Portal Framework Rendering
Tag customEventUrl


A convenience tag to create URLs to submit custom events. Use this tag to create links to create custom events. For more information, see the javadoc for com.bea.portlet.CustomEventURL.

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.bea.netuix.servlets.jsp.taglib.CustomEventURLTag
TagExtraInfo Classcom.bea.netuix.servlets.jsp.taglib.URLTagExtraInfo
Body ContentJSP
Display NameCustom Event Url

forcedAmpFormfalsetrue Forces the form of query separators used for this URL. This overrides the natural mechanisms for determining ampersand entity or character usage based on document type and/or configuration. If the value 'true' is used, then "&" will be the separator. If 'false' is used, then "&" will be the separator.
varfalsetrue The name of the variable to which the return value will be assigned. The return value is of type java.lang.String.
scopefalsetrue The scope in which the variable should live. Defaults to page scope. Valid values are "REQUEST", "SESSION", or "APPLICATION".
schemefalsetrue Valid values are "http" and "https". If not specified, uses the scheme that was used to make the request.
domainfalsetrue Server domain. If not specified, uses the domain that was used to make the request. If requests are made via a proxy, specify the domain of the proxy server.
portfalsetrue Server port. If not specified, uses the port from the request. If requests are made via a proxy, specify the port of the proxy server for the scheme used.
pathPrefixfalsetrue A prefix that will be applied to the URL template specified. The value is inserted into the {url:prefix} token in the URL template.
encodeSessionfalsetrue Encodes the URL to include session ID. Defaults to true.
eventNametruetrue The name of the custom event to be fired when this link is accessed.
templatefalsetrue Sets a URL template for this URL. URL templates should be specified in "beehive-url-template-config.xml" file in WEB-INF directory of the webapp. Defaults to "default".

No Variables Defined.

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