© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface AdContentProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdContentProviderBase, DefaultContentProvider, ImageContentProvider, ShockwaveContentProvider, TextContentProvider

public interface AdContentProvider

The public interface of an object which can render ad Content objects into displayable content.

Field Summary
static int NEW_WINDOW
          Option to allow a new window
static String NEW_WINDOW_TYPE
          The type designating a new window.
static int PREVIEW
          Option saying we are in preview mode
Method Summary
 String renderContent(Node content, long identifier, String servletBase, int height, int width, int options)
          Return the XHTML content for the specified content

Field Detail


public static final int NEW_WINDOW
Option to allow a new window

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String NEW_WINDOW_TYPE
The type designating a new window.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PREVIEW
Option saying we are in preview mode

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public String renderContent(Node content,
                            long identifier,
                            String servletBase,
                            int height,
                            int width,
                            int options)
                     throws AdContentException
Return the XHTML content for the specified content

content - The content element to render
identifier - A long that is used to access the database record
servletBase - The Web App root for the click thru servlet
height - The suggested height
width - The suggested width

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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