© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface DiscountAssociation

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DiscountAssociation
extends Serializable

This interface represents the public interface to the DiscountAssociation object. A DiscountAssociation object is an immutable representation of a discount association. A discount association is the mapping of a Customer to a Discount and it's primary purpose is to tack and limit how many times discount is used by a particular customer

Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Tests if two discount associations are the same
 String getDescription()
          Get the description for this discount association.
 Integer getId()
          Gets this discount association's unique id
 QualificationDiscountId getQualDiscountId()
          Gets the id of the discount for this discount association
 int getUseCount()
          Gets the current use count for this discount association, that is the number of times the user in the association has used the discount in this association.
 CustomerPk getUser()
          Gets this discount association's Customer or more specifically the CustomerPK
 int hashCode()
          A unique code for this discount association
 boolean isGlobal()
          Gets the value of the the global flag for the discount in this discount association
 String toString()
          Gets a String representation of this discount

Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Tests if two discount associations are the same

obj - the DiscountAssociation to compare this one against
true if the passed DiscountAssociation is the same as this one


public String getDescription()
Get the description for this discount association. This description will only be present if the discount in this association is not global. The description will provide some indication of how or why the user is associated with the discount

the association's description, or null if none was provided


public Integer getId()
Gets this discount association's unique id

the discount association's unique id


public QualificationDiscountId getQualDiscountId()
Gets the id of the discount for this discount association

the id of the discount, a QualificationDiscountId for this discount association


public int getUseCount()
Gets the current use count for this discount association, that is the number of times the user in the association has used the discount in this association. This number should not exceed the allowedUses values specified by the discount

the number of time the user has used the discount
See Also:


public CustomerPk getUser()
Gets this discount association's Customer or more specifically the CustomerPK

discount association's CustomerPK


public int hashCode()
A unique code for this discount association

the hashCode for this discount association


public boolean isGlobal()
Gets the value of the the global flag for the discount in this discount association

ture if the discount in this association is global, flase if it is not


public String toString()
Gets a String representation of this discount

a String representation of this discount

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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