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Upgrade Guide

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Database and Metadata Upgrade Steps



This document details several upgrade procedures for WebLogic Portal database and meta-data files. Table 4 -1 explains when each procedure is used.

Table 4 -1

Upgrade Strategy

Perform Steps

Using Pointbase, moving to a WebLogic Portal 8.1 Domain

1 through 4

Not using Pointbase, moving to a WebLogic Portal 8.1 Domain

2 through 4

Using Pointbase, moving Weblogic Portal 7.0 application to a Portal Compatibility Domain

1, 2, 3 and 5

Not using Pointbase, moving Weblogic Portal 7.0 application to a Portal Compatibility Domain

2, 3 and 5

Upgrade Scenarios

The following topics are included in this section:


Database Upgrade Overview

To use your existing PointBase database with the PointBase version shipped with WebLogic 8.1, execute Step 1 below. In order to upgrade portions of Portal 7.0 to Portal 8.1, execute Steps 2 through 4. And, finally, if you are planning on running in Compatibility Mode, execute Step 5.

Note: None of these steps require that WebLogic Server be up and running, and, as a result, no XA JDBC driver should be used in connecting to the database.

Step 1: Upgrade Pointbase Triggers

WebLogic 8.1 includes a more current release of PointBase (4.4). PointBase rewrote their implementation of database triggers in PointBase 4.3. As a result of this, you must execute the following steps to upgrade your PointBase database for use in a 8.1 WebLogic domain.

  1. Shut down the WebLogic Server.
  2. Make backup copies of the 7.0 PointBase database files. This can be accomplished by simply copying the two data files ( *$1.wal and *.dbn ) found in the ..\<7.0 domain name>\pointbase directory. Be sure to make backup copies for the data files for all pertinent domains.
  3. Change directories to the 7.0 domain directory of interest and start the PointBase console by running the startPBConsole file in the following directory:
  4. ..\bea70\weblogic70\portal\bin\win32\

  5. Open the following file in the PointBase console and execute the SQL by going to "SQL -> Execute All":
  6. ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade\drop_70_triggers.sql

  7. Shutdown the PointBase console.
  8. Copy the 7.0 PointBase data files from the ..\<7.0 domain name>\pointbase directory to the 8.1 upgrade directory:
  9. ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade\pointbase

  10. Change directories to: ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade and start the PointBase server and Pointbase console.
  11. ..\bea81\weblogic81\common\bin\startPointBase.cmd -ini=pointbase\pointbase.ini


  12. Open the following file in the PointBase console and execute the SQL by going to "SQL -> Execute All":
  13. ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade\create_70_triggers.sql

  14. Shutdown the PointBase console and Pointbase server.

Step 2: Upgrade WebLogic Portal 7.0 Schema

Complete the following steps to make your 7.0 database schema 8.1 compliant:

  1. Backup your 7.0 database
  2. Change directories to ..\weblogic81\portal\upgrade
  3. Update with your 7.0 database settings
  4. Execute the following script: upgrade_db_schema_to_81
  5. Review upgrade_db_schema_to_81.log to verify that the upgrade was successful.

Note: For PointBase you will see 2 errors (example below). These can be ignored, as they are generated while attempting to re-create the user WEBLOGIC:

SQL> Error Message: User WEBLOGIC already exists in the database.

The database is now upgraded to WebLogic Portal 8.1.

For PointBase; copy the ..\weblogic81\portal\upgrade\pointbase\*$1.wal and *.dbn files to your 8.1 domain. If your 8.1 domain is not wlpCompatability domain you must rename the *$1.wal and *.dbn files to match the PointBase database name used in your domain.

Step 3: Upgrade Application-Sync Files

A number of files require the xsi:schemaLocation to be updated as a result of an upgrade to Xerces. These files typically reside in a directory similar to:


  1. Copy the 7.0 application-sync directory and its subdirectories and files to the 8.1 domain location. The application-sync should be a peer to ..\META-INF\data
  2. For example:



From the ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade directory, execute the script by typing the following at the command line:

UpgradeApplicationSyncFiles c:\bea81\user_projects\applications\testApp\META-INF\
  1. When executing the upgrade script, you must specify the absolute path of the META-INF directory. The files will be read from the ..\META-INF\application-sync directory (and its sub-directories) and will then be written, along with any changes to the xsi:schemaLocation parameter, to the ..\META-INF\data directory. In the event that the ..\META-INF\data already exists you will be asked to rename the directory to prevent any inadvertent loss of files. Note that none of the source files are changed or moved from the ..\META-INF\application-sync directory.
  2. Execute the upgrade script
  3. UpgradeApplicationSyncFiles <


Review the corresponding log file ( upgradeApplicationSyncFiles.log ) to verify that the upgrade was successful. The same information is displayed to the console.

Step 4: Upgrade Portal and Portlet Files

Upgrade .portal and .portlet files to make them using the script in the following directory:


From within the upgrade directory, (..\weblogic81\portal\upgrade) execute the script by typing the following at the command line:

upgradePortalFiles -i<source directory or source file> -o<output directory>

For example, Listing 4-1 illustrates the output if the sampleportal-project directory were copied into a directory called C:\old and a directory called C:\new were created for the transformed portal and portlet files.

Note: The upgradePortalFiles script looks recursively through all subfolders for .portal and .portlet files. None of the source files are changed.

Listing 4-1 Running the upgradePortalFiles Script

C:\weblogic81\portal\upgrade>upgradePortalFiles -iC:\old -oC:\new
C:\weblogic81\portal\upgrade>REM echo off
C:\weblogic81\portal\upgrade>C:/jdk141_03/bin/java -cp
C:/weblogic81/portal/lib/netuix/ejb/netuix_util.jar;C:/weblogic81/portal/lib/netuix/ejb/netuix.jar;C:/weblogic81/portal/lib/netuix/system/netuix_system.jar;C:/weblogic81/p13n/lib/p13n_system.jar;C:/weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.jar com.bea.netuix.migration.PortalMigration -iC:\old -oC:\new
Processing file Bookmarks.portlet
Transformed version of Bookmarks.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file CompanyProfiles.portlet
Transformed version of CompanyProfiles.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file CustomerService.portlet
Transformed version of CustomerService.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file Dictionary.portlet
Transformed version of Dictionary.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file Email.portlet
Transformed version of Email.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file GroupToDo.portlet
Transformed version of GroupToDo.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file MyNewsletters.portlet
Transformed version of MyNewsletters.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file MyToDo.portlet
Transformed version of MyToDo.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file Newsletters.portlet
Transformed version of Newsletters.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file Portfolio.portlet
Transformed version of Portfolio.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file PrimaryCampaign.portlet
Transformed version of PrimaryCampaign.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file QuickLinks.portlet
Transformed version of QuickLinks.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file Quote.portlet
Transformed version of Quote.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file ReviewNewsletters.portlet
Transformed version of ReviewNewsletters.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file SecondaryCampaign.portlet
Transformed version of SecondaryCampaign.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file WebSearch.portlet
Transformed version of WebSearch.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file WhatsHot.portlet
Transformed version of WhatsHot.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file WorldNews.portlet
Transformed version of WorldNews.portlet was valid.
Saving file...
Processing file sampleportal.portal
Transformed version of sampleportal.portal was valid.
Saving file...
PortalMigration completed successfully.

The input argument (-i) should be a directory that has portals and/or portlets in it or one of its sub-directories. It is expected users will specify a 7.0 EBCC project directory but there is no requirement that this be so. When a directory is specified for the input argument the tool traverses the directory and all its sub-directories looking for files with a .portal or .portlet extension. Each file found is validated against the 7.0 schema. If it passes validation the appropriate xslt is applied. If transformation is successful the new document is validated against the 8.1 schema. The file is written to the output directory as described below. The input argument may also be a specific .portal or .portlet file. In this case only the specified file is processed as described above and written out as described below.

The output argument (-o) should be a directory. Under this directory a directory named "portal" will be created and any portals found in the input directory are written here after they are transformed if they pass 8.1 validation. Under the "portal" directory a directory named "portlets" is created and all portlets found in the input directory are written here after they are transformed and they pass 8.1 validation. Portals or portlets that are transformed but fail the 8.1 validations are written to a sub-directory named "failed-verification" located under the output "portal" or "portlet" directories depending on the file's type. Note that none of the source files are changed or moved.

The output directory may look something like this when the file upgrade completes.

<output dir> 

|-- portal (valid 8.1 portals files in here)

|-- failed-verification (portals that failed 8.1 validation)
|-- portlets (valid 8.1 portlets files in here)

______________|-- failed-verification (portlets that failed 8.1 validation)

Step 6: Upgrade ENTITLEMENT_RULESET Records

Entitlements have changed in 8.1. This upgrade step is only necessary if you are planning on running in compatibility mode.

Like the previous upgrade action taken with the files located under the application-sync directory, there are records in the database that also need to be updated to properly reflect the new xsi:schemaLocation. Specifically, the records reside in the ENTITLEMENT_RULESET table.

For compatibility mode, upgrade ENTITLEMENT_RULESET records in the database using the following steps:

  1. Backup the 7.0 database.
  2. For PointBase only: change directories to ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade and start the PointBase server and Pointbase console.
  3. ..\bea81\weblogic81\common\bin\startPointBase.cmd 

    To start the PointBase Server, you may need to pass in a parameter such as the following:

  4. Change directories to: ..\bea81\weblogic81\portal\upgrade.
  5. Update with your 7.0 database settings.
  6. Execute the following script: upgradeEntitlementRulesets.
  7. Be sure and review the upgradeEntitlementRulesets.log to verify that the upgrade was successful. The same information is displayed to the console.
  8. For PointBase; Shutdown the PointBase Server

Step 7: Upgrading Existing Behavior Tracking Data

To preserve and reuse existing behavior tracking data in an upgraded application, take the following steps:

  1. Archive existing Behavior Tracking data
  2. Create another schema within the database for the new release
  3. Change the Connection Pool settings for Behavior Tracking to point to the new schema


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