© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface BusinessSmartComponent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Belonging, BusinessPolicy, CatalogManager, CatalogQueryManager, CatalogService, CatalogWS, CategoryManager, CustomDataManager, Decryptor, DescribedMoney, DescribedPrice, Encryptor, Entity, EpmCustomDataManager, ImageInfo, InventoryInfo, JdbcCatalogQueryManager, JdbcCatalogService, JdbcCategoryManager, JdbcProductItemManager, JspInfo, Money, Order, OrderLine, PaymentTransaction, Price, ProductItemManager, Quality, Quantity, Result, Session, ShippingHelper, ShippingMethod, ShoppingCart, ShoppingCartLine, State, TaxInformation, TaxLine, TaxLineList, TaxLineResult, TaxParameters, TaxResult, TransactionEntry, Transition, TransitionPolicy, Unit, UnitPrice, Workflow
All Known Implementing Classes:
BelongingImpl, DescribedMoneyImpl, DescribedPriceImpl, ImageInfoImpl, InventoryInfoImpl, JspInfoImpl, MoneyImpl, OrderLineImpl, PaymentWorkflow, PriceImpl, QualityImpl, QuantityImpl, ResultImpl, ShoppingCartImpl, ShoppingCartLineImpl, StateImpl, StateMachine, TaxInformationImpl, TaxLineImpl, TaxLineListImpl, TaxLineResultImpl, TaxParametersImpl, TaxResultImpl, TransactionEntryImpl, TransitionImpl, TransitionPolicyImpl, UnitImpl, UnitPriceImpl

public interface BusinessSmartComponent
extends Serializable

This is the base interface for all Business Smart Component (BSC) classes. It provides framework-specific functionality to objects provided by The Theory Center, Inc. This interface has no methods or fields and serves only to identify the semantics of being a Business Smart Component. All SmartHomes create BusinessSmartComponent objects. These are returned as one of the foundation interface types (Session, Entity, ConfigurableEntity, Belonging, or Policy). Business Smart Component extends java.io.serializable so that all BSCs must also be serializable.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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