Portal Skeleton Rendering
Tag context


Sets up the context for a skeleton file. A page context attribute named by the "type" attribute will be initialized for the body of the tag. The actual type of the page context attribute will be the appropriate presentation context corresponding to the specified type; e.g. WindowPresentationContext for specified type of "windowpc".

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.bea.netuix.servlets.jsp.taglib.skeleton.Context
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameRendering Context

typetruefalse Name of presentation context attribute corresponding to appropriate Presentation Context instance. For example, specifying "windowpc" will cause the current WindowPresentationContext" to be used.

From attribute 'type'com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.PresentationContexttrueNESTED Scripting variable corresponding to page context attribute for specified type.

Output Generated by Tag Library Documentation Generator.

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