supplied limit is reached. Meta data can be added to portlets by inserting <netuix:meta> tags into the body of the main portlet element.

metaData - contains the search criteria
limit - maximium number of items to return: 0 == no limit, 1 == first match , n = first n matches
a non null array of matching portlet backing contexts.


public PageBackingContext getPageBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return a book or a page but traverse the entire tree, this will go inside books that are on pages too. Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

definitionLabel -
pageBackingContext or (BookBackingContext if book) of the page or book with matching definition label.


public PortletBackingContext getPortletBackingContextRecursive(String instanceLabel)
Return the portlet backing context matching the supplied instance label. Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

instanceLabel - unique instance label of the portlet
a reference to the portlet's BackingContext if it exist otherwise null.


public PortletBackingContext[] getPortletsBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return portlet backing contexts matching the supplied definition label. Since many portlets can share the same definition label, more then one portlet can be returned. If you are interested in just one portlet then try getPortletBackingContextRecursive(String instanceLabel) Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

definitionLabel - label of the portlet
a non null array of PortletBackingContext.


public HeaderBackingContext getHeaderBackingContextRecursive()
Return a reference to the Header backing context if one exists.

a reference to the Header if one exists in the shell otherwise null.


public FooterBackingContext getFooterBackingContextRecursive()
Return a reference to the Footer backing context if one exists.

a reference to the Footer if one exists in the shell otherwise null.


public PageBackingContext getDisplayedPageBackingContext()

Return the last displayed page (not book). This method listens to Page Change events and remembers the last page that was activated in the Desktop. If no page changes have occurred then the first default page found will be returned.

Note: This method will only return the right results if called after the handlePostbackData method. Therefore, it is recommended that you call this methods from preRender.

last displayed PageBackingContext


public String getTitle()

Get the internationalized title for this desktop.

a non null title for this desktop.


public void setTitle(String title)

Set a temporary value for the title.


public String getDefinitionLabel()

Get definition label as defined in the portal file.


public LookAndFeelDefinitionId getLookAndFeelDefinitionId()

Return the look and feel definition id. This method will only work for streamed portals.

look and feel definition id or null if portal file.


public String getLookAndFeelDefinitionLabel()

Return the look and feel definition label.

look and feel definition label as defined by the developer.


public DesktopBackingContext.AsyncModeType getAsyncMode()
Return the current async mode setting on the desktop.

"enabled", "disabled", "compat_9_2";
See Also


public void setAsyncMode(DesktopBackingContext.AsyncModeType asyncMode)

Set the async mode for this request. Depending on the original state the following will occur:

Original StateNew StateEffect
enableddisabled The request will finish out and a redirect will be sent to the browser
as a JSON response. The redirect will be a regular post back but with a
special parameter informing the server not to perform javascript rewriting
of the URLs. The next request will not be an AJAX request as the URLs have
not been rewritten. subsequent requests will default back to asyncContent="enabled"
enabledcompat_9_2 The AJAX request will finish out and a redirect will be sent to the browser
as a JSON response. The redirect will be a regular post back but with a
special parameter informing the server to run in compatibility mode (compat_9_2). Under this mode all portlets with the attribute "asyncContent" set as ajax or iframe will perform a separate request. Subsequent requests will default back to asyncContent="enabled"
disabledenabled The full request will finish out as normal, however all links will then be
rewritten to perform AJAX request. All requests after that will be of type AJAX. The server will continue to act in AJAX mode until the mode is rest or a link is clicked which has not been rewritten
disabledcompat_9_2 The request will behave as in compat_9_2 mode just for that request. Under this mode all portlets with the attribute "asyncContent" set as ajax or iframe will perform a separate request. Subsequent requests will default back to asyncContent="disabled"
compat_9_2enabled Not Supported
compat_9_2disabled The request will behave as in disabled mode just for that request. Under this mode all portlets with the attribute "asyncContent" set as ajax or iframe will be ignored.

NOTE: This method must be called during the init lifecycle.

asyncMode - "disabled", "enabled, "compat_9_2"
See Also


public boolean isAsyncModeEnabled()
Is desktop asyncMode set to enabled for this request?

true is asyncMode equals "enabled"


public boolean isAsyncModeDisabled()
Is desktop asyncMode set to disabled for this request?

true is asyncMode equals "disabled"


public boolean isDiscEnabled()
Is the Desktop attribute discEnabled currently set to true? Disc is WLP's Dynamic Interface Scripting environment, a JavaScript framework for client-side development. Defaults to false if unset, but is enabled implicitly when either asyncMode or DVT is enabled.

true if Desktop attribute discEnabled is true.


public boolean isDvtEnabled()
Is the Desktop attribute dvtEnabled currently set to true? This flag enables or disables dynamic visitor tooling functionality. Defaults to false if unset.

true if Desktop attribute dvtEnabled is true.

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