© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.p13n.ad

Interface Summary
AdBucketService The remote bean interface for the AdBucketService.
AdBucketServiceHome Home interface for the AdBucketService.
AdConflictResolver The remote bean interface for the AdConflictResolver.
AdConflictResolverHome The Home interface for the AdConflictResolver EJB.
AdConstants Define the constants used by the Ad package
AdContentProvider The public interface of an object which can render ad Content objects into displayable content.
AdEventTracker Base interface for tracking events.
AdService The remote bean interface for the AdService.
AdServiceHome Home interface for the AdService
AdStatus This interface exposes information about ads which are stored in the AdBucket
VariableFinder The interface for an object which can return the value for variables during variable substitution.

Class Summary
AdContentProviderBase A default global ad renderer.
AdEventTrackerBase Base class which does the basic work of raising events within the ad package.
AdHelper A set of static methods which perform provide utilities services to the ad package.
AdInfo This is a data structure for the information stored for about ad in an ad bucket.
AdService.AdCounts Class that is generated by getAdCounts.
ContentProviders The primary use of ContentProviders is as a AdContentProvider factory based upon the mime type being processed.
MapVariableFinder Deprecated.  
Variables Utility class to handle replacing ${varname} style variables in Strings.

Exception Summary
AdContentException Implements an exception throw by the Ad services when there is a problem with the content

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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