© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.netuix.application.definition

This package provides classes and interfaces for defining runtime representations of entities in the WebLogic Portal Framework that are persisted.


Interface Summary
CategoryDefinition Category marker interface.
NavigableDefinition Represents entities that may have other entities placed on them.
PlaceableDefinition Represents entities that may be placed on other entities.

Class Summary
BookDefinition This class represents a persistant book.
DefinitionCount A convenience class to supply the definition counts of different WebLogic Portal Framework entities for a particular web app.
DesktopDefinition This class represents a persistant desktop.
LayoutDefinition This class represents a persistant layout.
LookAndFeelDefinition This class represents a persistant lookandfeel.
MarkupDefinition This class represents a persistant markup for all WebLogic Portal Framework entities.
MenuDefinition This class represents a persistant menu.
PageDefinition This class represents a persistant page.
PlaceholderDefinition This class represents a persistant placeholder.
PortalDefinition A PortalDefinition is an aggregator of DesktopDefinitions.
PortletCategoryDefinition Provides a mechanism to categorize PortletDefinitions.
PortletDefinition This class represents a persistant portlet.
ShellDefinition ShellDefinition
ThemeDefinition ThemeDefinition

Package com.bea.netuix.application.definition Description

This package provides classes and interfaces for defining runtime representations of entities in the WebLogic Portal Framework that are persisted. Most of these entities are uniquely identified by a corresponding class or interface from the com.bea.netuix.application.identifier package. The persistence API residing in the com.bea.netuix.application.manager package works with these classes.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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