© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface PersonalizedObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
MutablePagePersonalization, MutablePortalPersonalization, MutablePortletPersonalization, PagePersonalization, PersonalizedResource, PortalPersonalization, PortletPersonalization

Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package

public interface PersonalizedObject

Interface PersonalizedObject is intended to be extended by all objects which can be customized by a user within the portal framework.

Method Summary
 String getDisplayName()
          Deprecated. Returns a user defined display name for this object as a String.
 ProfileIdentity getProfileIdentity()
          Deprecated. Returns the ProfileIdentity for the user or group that this personalization is on behalf of.

Method Detail


public String getDisplayName()
Returns a user defined display name for this object as a String.

the display name for this object.


public ProfileIdentity getProfileIdentity()
Returns the ProfileIdentity for the user or group that this personalization is on behalf of.

the identity that this personalization is for.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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