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Using WSRP with WebLogic Portal

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Establishing WSRP Security

The WSRP standard does not enforce any specific security standard at this time; however, it does recommend that you follow security standards such as WS-Security and SAML when implementing WSRP-compliant portlets. The WSRP standard does emphasize using transport-level security standards, such as SSL/TLS, to address the security issues involved in Consumers invoking Producers on behalf of end-users. These security standards only require that a Producer's WSDL declare ports for an HTTPS service entry point. Consumers can only determine that secure transport is supported by parsing the URL for the service entry point access control.

This section describes some of the security measures we suggest you follow. It contains information on the following subjects:


Access Control

Both Producers and Consumers can control access by using the implemented security measures.


Security Recommendations

While the WSRP standard does not specify security requirements, the following recommendations serve as guidelines that will ensure secure implementation of your WSRP-compliant portlets:

Secure WSRP Messages

To secure WSRP messages:

Listing 2-1 <service-config> Element Configured for Security

<registration required="true" secure="true"/>
<service-description secure="true"/>
<markup secure="true" rewrite-urls="true" transport="string"/>
<portlet-management required="true" secure="true"/>

Note: If you make any changes to wsrp-producer-config.xml, you will need to redeploy or bounce the server before the changes become active.

Manage User Identity

To manage user identity:

Secure the /producer Path

By default, the Producer servlet is not protected. In order to restrict access to a Producer, protect the path <webAppPath>/producer at the network or firewall level (where webAppPath is the URL of the web application).


Obtaining a Signed Certificate

Producers authenticate Consumers through the use of client certificates in conjunction with SSL/TLS. Therefore, if you are relying on SSO and allow users to log-in to the Consumer portal, as recommended, the Producer must trust that Consumer. To establish this trust, the Consumer needs a certificate of authentication signed by an approved certificate authority (CA), such as VeriSign, Inc. This section describes how to use the Java keytool utility to generate a self-signed certificate and then obtain a signed certificate from a CA. It contains information on the following subjects:

The Java keytool Utility

When you install WebLogic Platform, part of the installation process installs a Java runtime environment (JRE). Within the JRE you will find a utility call keytool.exe. keytool is a key and certificate management utility with which you can administer your own public/private key pairs and associated certificates to use in self-authentication (where the user authenticates himself/herself to other users/services) or data integrity and authentication services by using digital signatures.

keytool Concepts and Terminology

You should be familiar with the following terms when implementing security for WSRP-compliant portlets:


Also known as a public-key certificate—a digitally signed statement from one entity (the issuer), saying that the public key (and some other information) of another entity (the subject) has some specific value.

Certificate Authority (CA)

An organization, such as VeriSign, Inc. that will accept a CSR and return to the requestor a certificate or certificate chain.

Certificate chain

A set of certificates used to establish trust back to a common certificate authority. The first certificate in the chain contains the public key corresponding to the private key.

Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

A file that is sent to a certificate authority, who will authenticate the certificate requestor (usually offline) and return to the requestor a certificate or certificate chain, used to replace the existing certificate chain (which initially consists of a self-signed certificate) in the keystore.

key pair

The combination of a public key and private key on the same certificate


A database of private keys and their associated X.509 certificate chains that are used to authenticate the corresponding public keys. A keystore file has the .jks extension.

Self-signed certificate

A certificate for which the issuer is the same as the subject (the entity whose public key is being authenticated by the certificate). When -genkey generate a new public/private key pair, it wraps the public key into a self-signed certificate.

keytool Reference

keytool was created by Sun Microsystems. For complete information on this utility, please refer to keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool at:

Obtaining the Consumer Certificate

To obtain a signed certificate, use this procedure.

Note: Before you can actually create a keystore and generate a certificate, ensure the following has been completed:

  1. At the command line, create the keystore by entering the -genkey command; for example:
keytool -genkey -keypass password1 -file filename.pem -keystore C:\working\myWsrpKeystore.jks -storepass password2 -alias myAlias


The keytool options are not required. If you choose not to specify them, defaults are used for those that have default values and you will be prompted for any required values.

  1. At this point, you've generated a self-signed certificate. Because a certificate is more likely to be trusted by others if it is signed by a Certification Authority (CA), you now need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to gain that signature by doing the following:
    1. Go to a command prompt and enter the -certreq command, specifying the appropriate options; for example:
    2. -certreq -keystore myWsrpKeystore.jks

      where myWsrpKeystore is the renamed .jks file.

      The system responds:

      Enter keystore password: 
    3. Type the password you assigned to the -storepass option.
    4. The system responds:

      Enter key password for <mykey>:
    5. Type the password you assigned to the -keypass option.
    6. The system will then generate the CSR and respond with a series of characters representing the CSR; for example:


This creates a CSR and puts the request in the file named myAlias.pem (where myAlias is the alias you specified when you created the keystore).

  1. Submit the .pem file to a certification authority (CA), such as VeriSign, Inc. They will authenticate you, sign a certificate, and then return it to you. This certificate authenticates your public key.
  1. Import the signed certificate by using the -import command, specifying the appropriate options; for example:
  2. keytool -import

    With the certificate returned, you will need to store it in the keystore entry identified by myAlias. This will replace the self-signed certificate you created with the -genkey command.

    For more information on using the -import command, please refer to:
  1. Import the signed certificate, go to a command prompt and enter the -import command,
  2. Update the Consumer mBean with the new certificate information by doing the following
    1. In WebLogic Workshop, open the application to which the certificate applies.
    2. Start WebLogic Server by selecting Tools>WebLogic Server>Start WebLogic Server.
    3. Launch the Administration Portal by selecting Portal>Portal Administration
    4. The Administration Portal login page appears

    5. Login to the Administration Portal.
    6. The Administration Portal appears.

    7. Under Configure Settings, click Service Administration.
    8. The Configuration Setting page appears (Figure 2-1).

      Figure 2-1 Configuration Settings Page

      Configuration Settings Page

    9. In the left pane, click WSRP Consumer Security Service.
    10. The Configuration Settings for: dialog box appears in the right pane (Figure 2-2)

      Figure 2-2 Configuration Settings for: WSRP Consumer Security Service Dialog Box

      Configuration Settings for: WSRP Consumer Security Service Dialog Box

    11. Update the necessary fields on this dialog box with information from the keystore; for example, Consumer name, keystore name, and passwords.
    12. Click Update.
    13. Restart the server.


Configuring the Producer Keystore

For a Producer to trust a Consumer, it needs to recognize the Consumer's signed certificate. To ensure this, you need to provide the Producer with the Consumer's public key, which the Producer will add to its keystore.

To configure a keystore on the keystore side, you need to do the following:

Update the WSRP Identity Asserter

To update the WSRP identity asserter, use this procedure:

  1. Launch WebLogic Server and open the WebLogic Server console.
  2. In the left pane, drill down to the WSRP Identity Asserter node (Security>Realms>myRealm>Producers>Authentication>WSRPIndentityAsserter), as shown in Figure 2-3.
  3. Figure 2-3 WSRP Identity Asserter Drill-down

    WSRP Identity Asserter Drill-down


    The WSRP Identity Asserter appears in the right pane.

  4. Select the Detail tab to display WSRP identity detail information, as shown in Figure 2-4.
  5. Figure 2-4 WSRP Identity Asserter Detail

    WSRP Identity Asserter Detail

  6. Update the following fields with the appropriate information:
    • Keystore Path: The name of the .jks file of the Consumer to be trusted.
    • Keystore Password: The password created for the .jks file of the Consumer to be trusted.
  7. Click Apply.

Note: If any of the yellow icons next to the field labels are blinking, you will need to reboot the server.

Set Up the Producer Keystore

To set up the Producer keystore, use the -import command on the Producer to import the signed certificate that was returned to the Consumer; for example:

keytool -import -file cert_file

where cert_file is the name of the .pem file that contains the signed certificate.


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