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Release Notes

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Release 7.0 with Service Pack 7

Before you install and use release 7.0, review the following information:


What's New

Domains configured to run WebLogic Portal applications can now be configured to use the WebLogic Security Service introduced in WebLogic Server 7.0. Multiple authentication providers may be used, although certain administrative tasks are restricted to a single provider. For more information, see Switching to a WebLogic 7.0 Security Framework Security Realm.


Migration Information

WebLogic Platform 7.0 service packs incorporate service pack updates for all Platform 7.0 components (WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Integration, WebLogic Portal and WebLogic JRockit).

If you developed applications using a prior version of the product, see for information on making your previous data and customization available to the 7.0 release and its service packs.



For information about installing WebLogic Portal 7.0 and its service packs, see the Installation Guide at


Required Database Configuration Changes

To find information about database configuration considerations, see "System Administration" in the Administration Guide at


Disclaimer Regarding Use of Integrations

Use of WebLogic Portal in connection to and operation of third-party software, services and applications is entirely at the user's risk. BEA Systems, Inc. disclaims all liability and responsibility for the operation, accuracy and results of such software, services and applications.


Location of Supported Platform Information

Information about the supported hardware and software platforms, and related certifications, is available in "Supported Platforms" at This information is updated as new platform certifications are completed. Refresh your browser cache to ensure you are viewing the latest content. The date of the file's last update is shown in the browser window's title bar.


Limitations Fixed

This section groups the known limitations that have been fixed for WebLogic Portal 7.0., 7.0 SP 1 - 7.0 SP 7. For more information, see the following sections:

Limitations Fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 7

No limitations were fixed for 7.0 Service Pack 7.

Limitations Fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 5 and 6

This section lists the limitations from previous versions of WebLogic Portal fixed in 7.0 Service Packs 5 and 6.

CR Number



Errors may be experienced using the calculate HTTPS feature in a portlet.


Limitations Fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 4

This section lists the limitations from previous versions of WebLogic Portal fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 4.

CR Number



Core dump creating customer profile with JIT enabled on AIX.


JVM crashes when many clients send page requests to a portal web application as soon as the server comes up.


RuleSetNotFoundException is thrown for domains that have no rule sets


Error when no group is selected logging into sampleportal


Errors in the script to start the migration viewer (


Error when no group is selected logging into sampleportal


"java.sql.SQLException: weblogic.common.ResourceException: Access not allowed" error is seen when migrating commercePool or customPool from WebLogic Portal 4.0 to WebLogic Portal 7.0, 7.0 Service Pack 1, 7.0 Service Pack 2, or 7.0 Service Pack 4.


Data Sync of a newly created discount throws DiscountParsingException


CreateManagedConnection Error: SQL Exception: No suitable device


sampleportal SQLException with Sybase


Unable to use multiple Webflow namespaces in a portlet


The web.xml file created by the Portal Wizard is malformed, resulting in a SAXParseException.


When a portal application is deployed as an ear file you cannot subsequently modify application-config.xml using the WebLogic Server 6.1 console.


WebLogic Portal now supports the WebLogic Server 7.0 security framework


Limitations Fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 2

This section lists the limitations from previous versions of WebLogic Portal fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 2.

CR Number



Concurrent portal cache access causes java.lang.NullPointerException.

CR78752 & CR62867

Socket Muxer problem from using native IO on NT.

CR78912 & CR82903

Broken link in the Portlet Wizard.


Baseportal webapp not fully configured for all portal services.


Hot Deploy fails with "Unable to add module" message.


Cannot untarget and retarget a datasource.


Unable to edit portal in a new project in the E-Business Control Center.


Data Sync progress bar displays less than 100% after completion.


Unable to hot deploy a portal web app to a Platform domain.


Limitations Fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 1

This section lists the limitations from previous versions of WebLogic Portal fixed in 7.0 Service Pack 1.

CR Number



Server terminates with weblogic.utils.AssertionError


WebLogic Portal Console extensions do not use the WebLogic Server Console language setting


During Data Sync, PointBase hangs with Multi-Byte Character Set data


Internationalization tags should detect updated resource bundle files.


Group portal names containing Multi-Byte Character Set data are not displayed properly.


Multi-Byte Character Set data is not properly handled by the Portal Wizard.


Portlet names containing Multi-Byte Character Set data are not properly encoded.


Webflow namespaces can not contain Multi-Byte Character Set data


Portal page names can not contain Multi-Byte Character Set data.


The <i18n:getMessage> tag does not use the default language set by the <i18n:localize> tag


International characters in portlet names causes a problem in the icon-url for the portlet.


Icon is not properly displayed when the portlet name contains Multi-Byte Character Set data.


create_db fails during generation of statistics (create_stats).


configjca echoes the incorrect driver name for Oracle.


Cannot maximize or minimize portlets whose name contains Multi-Byte Character Set data.


Layouts are not displayed in the Admin Tools for portal pages whose name contains Multi-Byte Character Set data.


Cannot edit portlets for portal pages whose name contains Multi-Byte Character Set data.


Limitations Fixed in 7.0

This section lists the limitations from previous versions of WebLogic Portal fixed in 7.0

CR Number



The TransposeArray ID is not recognized.


Shopping Cart Contents are lost in a clustered environment when the user logs in for the first time.


Session TimeOut received under a cluster environment.


Hot Deploy doesn't work for EJBs in weblogic.class.path.


Bulk loader throws a StackOverflowError exception.


DBCS E-mail is distorted in the preview area of the E-Business Control Center.


Warning messages about EJB redeployment.


Loadsampledata stops server with a Personalization or Commerce license.


PipelineSession request-scoped attributes do not work with HTML frames and they do not work if a client has two browsers hitting the same WebLogic Commerce Server application.


HTML Email is not sent correctly.


Static portlets with htm/html extensions are not displayed in portal.


HTML files cannot be portlets in the exampleportal.


A new event cannot be saved.


Oracle 8.1.7/Win2K loadSampleData.bat problem.


In the web.xml file WLCS_STATIC_ROOT parameter server value is hardcoded.


System doesn't deal with welcome file in tools, toolSupport, etc. for Web applications.


Behavior tracking persistence should be application-scoped.


System does not work with WebLogic Server LDAP Realm v2.


32K data size limitation on discounts2.xml.


Maxing-out property set definition character limit behaves in an odd manner.


Exception handling for sample applications does not work in cluster.


The user is not given the opportunity to correct incorrect username/password for a given connection in Connection Settings.


Portal exceptions will not work in a cluster.


A copy of a portal application does not use welcome files.


LDAP Edit Group Admins authorization causes an error.


Display Flush Size is not applied to a server until the server is restarted.


The portal server fails to start after LoadSampleData.bat is run with an Oracle database defined with a multi-byte character set.


Attempting to access Personalization sample WebApp using startP13n.bat returns a 404 error.


A database deadlock occurs when multiple users logout simultaneously on NT using Oracle 8.1.7.


A search for subgroups returns a group not found message.


Implementation delegate needs to be created for JdbcHelper to allow CLOB/BLOB read/write using db-specific extensions to JDBC spec.


There is no migration for CommerceInputProcessor.getPipelineSession(req,true).


IllegalArgumentException thrown while using new layouts in portalTools.


The portlets directory name is case sensitive. Sample XML portlets are not displayed in Explorer.


CLOB database inserts/updates do not work with Oracle THIN driver and Delegates.


In JSP Administration Tools the floatable attribute is missing for the portlet.


The stockportal login select group should not show every group with other member groups.


There is a problem with build and start in WebLogic Commerce Server. There is a webflow error due to a null for webapp.


CTRL-M is added to multi-line properties in non-Windows OS.


There is a definition of SQL Server 2000 classes in the set-environment.bat file.


The browser Back button causes problems with the webflow form tag.


The database create_all scripts do not process triggers.




The file on Linux does not set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly.


On Solaris DB2, changing the minimizable attribute of a portlet returns an exception.


Hot deploy of input processors breaks the Web application until it is redeployed.


The floatable attribute is missing


In stockportal a classcast exception is received when the Multiple Group box is selected.


Modifying and syncing E-Business Control Center Tour1 and Tour2 causes errors with because of StartPortal's malformed XML.


An item cannot be added to the shopping cart.


Multi-byte characters in file names corrupts the database.


If there is a user in more than one group a java.lang.ClassCastException occurs while logging in to stockportal.


The E-Business Control Center can get in a state where the Explorer will not return due to an expired license.


Syncing to a UTF-8 Oracle database prevents the portal server from starting.


<um:createUser saveAnonymous="true"> does not work


There is a performance problem in RDBMSRealm with the RDBMSDelegate getUser() and getGroupMembers()


Servlet filters are throwing a "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to extract ServletContext from Request."


There is an HPUX11-Sybase 12 jConnect5.2/Segment Integration problem.


THIN settings are not in the set-env and files.


In AIX433-DB2 7.2 Native there is a problem with creating a new user.


The webflow:validatedForm tag needs extra parameters.


A file path reference in is incorrect and prevents skins from displaying.


WebflowJSPHelper produces a double question mark for redirect URLs.


The Display Flush Size is not applied to server until server is restarted.


Linux 7.2 - Sybase 1192 have a java.lang.OutOfMemory Exception problem.


Users are unable to target ApplicationConfiguration from the console.


A PersistenceException is received, when syncing the E-Business Control Center from Solaris to a server with a SQL2000 database.


ClassCastException String to


scc files created by Visual Source Safe are not ignored, especially by validation.



Known Limitations and Workarounds in 7.0

This section groups the known limitations and workarounds for WebLogic Portal 7.0 issues by product area.

For more information, see the following sections:

E-Business Control Center Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds stemming from issues involving the E-Business Control Center. In addition to the following table, see the following sub sections for more information:

Portal and Portlet Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds for portal and portlet issues within the E-Business Control Center.

Table 2 Portal and Portlet Known Limitations and Workarounds  


Deleting a portlet in the E-Business Control Center does not remove it from the portal configuration.


Deleting a portlet from your file system, outside the E-Business Control center or the explorer pane within the E-Business Control Center, does not update any open portal editor windows in the E-Business Control Center that contain the deleted portlet.




Close the portal editor window and reopen it for that portal to view the updated portal definition. It will no longer show the deleted portlet as part of the portal.




Users are required to reboot the server for Web Service Portlet Wizard changes to appear.


If you redeploy an application without rebooting the server, the portal does

not pick up any new .jar files in WEB-INF/lib directory.




Redeploy the Web application from WebLogic Server Console. This method works for all Web applications except sampleportal, which is shipped with WebLogic Portal. You must reboot the server for changes made in Portlet Wizard to appear for sampleportal.


Portlet Wizard is unable to retrieve an operation if browse feature retrieves a WSDL file with a long directory name.


When adding a Web Service to a portlet in the portlet wizard, and browsing to a WSDL file, the operation is unretrievable if the directory is longer than 255 characters.




Reduce the directory name length to 255 characters or less.


Web Services Portlet Wizard .jar file names must be unique.


If a .jar file used by a Web services portlet, created by Portlet Wizard, does not have a unique file name, an exception will occur.




Make sure all .jar file names used in a Web services portlet are unique.


Unable to select an operation from a different Web service after WebLogic Server clientgen fails on another.


In the Web Services window of the Web Services Portlet Wizard, if users select Web services that cause WebLogic Server clientgen to fail, users can not choose another valid Web service and operation. All operations from that point forward are greyed out.




Close the Web Services Portlet Wizard and start the wizard again.


Problems occur when a portal Web application is selected as the default Web application.


When a portal Web application is selected as the default Web application, the following problems occur:




The portal Web application must be deployed under the same DNS domain that the

portal administration application is deployed.


If a referenced web services WSDL cannot be accessed or is unavailable for one portlet, a user cannot access the entire portal Web application.


If a portlet JSP throws exceptions, user may not be able access the entire portal Web application.




Handle the exceptions in the portlet. For more information, see "Adding an Exception Transition" in the Development Guide at See also CR076399.


All applications should use common cookie names across Web applications if single sign-on is desired.


The weblogic.xml files for each Web application must have a common cookie name for forwarding to work correctly across Web applications.




To use a single cookie session ID across Web applications:

Change the CookieName session parameter in each Web application weblogic.xml file to the same parameter name.

For example:


See also CR044788.


Hot deploy status messages from the portal wizard maybe be garbled when using a non-English system locale


When using some non-English locales (such as Japanese) with the E-Business Control Center, the messages in the "Details" window of the Hot Deployment dialog box may include random strings of garbled characters.




These messages do not affect the hot deployment, and can be ignored.


Cannot access any web applications during hot deploy in the portal wizard


During the process of hot deploying a new Web application through the E-Business Control Center, there is a moment when the previously deployed Web applications belonging to the same domain might not be accessible. You will receive an Internal Server 500 error.

This happens because hot deployment is redeploying the entire enterprise application. As a result, modules will be inaccessible for a moment until hot deployment has finished.




Wait for hot deployment to complete and then refresh the browser for an existing Web application. The Web application will then reappear.


Cannot consecutively hot deploy to two different domains in the portal wizard


After creating two domains with the Domain Configuration Wizard, if you hot deploy a portal Web application in the first domain and then deploy a portal Web application in the second domain, the hot deploy fails in the second domain. In addition, the information in the hot deploy log says that the hot deploy was completed successfully, which is incorrect.




Before switching to a different domain, restart the E-Business Control Center. This will avoid the problem with hot deploying Web applications in different domains.


Cannot retry after a failed hot deploy in the portal wizard


When using the Portal Wizard in the E-Business Control Center to hot deploy a web application, if the web application fails to deploy for some reason, e.g., the server was not running, or an invalid username/password was entered, there is no way to retry the deployment. You must either restart the Portal Wizard and create a new portal, or manually deploy the new portal web application.





CR082251 and CR075661

Portals fail to be listed if the description includes:&,<..>


Using special characters, such as <, >, &, #, etc., in the names of portals, portlets, and portal pages may trigger errors in the E-Business Control Center and the Portal Admin Tools.




To rename portals named with special characters, edit the .portal file using a text editor and remove the special characters. To avoid errors associated with portal pages and portlets with non-alpha characters in their names, always name portal pages and portlets using only letters, numbers, and/or the "_" (underscore) character.


Portal Development and Administration Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds involving general portal administration issues.

Table 3 Portal Development and Administration Known Limitations and Workarounds  


A large number of personalized portals prevents server from starting.


A datasync process occurs on WebLogic Portal server startup which sync's data from a master portal copy in the database to all personalized portals. When a large amount of personalized portals (group portals and user customized portals) exist in the database, this can be a lengthy process updating all these entries. Server startup time will increase as the number of personalized portals increase..




A new switch was added to bypass the sync that occurs on server startup:


When running datasync from EBCC, a full sync is done moving changes from the EBCC files to the master copy of the portal in the database, and to all personalized portals made from that master copy. At this point all personalized portals are up-to-date and the sync on server startup is not needed. If using this flag and you are unsure if the changes in EBCC are current, re-run the manual synchronization process.

Note: When in a clustered environment, datasync should be run with all cluster nodes active. With -DpropagatePortalChanges="false" set, this is necessary because otherwise the managed servers may not be updated with the latest datasync information.


Requirement to have separate cookie names for the session per Web application.


The sample applications for WebLogic Portal are shipped with unique cookie names configured for each Web application in the weblogic.xml descriptor, because these sample applications do not use or require the single-user sign-on feature. In this configuration, if you are using a proxy server, you will need to modify its plug-in's settings because they are normally only aware of a single cookie.




Configure the plug-ins to do proxy by path. For example:

ppath=*/webapp1/* => set CookieName="foo"
ppath=*/webapp2/* => set CookieName="bar"

Currently, you can do this in the NSAPI plug-in easily by defining multiple objects. In ISAPI you can achieve this by defining virtual directories and pointing them to different iisproxy.ini files having different CookieNames. Currently you cannot do this in Apache because it does not allow you to overwrite CookieNames. See also CR079919.


Creating users of type wlcs_customer with missing required property values in the administration tools causes template errors at login.


When creating a user of type wlcs_customer with the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools, if you do not fill in values for all required properties, you receive errors in the template when you log in with that user.




Create users of wlcs_customer type by logging into the templates using registration rather than using the administration tools. If you prefer to use the administration tools, enter values for all required user properties (fields marked with an asterisk *).


Users logging into the Weblogic Commerce Server app experience unexpected behavior if they are not in the "wlcs_customer" group.


The WebLogic Commerce Server sample application uses a security-constraint in WEB-INF/web.xml to specify form-based authentication for the "login" link in the WebLogic Commerce Server sample application. The security-constraint is configured to allow access only to members of the CustomerRole (wlcs_customer group).

When a valid user who is not a member of wlcs_customer group attempts to log then, they will experience successful authentication, but will not be authorized to access the protected resources in the WebLogic Commerce Server sample app. This situation should be treated as an authentication failure, but it was not prior to 7.0 SP2.




This was fixed in Service Pack 2 by adding Authentication.logout() to the form-error-page (badlogin.jsp). This change causes all authentication data to be removed from the session so that the login attempt is treated as an authentication failure.


Administrator users deleted in user management still appear in portal tools.


Admin tables are not updated when you remove a user outside of the Portal Administration tools.




You must remove admin users using the Portal Administration tools before you remove them from the User Management tool.See also CR079253.


There is a need to change the default httpsInd attribute of the webflow url creation tags.


If the httpsInd attribute of the webflow url creation tags is not specified then a default value is used. It may be desirable to specify this default value.




    1. Open the web.xml file for your portal web application in a text editor.

    2. Add the following context parameter:

the desired default value. See the docs for the
weblfow url creation tags for more information on the
possible values


An exception is received when a Web service is unavailable.


If a Web service is unavailable at runtime, the portlet will throw an exception.




Add some type of error handling to your .jsp files by catching the exception in your generated portlet. See also CR079395.


Hitting browser refresh after creating a user causes an error indicating the user already exists.


When a new user is created for the first time in a portal, and the browser refresh is clicked to refresh the data on the page, the user is returned to the user login page with the message "user already exist". This is because the url is still in the browser that created the user. If you refresh the browser, it attempts to create the user again, resulting in the error.




A flag in UserProcessor process( ) method can be set to redirect the user after the webflow reaches the postProcessor in the portal webflow. The portal webflow will need to change to direct the success event from the postProcessor to a new InputProcessor which detects if a redirect has been flagged.

If not, this InputProcessor will continue to the portal presentation node. If the flag has been set, it will forward to a new redirect presentation node which in turn redirects the user to the context root. Please contact support if you require this workaround.


"Unable to find DocumentConnectionPool" message during startup


On servers where service configuration MBeans exist in application-config.xml but the server is not targeted, an exception similar to the following is displayed: weblogic.ejb20.WLDeploymentException: Unable to find DocumentConnectionPool 'default' configuration MBeanjavax.ejb.CreateException: Unable to find DocumentConnectionPool 'default' configuration MBean. This error will also occur if the DocumentManager EJB is configured to use a DocumentConnectionPool that hasn't been configured in the application-config.xml.




Use the Console to verify that the application's Service Configuration is targeted correctly, and make sure a DocumentConnectionPool MBean exists with the correct name.




Classpath changes are necessary for using WebLogic Builder with WebLogic Portal.


The WebLogic Builder tool from the WebLogic Server requires classpath insertions to use it against any WebLogic Portal EJBs.




    1. Open the \server\bin\startWLBuilder.cmd file for edit.

    2. Enter the following information in the script after JAVA_HOME is set:

call %WL_HOME%\portal\bin\win32\set-environment.bat

set P13N_EJB=%PORTAL_LIB%\p13n\ejb

set PORTAL_EJB=%PORTAL_LIB%\portal\ejb







Prior to Service Pack 4, group administrators who are deleted from entire system still appear in admin and admin eligible lists.


Users who are granted delegated admin capabilities and who are then deleted from the entire system via Portal User Management still appear in admin lists.




This was fixed in 7.0 SP4. If you are using an older version, copy the new choose_user.jsp and files into your portal tools web application. This does not change the behavior of the user manager tools, which still allow you to delete any user. If the user manager tools (instead of the portal manager tools) are used to delete a delegated administrator then the portal manager tools should be used to "clean up" the user's delegated admin privileges by using the "Remove Administrator" button for this user. See also CR060948.


Placeholders with relative links do not work when the proxy uses a prefix for the web application


Placeholders rendered from campaigns are using relative links. Any relative links that are generated in a Web application will not be properly displayed if a prefix for the proxy is set.




This problem can be fixed by changing the service configuration in your proxy. For example, when using the iPlanet proxy, edit the obj.conf file. Find the <Object name="default"> section and insert the following service method below the NameTrans entries:
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" fn="wl_proxy"


Sampleportal uses deprecated security-principal-map tag


The BlackBoxNoTx JCA connector used in sampleportal makes use of the deprecated security-principal-map JCA deployment descriptor tag to store security credentials. This results in the following warning on startup:

<m2Server> <main> <kernel identity> <> <190065> <Deprecated element

security-principal-map used for BlackBoxNoTx - Application: BlackBoxNoTx,

Module: BlackBoxNoTx, EIS Type: JDBC Database.>

The security-principal-map tag was deprecated in favor of storing the information in WebLogic Server's embedded LDAP server. Unfortunately there is no way to provide this information at installation time with the sample. Customers would have to configure the security credentials through the WebLogic Server administration console themselves. For this reason it was decided to leave the deprecated element in place.




If you want the warning message to go away, you can use the following procedure to configure embedded LDAP with the security credentials:

    1. Remove the security-principal-map weblogic-ra.xml in BlackBoxNoTx.rar.

    2. Start the server.

    3. Ignore error messages coming from BlackBoxNoTx.rar.

    4. Go to the WebLogic Server administration console.

    5. Go to Deployments/Connectors/BlackBoxNoTx.rar.

    6. Right-click BlackBoxNoTx.rar.

    7. Choose CredMaps from the menu.

    8. Create a new CredMap using your DB username and password as the Remote UserCredMap and Remote Password: User=your DB username.

    9. Right-click again on BlackBoxNoTx.rar and choose RoleMaps from the menu.

    10. Create a new RoleMap with WLSUser=weblogic_ra_default and Remote User=your DB username.

    11. Create a new role map with WLSUser=weblogic_ra_initial and Remote.

    12. Restart the server.



Sybase 12.5 SWR 10235 does not work with WLP 7.0.


Data sync fails with a duplicate key violation.




Both Sybase 12.5 GA and 10573 do not display this problem. It has only been reproduced on SWR 10235. Therefore do not use SWR 10235 with WebLogic Portal 7.0 Service Pack 2.


OutOfMemoryError when hundreds of thousands of items are placed in the shopping cart.


com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.internal.PriceServiceImpl throws an OutOfMemoryError when there are too many items in the shopping cart. This applies to both the number of line items and the number of product items in a particular line item.




Constrain the maximum number of line items and total items in your shopping cart and the saved list. As of Service Pack 4, the WebLogic Commerce Server and e2e examples were modified to add a class with constants that set the maximum number of line items and total items.

The following PipelineComponent and InputProcessor classes were modified to use the new constraints: AddProductItemToShoppingCartPC, MoveProductItemToSavedListPCImpl, MoveProductItemToShoppingCartPCImpl, and UpdateShoppingCartQuantitiesIP. The source code is included with the WebLogic Commerce Server and e2e examples.

In addition, messages were added to to be used when the constraints are exceeded.


Searching for subgroups in the Admin Tools returns "group not found."


In User Management, searching for a subgroup results in a "group not found" message.




None; subgroups can only be displayed by expanding the parent group.


In the wlcs sample, errors can occur if you delete customers and use the order service


If you delete a customer you may see the following error while using the order management JSP tools:

com.beasys.commerce.bridge.bmp.RowNotFoundException : Row not found for query
WLCS_CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER_ID = ?/ for class or Pk
/com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.customer.CustomerDelegateImpl/ with primary key /{2}/.

Or the order management JSP administration tools will indicate that the customer ID for the order could not be found.




If you delete a customer you must purge or archive the order history for that customer. Otherwise you may receive exceptions when accessing the order containing the deleted customer.


"localhost" is configured for sample tax and payment services


In the WebLogic Commerce Server Sample Application, an error occurs after clicking on the Use button for the Shipping Address or Credit Card Payment if you are not using localhost (for example, in a cluster).




Change the WSDL setting for the Tax Calculator WSDL and the Payment Web Service WSDL in the WebLogic Server Console to direct requests to the applicable machine name, or to the proxy in a cluster. This is done by navigating to the wlcsApp web application in the Console, then selecting Service Configurations.


Compilation errors with new web services portlets


Compilation errors such as "cannot resolve symbol" may occur when you first access a newly created web service portlet created by the Portlet Wizard.

For example:

C:\bea\weblogic700\samples\portal\sampleportalDomain\sampleportalServer\.wlnotdelete\sampleportal_sampleportal_1538809\jsp_servlet\_portlets\_test_45_ws\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class CATrafficService_Impl
location: package sdl_CATrafficService
sdl_CATrafficService.CATrafficService_Impl p_sdl_CATrafficService_CATrafficService_
Impl = new
sdl_CATrafficService.CATrafficService_Impl(); //[ /portlets/test-ws/content.jsp; Line: 9]




Restart your server. Because .jar files placed in a web application's WEB-INF\lib directory are not recognized until the server is restarted, compilation errors may occur in content.jsp or other JSPs generated by the Portlet Wizard if they reference classes in .jar files newly created by the Portlet Wizard.


JSPs recompile when portal is restarted.


If you change the JSPs in the Administration Tools or Data Sync web applications, JSPs may be recompiled each time the server starts.




If you change any JSP pages in your tools or datasync web applications then you should set the workingDir jsp-param in your WEB-INF/weblogic.xml deployment descriptor to avoid recompilation of the JSP page after every server restart. For example,






Empty ServiceConfiguration after adding a new portal application via the WLS console.


After adding a new portal application into a domain via the WLS console, the newly added application will have an empty ServiceConfiguration, even though the application-config.xml file exists in the META-INF directory.




In order for the newly added portal application to pick up the ServiceConfiguration, do the following:

    1. Shut down the server via the WLS console.

    2. Open the config.xml file for the domain.

    3. Find the "Application" element of the newly added portal application, and add:
    <ApplicationConfiguration Name="NEW_PORTAL_APP_NAME" Targets="PORTAL_SERVER"

    as a child element.

    4. Save the modified config.xml file.

    5. Restart the server.


Implementation of an 'IN' operator for content selection queries


Prior to 7.0 SP4, The content management framework did not support an IN comparator for content queries. You could not write a content selector like this: is in MYPROPERTYSET.myMultiValuedProperty.




Prior to 7.0 SP4, the content management system did not support a query like this: IN {'aa', 'bb', 'cc'}

The default configuration of the framework handles content queries involving Collections by comparing the CONTENT property to only the first member of the Collection, like this:

An enhancement in 7.0 SP4 allows you to create an 'equals' content query against a Collection and it will "or" the query to simulate an "IN" query like this:

This enhancement also allows you to create a 'not equals' content query against a Collection and it will "and" the query to simulate a "NOT IN" query like this:

The default behavior of this enhancement is the original behavior, for backward compatibility. To enable the simulation of IN queries through this "or" mechanism, the enhancement must be enabled by setting collectionContentQueriesAllowed=false in the new com/bea/p13n/content/ file in p13n_util.jar.

The E-Business Control Center has a new check box on the panel that is used to create queries. It has the label: "Allow simulation of 'is in' comparison using 'is equal to". Check this box to allow single value properties to be compared to multivalue properties.

If you check this checkbox without making the change on your server to set collectionContentQueriesAllowed=false in the new com/bea/p13n/content/ file in p13n_util.jar, an IN comparator will be simulated by comparing the single value property only to the first member of the multivalued collection of the multivalue property.

If you do set collectionContentQueriesAllowed=true, the query will be built to "or" the query to simulate an "IN" query as described above.


java.util.NoSuchElementException is found when using Pointbase 4.2 with Portal 7.x.


The SQL for V_ORPHAN_ITEM_ORDER does not work with Pointbase 4.2 due to a Pointbase bug. This bug has been fixed by Pointbase in later versions, but Portal 7.0 does not use the later Pointbase versions. This error can be seen when browsing uncategorized items in the catalog (java.util.NoSuchElementException).


Pointbase 4.2.


Assign new items in the catalog to a category or switch to another supported database.

Note: PointBase is a pure-Java relational database management system that BEA includes with WebLogic Platform to allow you to run code samples. It is supported only for the design, development, and verification of applications; it is not supported for production server deployment. A special PointBase production license must be obtained for use in a production environment.


Cannot sync a new project against an existing enterprise application.


If a new Web application is built in a new project (in a different directory) and hot deployed, future modification/addition of features to the Web application and sync brings the portal to an inconsistent state, and sampleportalTools does not work. This problem occurs when you sync a new project against an existing enterprise application. The new project does not contain all of the existing enterprise applications files. Specifically, some of the webflow-related files are missing. Once the project is synced to the server, the server removes some of the existing enterprise application files and the application stops working properly.




This is an unsupported configuration. By doing this the user is getting part of the sample portal application instead of the entire application. The E-Business Control Center and other tools cannot know about all of the files that an enterprise application is dependent on.


Usage of "stockQuantities" and "stockSymbols" property in "investor" sample user profile


The "stockQuantities" and "stockSymbols" properties of "Investor" user profile are unrestricted multiple text value, but no documents describe what's the valid format of text value. Invalid format value will cause a runtime error shown on portal page.




"stockQuantities" property expects a name-value pair as single value, with format of <StockSymbol>=<Quantity> e.g. BEAS=100. Multiple such name-value pairs are allowed as this property value by adding one at a time. "stockSymbol" property expects a stock symbol name e.g. BEAS. Multiple such symbols are allowed as this property value by adding one at a time. These two properties are used by "Portfolio" portlet.


Creating user with same name as group causes unexpected results


If the same value is used for a user name and a group name, you may experience an exception: com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.UserManagementException: "User <username> was not found".




To prevent the creation of a user name and a group name with the same name, add the following system property to your start script: -D"com.bea.p13n.RestrictSameNameForUsrAndGroup=true"

The default behavior is not changed if the system property "com.bea.p13n.RestrictSameNameForUsrAndGroup" is not defined. This fix only
applies to Compatibility Mode for 7.0 SP4 and later.


Enhancement to LdapPropertyManager to allow configuration of multiple LDAP servers for UUP property retrieval


7.0 SP4 added an enhancement that allows the custom UUP for retrieving LDAP properties to be configured to obtain properties from multiple LDAP servers. This is not possible without this change because the originally released code used static variables to store the DirContext used to bind to the LDAP server.




As of 7.0 SP4, this solution allows a user to deploy multiple LdapProfileManager EJBs.The only difference between the deployments is:

See the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor in ldapprofile.jar for details.


Portlet Positions Can Be Lost


After the administrator adds portlets or changes the attributes of portlets on a page (i.e. making a portlet visible), the users' positioning of portlets on that page can be lost.




After making changes to portlet attributes, the administrator should save the portlet positions for the page on which the edited portlets exist in the administration tools.


Customizing the persistence code for Behavior Tracking


By default, the Behavior Tracking feature will output Event objects as XML, and persist the XML to a database. To give developers more control over this process, the ability to implement a custom persistence mechanism has been added in 7.0 SP4.




Developers may implement the com.bea.p13n.tracking.persistence.Persister interface, and deploy their custom class within their enterprise application (within an EJB JAR file).

Next, the Behavior Tracking section of the WebLogic Server console has been enhanced in 7.0 SP4 to allow the developer to specify the full path of their Persister implementation class. Upon completion of these steps, the Behavior Tracking Event objects will be given to the custom Persister implementation for persistence.


The CustomerPropertyManager excessively loads the Customer entity EJB.


The excessive entity EJB loads occur because the CustomerPropertyManager does not check the "entityPropertyCache" for implicit property values before loading the Customer entity EJB.




Note: As of 7.0 SP4, caching was added in CustomerPropertyManager bean to avoid excessive use of the Customer entity EJB. The direct use of CustomerPropertyManager.getPropertyAsString() is not recommended because it loads the Customer entity EJB when checking for implicit properties. The best way to get the functionality of this method is to use the ProfileWrapper or the <um:getPropertyAsString> JSP tag, which use CustomerPropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyLocator loc, String pSetName, String pName), which has been modified by this patch to use the "entityPropertyCache.

You should not GET explicit properties from the CustomerPropertyManager (which is usually accessed via the ProfileWrapper or the <um:getProfile> JSP tag). Use a CustomerValue object. You can cache this or maintain it in your session to avoid repeated loading of the Customer EJB.

Note: Do not use CustomerPropertyManager.getProperty(String customerName, String pSetName, String pName) to get implicit properties. This method loads the Customer entity EJB. Instead, use CustomerPropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyLocator loc, String pSetName, String pName), which has been modified by this patch to use the "entityPropertyCache". The proper method is accessed via the ProfileWrapper and the <um:getProperty> tag.


Data sync errors


Data sync occasionally fails with the following errors.

The data sync client (running Windows) reports: socket write error (code=10055)

The server reports a caused by something like:


The element type "description" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</description>"




Retry the data sync. It may be necessary to reboot the machine.


Provide an API to clear all ContentCache within a JVM


The content JSP tags use the ContentCache mechanism for performing its caching in addition to the p13n.Cache mechanism used by CM system.

There currently is no way to clear session or application scoped ContentCache while server is running. For 24x7 operations, the CM system will at times be updated, content JSP tags uses session or application scoped ContentCache will continue delivering stale contents.




7.0 SP4 introduced a new API flush() in com.bea.p13n.content.ContentCache class to instruct refresh content cache. In order to minimize the performance impact, this solution uses lazy-binding to defer the flushing of content cache until next time access.

The new API only affects session and application scoped content cache, page and request scope caches are automatically expired after each page/request finished.

In cluster environment with session replication, this API need to be called for each managed node/JVM deployed to clear all content caches in session scope.


Intermittent problems using the WebLogic Commerce Server sample domain with Pointbase version 42ECF183.


Pointbase version 42ECF183 has several problems which may lead to apparent hangs and session timeouts when portal applications service requests. In addition, this Pointbase version may cause Pointbase Internal Errors during data sync.


Pointbase version 42ECF183.


It is recommended that this version of Pointbase not be used with Portal 7.0.

Note: PointBase is a pure-Java relational database management system that BEA includes with WebLogic Platform to allow you to run code samples. It is supported only for the design, development, and verification of applications; it is not supported for production server deployment. A special PointBase production license must be obtained for use in a production environment.


Possible recursion problems in your webflow resulting in java.lang.StackOverflowError.


As a side effect of the fact that portlet webflows are now namespace aware (with the release of SP4) there is the possibility of a recursion problem in existing webflows particularly if they are based on pre-7.0 SP4 WebLogic Portal samples. See full description in Additional Information About CR109615.




In general avoid portlet webflows that have paths to the portal namespace. At minimum update all portal/portlet webflows based on the pre-7.0 SP4 samples to have their own error node, using \framework\error\error.jsp, so the portlet webflow does not end up in the portal namespace. Review your webflows with this information in mind for other cases where recursion might occur.


Add the ability to disable getRemoteHost() and getRemoteAddr() when loading a P13N Request


Instantiation of a com.bea.p13n.http.Request can be slow when a reverse DNS lookup on the client's network is slow.




In Portal 7.0 SP5, a file was created to allow a developer to disable the loading of the results of HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() and HttpServletRequest.getRemoteHost() into the p13n request. The default configuration is to disable both of these methods by using com/bea/p13n/http/ in property.jar. The ability to disable the loading of getRemoteAddr() was included in this change because it has the potential to open a socket to the client's machine under some circumstances.

If you disable getRemoteAddr() and/or getRemoteHost() then you cannot write rules that use these request properties ("Remote Address", "Remote Host"). Also, you cannot write custom code (for instance, in a PipelineComponent) that calls these methods on a request.

This changes the default behavior for Portal 7.0, so here is some additional information to help developers who are depending on the original behavior. There will be no problem if the developer implements the required changes to the settings in to get the original behavior:



calls to getRemoteHost() and getRemoteAddr() for com.bea.p13n.http.Request will always return null if getRemoteAddr() and getRemoteHost() are disabled:



The most likely use of com.bea.p13n.http.Request in a develper's custom code would be in a webflow PipelineComponent.

Any rule based on the request properties "Remote Address" or "Remote Host" would be evaluated with null values for these properties if getRemoteHost() and getRemoteAddr() are disabled.

To see whether or not the getRemoteHost() and getRemoteAddr() methods are disabled, you can turn on debug for com.bea.p13n.http.Request and watch for this in your server console std out or log:

initialized DISABLE_GET_REMOTE_ADDR: true

initialized DISABLE_GET_REMOTE_HOST: true


Performance can be optimized for portals that have a very large number of users and/or groups.


Optimizations are included for retrieving a list of users in the Portal Administration Tools (CR168362), logging into a portal when the user has access to a large number of group portals (CR129253), and performing wildcard searches for users (CR124867). Any calls to the following methods in the GroupManager and UserManager EJBs are affected.


public List getGroupNamesForUser( String username ) throws RemoteException

public String getParentGroupName( String groupname ) throws RemoteException

public List getUsernamesForGroup( String groupname, String searchExpression, int limit ) throws RemoteException


public List getUserNames(String searchExpression, int limit) throws RemoteException


All platforms using the RDBMSRealm.


Use the new RDBMSPerformanceRealm instead of the RDBMSRealm. However, there are two caveats to using this new custom realm. First, the FileRealm will no longer be available to the portal. This means that any users or groups that WebLogic Portal needs must be placed exclusively in the database. Second, when using the Pointbase database, a call to GroupManager's getUsernamesForGroup(String groupname, String searchExpression, int limit) or UserManager's getUserNames(String searchExpression, int limit) will return values only once. This is a known Pointbase bug (CR076215). Pointbase is not supported for production server deployment.

To use this new realm, change the RealmClassName attribute of the RDBMSRealm node in config.xml to be "".

For example:





Portal Scalability Enhancement for WebLogic Portal 7.0 Service Pack 5


Portal Scalability Enhancement (PSE) enables a very large number of WebLogic Portal resources with a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database. This enhancement should only be used if the production environment has more than 1,000 Group Portals.


Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2 Professional/Server/Advanced Server, Pointbase (development only), Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3, JRockit 7.0 SP5.


This mode has very limited support (Windows/JRockit only, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with the Microsoft JDBC driver). There can only be one WebLogic Portal per database instance. Significant database schema changes are required, and there is no backwards compatibility so any existing portal data will be lost.

Due to the schema changes, the size of your database on disk will effectively double. There are additional limitations in the Portal Administration Tools. If there are any questions regarding the use of PSE mode, please contact WebLogic Portal Support.


Additional Information About CR109615

As a side effect of the fact that portlet webflows are now namespace aware (with the release of SP4) there is the possibility of a recursion problem in existing webflows particularly if they are based on pre-SP4 WebLogic Portal samples. The problem is best explained by example but might effect any webflow for a variety of reasons.

The standard portal webflow you get when creating a new Portal Web Application contains, among others, a wild card refresh event, bea.portal.framework.internal.refresh, this event is routed to the preProcessor (com.bea.portal.appflow.processor.PreProcessor) which passes it through to the postProcessor component (com.bea.portal.appflow.processor.PostProcessor). Regardless of event type postProcessor then attempts to refresh all portlets in the portal.

In the case of the 7.0 SP2 e2e sample's b2c application, the problem starts when an error is encountered during the processing of the catalog portlet webflow, in particular the addProductItemToShoppingCart pipeline component. When the pipeline component throws a PipelineException the catalogportlet webflow routes itself to a Proxy Node called portal_error which is a proxy for the error presentation node (error.jsp) in the portal namespace and the standard webflow error page is displayed. All the other errors in this webflow are also routed the same way.

If the user then attempts to hit the Products tab on the portal again, URL - http://localhost:7501/b2cPortal/application?origin=hnav_bar.jsp&;event=bea.portal.framework.internal.refresh&pageid=Products, the portal refresh event is triggered (bea.portal.framework.internal.refresh) eventually resulting in the postProcessor attempting to refresh all the portlets.

When the catalogportlet is refreshed (bea.portal.framework.internal.refresh) its webflow, catalogportlet, still has the state from the error above, that is it is at the error.jsp in the portal namespace. Webflow executor sees no refresh event specific to the portal error node so it falls back and uses the wildcard which results in a trip back to the postProcessor where the portlets are refreshed and on and on until the stack overflows.

You can sometimes escape from the problem sometimes if you can find another entry point to the catalogportlet webflow. For instance in the e2e application at the bottom of the My Avitek page there are product links that will get you back into the catalog and put the catalogportlet webflow back into a workable state.

The best way to fix this is to change the error page in each webflow. Instead of routing the flow to the portal namespace and using its error node, create an error presentation node in each portlet namespace and use the same error.jsp. Then each portlet will be able to recover using its own refresh path. In general it is not a very good idea to ever route a portlet webflow into the portal webflow. If you do you'd need to provide some means of returning gracefully. The samples shipping with SP4 have been updated this way.

There are some exceptions such as the lastContentUrl node which does not result in the webflow changing namespaces as its function is to bring back the last state of the portlet. In addition it is conceivable that a set of webflows could be constructed in such a way that a portlet webflow might be successfully routed into a portal flow and eventually back but great care should taken and most likely would require at least one special processor be written that has the awareness to accept such routing and deal with getting the flow back to its original namespace.

The e2e's b2c application's login process illustrates how crossing webflow namespaces can be useful and even necessary. This process involves three webflows starting with If login succeeds the webflow routes through to finally ending up in the portal namespace where the portal is displayed. In this case this path makes sense since the login process is essentially a one way path to the portal page. Further there is a way to re-enter this webflow by hitting the logout button.

Another feature that distinguishes the login webflows from the one that caused the stack overflow is they are not associated with a specific portlet. This, and understanding the refresh mechanism, are key points in avoiding the recursion problem. Recall the problem arose when a portlet's webflow ended up in the portal namespace with no way back. When the portal refresh event occurred, the portlets are refreshed but since the portlet's webflow was in the portal namespace it followed the portal refresh path leading back to an attempt to refresh the portlet and thus a recursive loop.

Browser Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds involving browser issues.

Table 4 Browser Known Limitations and Workarounds  


Browsers must accept cookies.


While using the Administration Tools, browsers must accept cookies.




Set your browser options to accept cookies.


Browser Cache causes strange behavior in the Portal Administration Tools when set to automatic.


Intermittently, cache could return pages when sending requests a second time in a session if the Never or Automatic cache settings are in use.




For the Administration tools, your browser cache setting should be set to "Every visit to the page" for Microsoft Internet Explorer and to "Every time" for Netscape.

In the Netscape browser, the Never Check Cache option does not work with the portal framework. Information will be lost. You can find this option in the Netscape browser under: Edit —> Preferences —> Advanced —>Cache —> Document in cache is compared to document on network. When using Netscape, use the "Every time" option.

In the Internet Explorer browser, the Never check cache option does not work with the portal framework correctly. You can find this option on the Internet Explorer browser under Tools —> Internet Options —> General tab —> Temporary Internet files —> Settings —> Check for newer versions of stored pages. When using Internet Explorer, use the "Every visit to the page" option.


Must set CookieDomain in weblogic.xml, to allow commerce templates to work correctly in Netscape with cookies enabled.


Session cookies are lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS when using a Netscape browser, because Netscape does not recognize the fact that the switch to the HTTPS port is not a switch to another server. This problem does not occur with Microsoft Internet Explorer. For more information, see


All, when using Netscape 4.5 and higher.


A session parameter was added in the WebLogic Commerce Server Web application_s weblogic.xml. This weblogic.xml file is in the PORTAL_HOME\applications\wlcsApp\wlcs\WEB-INF directory. <session-param> <param-name>CookieDomain</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </session-param>

Before using the WebLogic Commerce Server Web application in Netscape, uncomment these tags and change the CookieDomain parameter value in from to the company domain name.

If you set the CookieDomain, then you need to use it in the URL when making requests to the server, or sessions can be lost. e.g. use, not http://mymachine:7501.


Saves to Set Attributes in the Administration Tools return user to wrong portal page in Netscape.


Netscape caching issues can prevent Netscape from refreshing a page when you save a portal page in the Administration Tools.


Netscape 4.x.


Fix Netscape caching issues:

    1. In Netscape, select Edit > Preferences > Advanced Cache.

    2. Set the Memory Cache field and Disk Cache field to 0.


There are login problems when using a version of Netscape earlier than 6.2.3.


Login appears to succeed but subsequent screens behave otherwise, e.g. you are prompted to login again, or the Login link persists.




Install or upgrade to Netscape 6.2.3 or above, and uncomment the CookieDomain session parameter in the web applications weblogic.xml file. If you must use an earlier version of Netscape (4.7x), you need to also uncomment the CookiePath parameter in the file.


System Administration Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds for general system administration issues. In addition to the following table, see the following sub-sections for more information:

Table 5 System Administration Known Limitations and Workarounds  


T3 client provides a connection to the database without requiring a login.


By default, the WebLogic Portal sample applications enable the guest user. This allows a T3 client to get a connection to the database without having to log in.

If you attempt to disable the guest user by setting GuestDisabled=true in a domain's config.xml file, WebLogic Portal throws an exception.




There are two workarounds for this issue:


You cannot configure the size of the RDBMSRealm delegate pool through the WebLogic Server Administration Console.


The RDBMSRealm does not read the size of the delegate pool from an MBean.




p13n_system.jar contains com/bea/p13n/security/realm/ with the following property: delegatePool.size=5

This property can be added to change the pool size.


Capacity setting for the Rule Engine's ContextPoolFactory is undocumented


The entitlements engine is a capability-based authorization system that consists of two core functional pieces - namely RoleMapping and AccessDecision. Both functional pieces use the rules engine. The ContextPoolFactory area of the rules engine uses a capacity parameter which sets the capacity of managed context pool instances. This value is set to 16 by default, which is close to the default number of execute threads in WebLogic Server. Changing the default value of the capacity parameter and setting it any higher may downgrade the entitlements engine's performance for the out-of-the-box setup.




If you want to change the capacity parameter, you must change file in the root of p13n_util.jar. The value should be close or equal to the Weblogic.system.executeThreadCount.


Searching for "ldap" property set for a user causes ProfileSystemException: The default entity property manager was not found at the ejb-ref java:comp/env/ejb/LdapPropertyManager


This only happens if you create a property set (user profile) in the E-Business Control Center with the name "ldap" without deploying the LdapPropertyManager UUP in ldapprofile.jar. The UserProfileManager in usermgmt.jar is shipped with the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor set up to map the LdapPropertyManager UUP to the "ldap" property set. This is done to simplify the configuration to set up an LDAP UUP.




If you intended for your "ldap" properties to be retrieved using the LdapPropertyManager, then you forgot to deploy the ldapprofile.jar EJB JAR. Follow the documented steps for deploying this. On the other hand, if you want "ldap" properties to be retrieved from the default Portal schema, then remove the mapping to the "ldap" property set in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor for the UserProfileManager in usermgmt.jar.


There are problems retrieving properties from the WebLogic Server LDAP Realm V1 realm.


There are problems retrieving properties from LDAP RealmV1, because the domain's config.xml file requires the ordering of user and group distinguished names (DN) in root-to-leaf order (,ou=People), which is the reverse of the correct LDAP leaf-to-root convention required in the ldapprofile.jar deployment descriptor file (ou=People,




For LDAP V1, use the following ordering for the userDN and groupDN values in the following files:

Note: This issue is resolved in the WebLogic Server LDAP V2 realm, where the ordering in the config.xml file correctly requires the leaf-to-root convention.


Sybase ASE: Problems returning data when client and server character sets are different.


For Sybase, there are several TEXT type fields defined in the DDL. If the character set of the client and the server are different and the data size changes in converting from the server to the client character set, there will be a problem while retrieving the data.




Use either of the following methods:


and CR077981

WebLogic Builder fails to load WebLogic Portal modules


WebLogic Builder assumes that the EJB JAR files it opens can be used standalone. This is not the case with the JAR files included with WebLogic Portal (and may not be the case with your JAR files). WebLogic Portal requires several JAR files to be in system classpath, and it uses JAR classpath manifest entries to include other JARs from an EJB JAR.




Edit the script used to start WebLogic Builder to include the required JARs in the system classpath. WebLogic Builder will then open the JAR files shipped with WebLogic Portal.


A placeholder service gives a HeuristicMixedException on a database realm bounce.


In the case where the RDBMS realm connectivity is lost or the database is bounced, the placeholder service is producing a javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException error.




This error occurs very rarely in a production environment.

Reset the TestConnectionsOnReserve parameter setting to true in your connection pools. Testing connections before they are distributed from the pool will have a small affect on performance.

CR075729 and CR075730

New services created via the Console are not registered on managed server.


Creating a new service via the Console (e.g., creating a new cache), will create a Config instance of the Admin server, but not on the managed server. Redeploying the application does not fix the problem.




Applications must have a new weblogic-application.xml file with J2EEListener configured.


AIX 4.3.3-DB2 7.2 Native/Stockportal has problems with user creation for 7.0, 7.0 SP1, and 7.0 SP2 only.


The IBM JAAS files that come with JDK 1.3.1 cause various exceptions.




Remove the IBM JAAS files that come with JDK 1.3.1.

To remove them:

    1. Navigate to the following directory: BEA_HOME/jdk131/jre/lib/ext

    2. Remove the jaas.jar and jaas_lm.jar files.

Warning: Do not rename the files. You must delete them or move them to a different location.


Installing as a service cannot work initially after switching databases.


After switching from PointBase to any other database (MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, Sybase) and installing as a service is completed, the service will not successfully start because keys are not created if they don't exist. Specifically, the user is prompted to create new keys for credit card encryption/decryption.




Run the server once before running as a service so the database tables are populated.


iplanet fast track 4.1 proxy fails when the cookie name not set.


Removing the session-descriptor CookieName from the weblogic.xml file in Portal forces use of the default value JSESSIONID. Use of the default cookie name may cause iPlanet FastTrack 4.1 httpd.exe to terminate.




Do not remove the session-descriptor CookieName parameter from the weblogic.xml file.


LDAP V2 Realm support in Portal 7.0


The sample CustomRealm definitions formerly provided in WebLogic Server 6.1 config.xml files are needed by WebLogic Portal 7.0 sites that wish to implement a CustomRealm. WebLogic Portal uses the Compatibility Security module in WebLogic 7.0.




Use a CustomRealm in your config.xml file. See


Cannot create new catalog category in PointBase.


Category creation is not working in the WebLogic Commerce Server domain with PointBase.




This problem occurs as a result of a PointBase bug. The PointBase database included with WebLogic Portal is an evaluation copy, and not intended for development or production activities. It is recommended you switch from Pointbase to another supported database. Please indicate that you are using the documentation for the WebLogic Portal version 7.0 with Service Pack 4.


OutOfMemoryError occurs under heavy load with Oracle 8.1.7 with the thin driver


You experience a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception and/or a weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException under load using the thin driver for Oracle 8.1.7.


Any os, Oracle 8.1.7 thin driver.


Download and install the latest version of the Oracle 8.1.7 in order to get a new version of the thin driver. If using 7.0 SP4 or later, use the version of the thin driver bundled with BEA WebLogic Platform SP4.


Special steps must be taken to change the names of groups associated with portal delegated administration ("SystemAdministrator", "DelegatedAdministrator", "AdminEligible")


Service PackService Pack 2 made changes to the DelegatedAdminManager EJB to use information from the deployment descriptor (<env-entry>) instead of constant values for the delegated administration group names. The AdminResourceManager and VisitorUserManager EJBs and two JSP tag classes from the DelegatedAdminManager tag library were changed to take advantage of the new DelegatedAdminManager.




To use the changes made in Service Pack 2 to allow the changing of the group names for delegated administration you must change all of the security role mappings in EJB and web application deployment descriptors that contain the "SystemAdministrator" and "DelegatedAdministrator" groups. See full workaround below at Workaround for CR086602.


When using Mail Manager with a Sybase database, an exception occurs when sending out emails: "com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: TEXT and IMAGE data types may not be used in an ORDER BY clause."


Sybase does not allow a TEXT (clob) data type in a SELECT statement that is used in a UNION or with an ORDER BY clause. This causes failures when using the MailService EJB to send emails for campaigns.




To use the Mail Manager with Sybase, edit the ejb-jar.xml for the MailService EJB in mail.jar to set the env-entry for config/enableOrderByWorkaroundForClobs to true.


A SQLException occurs when logging in to the sampleportal application when using Pointbase.


When starting sampleportal, the following exception occurs:

java.sql.SQLException: Exception occurred on server while executing:

executeQuery(java.lang.String) ...[ java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ]







This problem is due to a Pointbase bug. To workaround this, the unique index AX1_PORTAL_P13N on the PORTAL_P13N table has been removed from the Pointbase DDL. If you are trying to use the current service pack against an existing Pointbase database from an earlier version, you will need to manually drop this index from your database in order to avoid this error. To drop the index, use the command: "drop index AX1_PORTAL_P13N."

Warning: This change has only been made to Pointbase, and not the other supported databases. Use caution in that the uniqueness enforced by this index is still required by WebLogic Portal but is no longer enforced when using Pointbase. Pointbase is not supported for production server deployment.


Workaround for CR086602

You should do this in your applications and also in the domain wizard templates. You can find the EJB JAR files by searching your entire product installation dir for them.

In addition to changing the role mappings you need to update the list of ProtectedGroupNames in the UserManager EJB deployment descriptor, META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, in usermgmt.jar.

To change a role mapping for an EJB you must extract META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml from the EJB JAR, edit the group names in the security role mappings, and update the EJB JAR with the new META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. Be careful about using a command like "jar uvf campaign.jar META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml" if your working directory is deeply nested. The jar command cannot handle this if the path to your working directory is too long. You may have to copy the JAR files to a directory close to your root dir to do the updating and then copy the updated JARs back into the J2EE app dir.

To change a role mapping for a web application you must update the security-role-assignments in WEB-INF/weblogic.xml.

For an example, here is a list of EJB JARs for the sampleportal J2EE application in 7.0 Service Pack 1 that contain role mappings that must be updated:

Do not forget to change the ProtectedGroupNames env-entry in META-INF/ejb-jar.xml: usermgmt.jar

For an example, here is a list of the web applications for the sampleportal J2EE application in 7.0 Service Pack 1 that contain role mappings that must be updated: datasync, tools, toolSupport. Do not change these role mappings around for an existing installation that has existing Portal delegated administrators. First you should log in to the Portal JSP admin tools as a WebLogic Server System Administrator or a Portal System Administrator and delete all Portal Administrators and Group Administrators.

After you reconfigure your server to accept the new group name mappings, then you can create all of your Portal Administrators and Group Administrators using the Portal JSP administration tools.

Internationalization Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds for internationalization functionality.


WebLogic Portal does not pick up common internationalized bundles, if the main internationalized bundle does not exist.


For non-English localization, if you have a JSP named <file_name>.jsp and want to use a custom resource bundle named <custom_bundle>_<language_type>.properties (via the bundleName attribute of the i18n:getMessage tag), you must have a corresponding <file_name>_<language_type>.properties file in the same directory as <file_name>.jsp. If you do not, the resource from <custom_bundle>_<language_type>.properties will not be found by the getMessage tag.




Be sure to always include a default resource bundle, one for each supported language, in the directory of the JSP. For example, for the page /store/shopping_cart.jsp there should be a file named /store/ if you want to support the French locale. This workaround does not need to be used for English only pages.


Tax service throws a CharConversionException when using multi-byte character set data


In the WebLogic Commerce Server sample application, the following exception is thrown by the tax service if the shipping address contains multi-byte character set data: "CharConversionException: Illegal ASCII character."




Set the weblogic.webservice.i18n.charset system property to "utf-8" if you are using UTF-8 characters in the tax service. To do this, modify your start script to add the following system property:



External content containing multi-bytes characters not rendered correctly via es:uriContent tag in some cases.


es:uriContent renders garbled multi-byte characters when the HTTP response of the specified URI does not contain the "charset" attribute in the HTTP CONTENT-TYPE header.




A new optional tag attribute "charset" was introduced in 7.0 SP2 to assist the es:uriContent tag in determining which character encoding to use for the content it retrieves. The value of the "charset" attribute should be a valid MIME charset name compatible with the character encoding of the external content. The es:uriContent tag determines the character encoding to use in order of the following:

Note: The es:uriContent tag will NO longer scan the content for the inclusion of a META tag to determine the charset.


Unable to localize portlet names in the "visible portlets" section of the Visitor Tools


Portlet names in the "visible portlets" section of the Visitor Tools are not internationalized.




As of 7.0 SP4, in order for the "render" tag to retrieve localized portlet names from a PropertyResourceBundle, an extra request parameter called "BUNDLE_NAME" must be added when using template.jsp in select_properties jsp:

<jsp:include page="<%= url %>" >
<jsp:param name="BUNDLE_NAME" value="/framework/tools/select_portlets" />

The value of "BUNDLE_NAME" is a base property filename which contains portlet display names as keys.

If the portlet display name key cannot be found in the specified property file, the original English display name will be rendered.

This workaround only applies to the "visible portlets" section of the Visitor Tools. For internationalized portlet names in the "available portlets" section, wrap an <i18n:getmessage> tag around the only instance of "pps.getDisplayName()" in select_portlets.jsp

The <18:getmessage> tag must be added manually because the getMessage tag will throw a JSP exception if the specified message name cannot be found in the message bundle, while the fixed render tag will simply return a non-internationalized portlet display name.


Migration Issues

This section lists the known limitations and workarounds for migrating from an earlier version of WebLogic Portal to 7.0.

Table 6 Migration Known Limitations and Workarounds  


Code migrator errors on java files with static initialization blocks


Some compilers fail to ignore standalone semicolons ";" (an empty statement). The code migrator's parser grammar does not include the concept of an empty statement, so errors can occur.




To fix this problem, verify the error, make the fix, and run migrator again:

    1. Open the migration.log file.

    2. Verify that the error message is similar to the following text:

<<Date>> <<Time>> MDT 2002 Message: Code Analysis: parse exception: Encountered ";" at
line 26, column 6.
Was expecting one of:
"abstract" ...
"boolean" ...
"byte" ...
"{" ...
"}" ...
for file: D:\dev\migration\CodeTest\src\

    3. Remove the extra semicolons (;).

    4. Run migrator again.


PostLoginProcessor in has new events


The postLoginProcessor in has new events since WebLogic Portal 4.0. In 4.0 there was one event, "success", to the portalRefreshProcessor in the portal webflow. In 7.0 that event is still there, but there are two new events.

A "user.login" event has been added that also goes to the portalRefreshProcessor. A "user.create" event has been added that goes to a new node, createUserProfileProcessor. The data migration utility, which converts 4.0 webflows to 7.0 webflows, does not add the new events "user.login" and "user.create".




Manually copy the events and associated nodes from a 7.0 file to the migrated 4.0 file.



Miscellaneous Notes

This section includes a description of issues that do not have a workaround at this time. For example, some issues involve third-party defects or WebLogic Portal 7.0 feature clarification.

  1. Differences in Ctrl-C Behavior on Windows 2000, and its effect on server shutdown. (CR044098)

    Windows 2000 handles Ctrl-C differently than Windows NT. This affects what happens if you enter Ctrl-C in the server console window when you shut down the server. On Windows 2000, Ctrl-C stops the currently running step in the batch, but then prompts you to terminate the batch job. If you enter Yes, the batch job stops there and does not execute anything else. This can result in unintentionally leaving java executables processes running on your system. The solution is to answer No in response to the prompt on Windows 2000.

    Note: The recommended way (on any platform) to shut down the server is to run the StopPortal.bat/sh procedure in PORTAL_HOME.

  2. On UNIX, cannot use spaces in path to license file with (CR044099)

    The procedure in the BEA_HOME directory on UNIX systems does not accept spaces in the path to the input license file.

  3. QuickEdit Mode in a DOS shell can lock up the WebLogic Portal server process. (CR059100)

    On Microsoft Windows systems, the WebLogic Portal server process runs in a DOS shell. Some releases of Windows activate the QuickEdit Mode by default. With this mode activated, if you click and drag the mouse pointer in the DOS window, the console will lock up until you press a key.

  4. Users of type wlcs_customer cannot inherit default values from the CustomerProperties property set. (CR059684)

    Because properties in the CustomerProperties property set cannot be set to null for a user of type wlcs_customer, this type of user cannot inherit from a default value in the property set. This does not affect non-customer profiles, nor does it affect any other properties of customer profiles.

    While the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools do display inherited default values for the CustomerProperties property set, a getProperty call returns an empty String if you set values in CustomerProperties to null.

  5. When items are deleted, the user is not alerted when reopening entities to which those items are associated. (CR060418 and CR061615).

    If items referred to by a document are deleted, such as segments and placeholders referred to by a campaign, the E-Business Control Center does not alert the user when the document is reopened.

  6. IBM DB2 databases require the specification of maximum sizes for LOB columns at table creation time. (CR062937)

    IBM DB2 databases require the specification of maximum sizes for LOB columns at table creation time. The following LOB column maximum sizes are imposed at DB2 database creation or migration time.



  1. Oracle Limitation: Reading CLOB data from UTF8 database with JDBC Thin. (CR066757)

    There is a known bug with the Oracle Thin Driver 8.1.7 when reading a CLOB from a UTF8 database. The error occurs when reading CLOB data that has more than 10838 double-bytes characters. The Oracle Bug number is 2140668.

    However, the bug is fixed in Oracle Thin Driver 9.0.2.

  2. HTML validation errors will occur in p13n sample application output. (CR069941)

    There are meta tags that appear in the body of the HTML output for the p13n sample application, in addition to the headers, that cause validation errors for HTML 4.0.1. This problem has no end user impact because all browsers ignore the tags while rendering pages.

  3. The file fails to execute. (CR070566)

    If you try to stop the server in the CDE Solaris environment by double-clicking the icon which calls the server will shut down properly, but the terminal windows will appear to hang, and not return to a command prompt or close. You will have to manually close the windows. This is a known issue with the CDE Solaris environment, not with any BEA product.

  4. UNIX appears in the E-Business Control Center install image. (CR074402)

    The E-Business Control Center is delivered in the UNIX installers, but it is not necessarily supported by BEA. Please see the Supported Platforms page for more information.

  5. The catalog browser configuration in PointBase is slow. (CR076472)

    A configuration using PointBase as the database the E-Business Control Center Discount Editor Trigger Items Browse function is slow.

    The PointBase database demonstrates some out of the box functionality available in WebLogic Portal. Performance of some functionality such as catalog browsing in the commerce templates may be better demonstrated through other databases that require additional setup.

  6. Two portlets on a portal page with the same web service populates the fields with the same information. (CR076353)

    If you have two different portlets on a portal page calling the same web service, the web service fields are populated with the same information.

    For example:

    If you create two different portlets with the portlet wizard that call the web service Federal Express Tracking, add both portlets to the same portal page, open the portal in the browser, type in a tracking number "12345" in one of the portlets and submitted it, the tracking information for "12345" appears in both portlets.

  7. um:getParentGroupName tag not retrieving parent in LDAP V2 Realm configuration (CR078104)

    The um:getParentGroupName tag does not retrieve the parent group name in an LDAP V2 Realm configuration.

  8. An exception is received when getting operations from a Web service. (CR078835)

    An exception is thrown when a user of the Web Services Portlet Wizard tries to generate a portlet based on a WSDL when the Web service is written with Delphi.

  9. Cannot run two instances of Web Services Portlet Wizard at the same time.(CR078905)

    Users cannot run multiple instances of the Web Services Portlet Wizard on the same machine.

  10. Cannot hot-deploy to a server running on a mapped drive. (CR079356)

    You cannot hot-deploy to a server running on a mapped drive.

  11. Change the password while using the LDAP realm sampleportal returns a runtime error. (CR079508)

    If the user attempts to change the password in sampleportal while using the LDAP realm, a runtime error is returned without a pertinent explanation.

    See the following example error:

<Oct 15, 2001 5:40:12 PM MDT> <Error> <Usermgmt> <Password change failed for 
user testuser1>
Runtime Error... 
Remote exception UserManager 
Stack Trace... 
com.bea.p13n.appflow.exception.ProcessingException: Remote exception 
UserManager at
at. . . 

  1. Users should be using the latest version of Oracle Thin Driver regardless of database version. (CR079799)

    WebLogic Server ships both driver classes and Oracle 817 is currently the default. According to Oracle, users should be using the "latest" thin driver version no matter the Database version they have. Thus it is recommended by Oracle that the newest 9i Thin Driver be used with Oracle 817 or Oracle 9i.

  2. Code migrator is incorrectly annotating method calls on a class made by that class. (CR080129)

    This problem occurs when a method in a class calls another method in the same class or one of the class base's classes. This is typically done by simply calling the method, for example "getValue()" (as apposed to "variableName.getValue()" or "ClassName.getValue()" type of call).

    The code migrator correctly interprets the call as "this.getValue()", but then it looks at all the implements and extends statements it encounters in the file being processed and assumes that they could have only come from the class definition itself. (This assumption is bad if for instance an inner class extending another class was defined in the same file.) The first of these statements that has any kind of map entry is assumed to be the required annotation for the method. This problem appears in a variety of ways depending on the source file being analyzed.

    For example, if the class being analyzed extends a class or implements an interface that has been modified, or even just specified as needing a notation in some map file, this problem can appear. The method will always be annotated even if it was defined in the sub-class and not the class or interface actually specified in the map.

    Another example that illustrates this problem appears when a class is defined in which some inner classes are defined that extend or implement a class that is referenced in one of the migration maps. See the following snippet from Test class which illustrates this issue:

public class Test {
public void testExtendsImplements() {
class MinorCowboys extends Cowboys {
class HighSchoolCowboys extends nfl.dallas.Cowboys {
class Raiders implements Cowboys {
class MinorRaiders implements nfl.dallas.Cowboys {
public void testMethods() {
Cowboys cowboys = new Cowboys();
String s = Cowboys.getStadiumName();
s = nfl.dallas.Cowboys.getStadiumName();
int i = Cowboys.stadiumZipcode;
public void testReturns() {
class ReturnTest {
public Cowboys getCowboys() {
return new Cowboys();
public nfl.dallas.Cowboys getMoreCowboys() {
return new Cowboys();
public FootballTeam getFootballTeam() {
return (FootballTeam) new Object();

The call to Test class's testReturns() method in the Test class's testMethods() method. Even though the maps make no reference to this method or even the Test class, this method may still end up annotated. First assume that nfl.dallas.Cowboys is referenced in a code map. Then because of the inner class definitions, near the top of Test class that extend or implement nfl.dallas.Cowboys or Cowboys, the code migrator mistakenly assumes that testReturns() is part of the class nfl.dallas.Cowboys. So the result is that the method testReturns() from Test class gets the class level annotation specified for the Cowboys class.

  1. The code migrator's "External Viewer" feature does not work in UNIX. (CR080150)

    Code migration tool users should be able to use the External Viewer feature to specify a text editor in the "External Viewer Command" box. When the user clicks on one of the migrated files in the code migrator's display, the file should open in the specified editor. Unfortunately, this feature does not work in UNIX.

  2. Deleting a webflow file does not update the portlet file, although the E-Business Control Center shows Webflow=None in the portlet Editor window. (CR080572)

    In Portlet Wizard in the E-Business control center, if you select the option to deliver the portlet with a webflow the portlet is defined with the entry <webflow-filename>delete</webflow-filename>. Therefore, a webflow is defined.

    If you delete the webflow in the E-Business Control Center and open the associated portlet Editor window it shows a webflow selection of None. But he portlet.xml file still contains the <webflow-filename>delete</webflow-filename> entry. The portal returns an exception if it is accessed in this state.

  3. Starting with 7.0 SP2, WebLogic Portal supports the WebLogic jDriver for Oracle 8.1.7 and Oracle 9i Release 2. If you are using 7.0 SP2, you must request patch CR088530 from BEA Support. If you are using Service Packs after 7.0 SP2, no patch is required.


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