© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface PropertyControl

All Superinterfaces:
weblogic.jws.control.Control, com.bea.control.Control, Serializable

public interface PropertyControl
extends weblogic.jws.control.Control

Control to access and modify the user profile. The methods all use the ProfileWrapper as the object for which the profile will be associated.

Using ProfileWrapper, as opposed to the user name, allows the default properties to be retrieved, if they are set. The ProfileWrapper is available in every Session, regardless of wheter the user is registered. In addition to the username, it also provides APIs for determining the user type (eg, registered, anonymous, or tracked).

Using EntityPropertyCache as the container for the returned properties, as opposed to a Map, makes it clear to the user how the properties should be extracted from the cache. The EntityPropertyCache stores properties as a HashMap of PropertySetKey/propertyValue, where PropertySetKey is the propertySet/propertyName pair.

You may get the backing HashMap of the EntityPropertyCache by calling its getMap() method, then step through it as follows:

 if ( ! cache.isEmpty())
 		Iterator = cache.getMap().entrySet().iterator();
 		while ( iter.hasNext())
 			Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
  		PropertyMapKey pmKey = (PropertyMapKey)entry.getKey();
   		String propertySetName = pmKey.getPropertySetName();
   		String propertyName = pmKey.getPropertyName();
   		Object value = entry.getValue();

Security requirements: The caller must be in the role of "PortalSystemAdministrator" to invoke method 'getAllUserNames()

See Also:
SessionHelper, PropertyMapKey, EntityPropertyCache, ProfileWrapper, ProfileFactory

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.bea.control.Control
Method Summary
 EntityPropertyCache getProperties(ProfileWrapper pw)
          Get all properties for this profile, and return as an EntityPropertyCache.
 EntityPropertyCache getPropertiesFromKeys(ProfileWrapper pw, Set propertyMapKeys)
          Get all properties that match the set of PropertyMapKeys for this profile A PropertyMapKey is a 'propertySet/propertyName' pair.
 EntityPropertyCache getPropertiesFromSet(ProfileWrapper pw, String propertySetName)
          Get all properties for named property set for this profile, and return as an EntityPropertyCache.
 Object getProperty(ProfileWrapper pw, String propertySet, String property)
          Get an individual property.
 Object removeProperty(ProfileWrapper pw, String propertySet, String propertyName)
          Remove a property from the profile
 void setProperties(ProfileWrapper pw, EntityPropertyCache cache)
          Set properties in this EntityPropertyCache back into the user's profile.
 void setProperty(ProfileWrapper pw, String propertySet, String property, Object value)
          Set an individual property.

Method Detail


public EntityPropertyCache getProperties(ProfileWrapper pw)
                                  throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Get all properties for this profile, and return as an EntityPropertyCache.

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
an EntityPropertyCache of the retrieved properties, or null if there are no properties
ProfileNotFoundException - if profile not found
P13nControlException - if remote exceptions are encounterd while trying to retrieve the properties


public EntityPropertyCache getPropertiesFromKeys(ProfileWrapper pw,
                                                 Set propertyMapKeys)
                                          throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Get all properties that match the set of PropertyMapKeys for this profile A PropertyMapKey is a 'propertySet/propertyName' pair. Use this API when you have access to the HttpSession; eg, in Page Groups and JSP. String propertySet = "BogusProperties" String propertyName = "ColorPreference" PropertyMapKey pmk = new PropertyMapKeyImpl(propertySet, propertyName); Set set = new HashSet(); set.add(pmk);

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
an EntityPropertyCache of the retrieved properties or null if there are no properties
P13nControlException - if profile not found, or if remote exceptions are encounterd while trying to retrieve the properties


public EntityPropertyCache getPropertiesFromSet(ProfileWrapper pw,
                                                String propertySetName)
                                         throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Get all properties for named property set for this profile, and return as an EntityPropertyCache.

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
propertySetName -
an EntityPropertyCache of the retrieved properties, or null if there are no properties
ProfileNotFoundException - if profile not found
P13nControlException - if remote exceptions are encounterd while trying to retrieve the properties


public Object getProperty(ProfileWrapper pw,
                          String propertySet,
                          String property)
                   throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Get an individual property.

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
the retrieved property, or null if not found
ProfileNotFoundException - if profile not found
P13nControlException - if remote exceptions are encounterd while trying to retrieve the properties


public Object removeProperty(ProfileWrapper pw,
                             String propertySet,
                             String propertyName)
                      throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Remove a property from the profile

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
propertySet - the property set containing the property
propertyName - the name of the property to retrieve
the old value of the property
ProfileNotFoundException - if profile not found
P13nControlException - if remote exceptions are encontered while trying to remove the property


public void setProperties(ProfileWrapper pw,
                          EntityPropertyCache cache)
                   throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Set properties in this EntityPropertyCache back into the user's profile.

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
cache - the cache containing the properties to set. See javadocs at the top of this class for more info on the EntityPropertyCache
ProfileNotFoundException - if profile not found
PropertyValidationException - if property is invalid
P13nControlException - if profile not found, or if remote exceptions are encounterd while trying to set the properties


public void setProperty(ProfileWrapper pw,
                        String propertySet,
                        String property,
                        Object value)
                 throws ProfileNotFoundException,
Set an individual property.

pw - The ProfileWrapper representing the user profile for which the properties are to be retrieved
ProfileNotFoundException - if profile not found
PropertyValidationException - if property is invalid
P13nControlException - if remote exceptions are encounterd while trying to set the property

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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