© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface RuleSetArchive

All Superinterfaces:

public interface RuleSetArchive
extends Serializable

Interface that defines a rule set packaged for deployment. Use the DeploymentFactory to create instances that implement this interface.

See Also:
DeploymentFactory, RulesManager

Method Summary
 String getRuleSet()
          Returns the packaged rule set expressed as an XML string.
 String getUri()
          Returns the URI for the packaged rule set.
 void setRuleSet(String xml)
          Set the XML string for the packaged rule set.
 void setUri(String uri)
          Set the URI for the packaged rule set.

Method Detail


public String getRuleSet()
Returns the packaged rule set expressed as an XML string. The XML string must conform to one of the rule set XML Schemas.

the rule set XML string.


public String getUri()
Returns the URI for the packaged rule set. The URI uniquely identifies the rule set.

the rule set URI.


public void setRuleSet(String xml)
Set the XML string for the packaged rule set. The XML string must conform to one of the rule set XML Schemas.

xml - the rule set XML string.


public void setUri(String uri)
Set the URI for the packaged rule set. The URI uniquely identifies the rule set.

uri - the rule set URI.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved