© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface AdviceTransform

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public interface AdviceTransform
extends AdvisletChainElement

An AdviceTransform is the link between two Advislets in an advislet chain (as defined in the AdvisletRegistry). The AdviceTransform transforms the Advice results generated by one Advislet into the AdviceRequest entries required for the next.

An AdviceTransform represents a mapping of outputs from one Advislet invocation into inputs to a subsequent invocation.

A number of reusable AdviceTransform's are supplied.

Method Summary
 void transform(Advice input, AdviceRequest output)
          Transforms the given Advice that contains the input objects (may be null) into AdviceRequest to pass it to another Advisor in the advislet chain defined in the advislet registry.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.advisor.AdvisletChainElement
getMetadata, initialize

Method Detail


public void transform(Advice input,
                      AdviceRequest output)
               throws AdvisorException
Transforms the given Advice that contains the input objects (may be null) into AdviceRequest to pass it to another Advisor in the advislet chain defined in the advislet registry.

input - An Advice from which the parameters are extracted and transformed.
output - An AdviceRequest that is prepared from the given Advice.
AdvisorException - If an error occurs during the transformation process.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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