© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.discount.association

Interface Summary
DeleteResults This class represents the results of a delete association operation.
DiscountAssociation This interface represents the public interface to the DiscountAssociation object.
DiscountAssociationMgr This interface defines the public interface of the DiscountAssociationMgr service.
DiscountAssociationMgrHome The home interface for the DiscountAssociationMgr service.

Exception Summary
AssociationAlreadyExistsException Indicates that the discount association trying to be created already exists
AssociationCreationException Indicates that an attempt to create a discount association failed, usually the result of a lower level failure
AssociationDeleteException Indicates that an attempt to create a discount association failed, usually the result of a lower level failure
AssociationException An AssociationException is an ApplicationException that also maintains the primary key of the association it is related to.
AssociationNotFoundException Indicates that the discount association being asked for does not exist
InvalidAssociationException Indicates that the discount id, customer pair does not represent a valid discount association.
UseCountLimitException Indicates that the discount association's use count has exceeded the discount's allowed uses limit

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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