Delete a Visitor Role

Warning: When you delete a Visitor Entitlements role, which involves deleting any security policies associated with that role, any portal resources that were assigned to that role are no longer restricted to being viewed by users in that role. Be aware that deleting a role could potential allow other users to view portal resources that you want restricted. If you want to maintain restrictions on portal resources, consider modifying the role or creating a new role and set it on portal resources before deleting a role.

To delete a Visitor Role:

  1. In the Visitor Entitlements resource tree, select the Visitor Role you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the role and choose Delete Role (or click Delete Role in the toolbar).
  3. Click OK at the confirmation prompt.
  4. If a dialog box tells you the role cannot be deleted because it has security references, click OK, select the Policy Reference Summary tab, click Delete, and click OK at the confirmation prompt.

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