© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface AdvisletChainElement

All Known Subinterfaces:
AdviceTransform, Advislet
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAdviceTransform, AbstractAdvislet

public interface AdvisletChainElement

This interface is the common interface for all elements that can participate in an advislet chain as defined using the AdvisletRegistry.

Method Summary
 Metadata getMetadata()
          Returns the metadata for the Advislet.
 boolean initialize(Map attributes, Object parameterDocument)
          Initializes the Advislet from an XML Document Node, allowing it to read any custom parameters that it requires.

Method Detail


public Metadata getMetadata()
Returns the metadata for the Advislet.

the metadata for the Advislet


public boolean initialize(Map attributes,
                          Object parameterDocument)
                   throws AdvisorException
Initializes the Advislet from an XML Document Node, allowing it to read any custom parameters that it requires.

attributes - the attribute map.
parameterDocument - the parameter document.
AdvisorException - thrown on an error when processing the request.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved