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MobileAware Interaction ServerGetting Started Tutorial

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Getting Started Tutorials

About This Manual

What You Need To Know

Full Browsers

Menu-driven Devices


Software Required

Using BEA Workshop with the Getting Started Tutorials

Create MobilityTutorials Domain

Create MobilityTutorials Application

Import the Mobility Tutorials

Install the MobileAware Device Database into the Tutorials Project

Installing the Device Database from BEA Workshop Tools Menu

Configuring the Device Emulators

Introduction to the Mobility Tags

About mmXHTML and the JSP Tag Library

Using the Mobility Tags

Creating Content for PC and PDA Browsers

Running the Tutorials

Including and Excluding Content

Working with Layouts and Groups

More About Groups

Creating Content for Menu-Driven Browsers

Previewing with Emulators

Navigating on Menu-Driven Devices

Hello World Again

Basic Navigation


Things to Try

Displaying a Welcome Logo

Things to Try

Advanced Navigation

Things to Try

Working with Tables

Example breakdown

major="row | column"



bodylocation= "..."

Tabletype="normal | group"



PDA Pagination Using Structures

PDA Pagination Navigation


Key Points

Things to Try

Navigational Menu Styling


Key Points

Things to Try

The `where' Attribute

Example of `where' Attribute

Using `where' with CC/PP Attributes

Other Use Cases

Basic Forms

Processing Forms

Deliver a Form to a Menu-Driven Device

The Processing Page

Processing the Form

About JSP Request Objects

The Process Page


Working with the CC/PP Delivery Context API

About the Delivery Context API

Creating a Device Profile

Key Points


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