© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface PortletPersonalization

All Superinterfaces:
PersonalizedObject, PersonalizedResource, PortalResource, PortalScopedObject
All Known Subinterfaces:

Deprecated. com.bea.portal is only useful in the compatibility domain. For the new portal framework please use the classes under the com.bea.netuix package

public interface PortletPersonalization
extends PersonalizedResource

Interface PortletPersonalization represents the personalization of a Portlet for a given identity. In the same way that a ProfileIdentity can represent either a usergroup or a user within a usergroup, so a PortletPersonalization can represent the personalization of a Portlet for either a usergroup or a user within a usergroup.

Method Summary
 PortletPersonalizationIdentifier getIdentifier()
          Deprecated. Returns the unique identifier for this PortletPersonalization.
 PlaceholderIdentifier getPlaceholderIdentifier()
          Deprecated. Returns the PlaceholderIdentifier that represents the placeholder that this portlet is currently positioned within for this user on this page.
 int getPlaceholderIndex()
          Deprecated. Returns the position of this portlet within its placholder.
 PortletIdentifier getPortletIdentifier()
          Deprecated. Returns the identifier for the Portlet that this is a personalization of.
 Boolean isAvailable()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Available for this user or group.
 Boolean isDefaultStateMinimized()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Default State Minimized for this user or group.
 Boolean isEntitled()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Entitled for this user or group.
 Boolean isFloatable()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Floatable for this user or group.
 Boolean isMandatory()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Mandatory for this user or group.
 Boolean isMaximizable()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Maximizable for this user or group.
 Boolean isMinimizable()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Minimizable for this user or group.
 Boolean isMinimized()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently Minimized for this user or group.
 Boolean isMovable()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Movable for this user or group.
 Boolean isVisible()
          Deprecated. Determines whether this page is currently specified as Visible for this user or group.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PortalResource
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PortalScopedObject
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.portal.model.PersonalizedObject
getDisplayName, getProfileIdentity

Method Detail


public PortletPersonalizationIdentifier getIdentifier()
Returns the unique identifier for this PortletPersonalization.

the unique identifier for this personalization.


public PlaceholderIdentifier getPlaceholderIdentifier()
Returns the PlaceholderIdentifier that represents the placeholder that this portlet is currently positioned within for this user on this page.

the placeholder this portlet is within.


public int getPlaceholderIndex()
Returns the position of this portlet within its placholder.

the position of this portlet within this placeholder.


public PortletIdentifier getPortletIdentifier()
Returns the identifier for the Portlet that this is a personalization of.

the identifier for the associated portlet.


public Boolean isAvailable()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Available for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Available.

whether the page is specified as Available (or unspecified).


public Boolean isDefaultStateMinimized()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Default State Minimized for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Default State Minimized.

whether the page is specified as Default State Minimized (or unspecified).


public Boolean isEntitled()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Entitled for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Entitled.

whether the page is specified as Entitled (or unspecified).


public Boolean isFloatable()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Floatable for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Floatable.

whether the page is specified as Floatable (or unspecified).


public Boolean isMandatory()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Mandatory for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Mandatory.

whether the page is specified as Mandatory (or unspecified).


public Boolean isMaximizable()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Maximizable for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Maximizable.

whether the page is specified as Maximizable (or unspecified).


public Boolean isMinimizable()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Minimizable for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Minimizable.

whether the page is specified as Minimizable (or unspecified).


public Boolean isMinimized()
Determines whether this page is currently Minimized for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Minimized.

whether the page is specified as Minimized (or unspecified).


public Boolean isMovable()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Movable for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Movable.

whether the page is specified as Movable (or unspecified).


public Boolean isVisible()
Determines whether this page is currently specified as Visible for this user or group. A value of null (only valid for a user customization) indicates that the user has not specified whether or not this page should be Visible.

whether the page is specified as Visible (or unspecified).

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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