© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class StateImpl

  extended bycom.beasys.commerce.foundation.BelongingImpl
      extended bycom.beasys.commerce.foundation.StateImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Belonging, BusinessSmartComponent, Cloneable, Comparable, RelationalReference, Serializable, State

public class StateImpl
extends BelongingImpl
implements State

Represents a discrete state in a state machine or workflow. It is contained by a StateMachine and refered to by Transitions

See Also:
State, StateHome, Serialized Form

Field Summary
 String name
          A name that identifies the state uniquely within the context of a state machine.
Fields inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.foundation.BelongingImpl
__classIdentifier, __containingBelonging, __containingEntity, __mapKey, __sequenceNumber, _isDirty
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int compareTo(Object o)
          Compares a given object with this Belonging.
 void enter(Transition trans)
          This method is invoked whenever the state is entered.
 void error(Transition trans)
          This method is invoked whenever the state is transitioned from in erro.
 void exit(Transition trans)
          This method is invoked whenever the state is transitioned from.
 TransitionPolicy getEnterPolicy()
          Get the transition policy that is invoked when the state is entered.
 TransitionPolicy getErrorPolicy()
          Set the transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited with an invalid transition.
 TransitionPolicy getExitPolicy()
          Get the transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited.
 String getName()
          Get the value of name
 String interfaceName()
          Returns the unqualified name of the interface as specified in the UML model.
 void setByValue(Belonging value)
          Intializes the Belonging based upon a supplied Belonging.
 void setEnterPolicy(TransitionPolicy policy)
          Set a transition policy that is invoked when the state is entered.
 void setErrorPolicy(TransitionPolicy policy)
          Set a transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited with an invalid transition.
 void setExitPolicy(TransitionPolicy policy)
          Set a transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited.
 void setName(String name)
          Set the value of name
 Belonging value()
          Returns a type safe shallow copy of the Belonging instance.
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.foundation.BelongingImpl
clearRelationalBinding, clearRelationalBinding, clearRelationalBinding, clearRelationalBinding, clone, doRelationalBinding, doRelationalBinding, doRelationalBindingOnElement, doRelationalBindingOnElement, doRelationalBindingOnElement, doRelationalBindingOnSingleton, doRelationalBindingOnSingleton, doRelationalBindingOnSingleton, doRelationalBindingWithMapKey, doRelationalBindingWithMapKey, doRelationalBindingWithMapKey, enumerateRelationalBinding, enumerateRelationalBinding, equals, get__classIdentifier, get__containingBelonging, get__containingEntity, get__containingEntityReference, get__mapKey, get__sequenceNumber, getPersistenceHelperPlugin, hashCode, set__classIdentifier, set__containingBelonging, set__containingEntity, set__containingEntityReference, set__mapKey, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.beasys.commerce.foundation.Belonging
clone, equals

Field Detail


public String name
A name that identifies the state uniquely within the context of a state machine.
 [State] <*>------> [java.lang.String] 


Constructor Detail


public StateImpl()
Method Detail


public int compareTo(Object o)
Description copied from class: BelongingImpl
Compares a given object with this Belonging.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable
Specified by:
compareTo in class BelongingImpl
o - the Object to be compared.
a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.


public void enter(Transition trans)
This method is invoked whenever the state is entered. It searches for an enter policy and invokes it.

Specified by:
enter in interface State


public void error(Transition trans)
This method is invoked whenever the state is transitioned from in erro. It searches for an Error Policy and invokes it if present

Specified by:
error in interface State


public void exit(Transition trans)
This method is invoked whenever the state is transitioned from. It searches for an Exit Policy and invokes it if present.

Specified by:
exit in interface State


public TransitionPolicy getEnterPolicy()
Get the transition policy that is invoked when the state is entered.

Specified by:
getEnterPolicy in interface State


public TransitionPolicy getErrorPolicy()
Set the transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited with an invalid transition.

Specified by:
getErrorPolicy in interface State


public TransitionPolicy getExitPolicy()
Get the transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited.

Specified by:
getExitPolicy in interface State


public String getName()
Get the value of name

Specified by:
getName in interface State


public String interfaceName()
Description copied from interface: Belonging
Returns the unqualified name of the interface as specified in the UML model.

Specified by:
interfaceName in interface Belonging
The unqualified name of the belonging interface.


public void setByValue(Belonging value)
Description copied from interface: Belonging
Intializes the Belonging based upon a supplied Belonging.

Specified by:
setByValue in interface Belonging
setByValue in class BelongingImpl
value - The Belonging to use for initialization.


public void setEnterPolicy(TransitionPolicy policy)
Set a transition policy that is invoked when the state is entered.

Specified by:
setEnterPolicy in interface State


public void setErrorPolicy(TransitionPolicy policy)
Set a transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited with an invalid transition.

Specified by:
setErrorPolicy in interface State


public void setExitPolicy(TransitionPolicy policy)
Set a transition policy that is invoked when the state is exited.

Specified by:
setExitPolicy in interface State


public void setName(String name)
Set the value of name

Specified by:
setName in interface State
name - name to be added


public Belonging value()
Description copied from interface: Belonging
Returns a type safe shallow copy of the Belonging instance.

Specified by:
value in interface Belonging
A type safe shallow copy of this Belonging.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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