© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface RuleSetRepository

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface RuleSetRepository

This interface defines the operations necessary to add, remove, and retrieve rule set XML documents to and from a rule set store. All rule set repository subsystems must implement this interface; however, the following operations are optional, and may not be supported by all implementations:

See Also:

Field Summary
static int BINARY_FORMAT
          Rule set format: binary representation.
static int STRING_FORMAT
          Rule set format: XML string representation.
Method Summary
 Object getRuleSet(String ruleSetUri, int format)
          Retrieves the rule set with the given URI in the specified format.
 Collection getRuleSets()
          Retrieves a Collection containing the URI strings of all the rule sets available in the rule set repository subsystem.
 void removeRuleSet(String ruleSetUri)
          Removes a rule set with the given URI.
 void setRuleSet(RuleSetArchive archive)
          Saves a new or updated rule set.

Field Detail


public static final int BINARY_FORMAT
Rule set format: binary representation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRING_FORMAT
Rule set format: XML string representation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public Object getRuleSet(String ruleSetUri,
                         int format)
                  throws RuleSetNotFoundException,
Retrieves the rule set with the given URI in the specified format. The format of a returned rule set may be one of the following:

ruleSetUri - the URI of the target rule set.
format - the desired format of the returned rule set.
the rule set in the specified format.
RuleSetNotFoundException - if the rule set referenced by the supplied URI cannot be located by the rule set repository subsystem.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set.
IllegalArgumentException - if the ruleSetUri is an invalid rule set URI or if the format is not supported.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


public Collection getRuleSets()
                       throws ApplicationException,
Retrieves a Collection containing the URI strings of all the rule sets available in the rule set repository subsystem.

The rule sets represented by the returned URI strings may then be retrieved by supplying each returned rule set URI string to the getRuleSet method.

a Collection of all rule set URI strings.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set URI strings.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


public void removeRuleSet(String ruleSetUri)
                   throws RuleSetNotFoundException,
Removes a rule set with the given URI.

ruleSetUri - the URI of the target rule set.
RuleSetNotFoundException - if the rule set referenced by the supplied URI cannot be located by the rule set repository subsystem.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to remove the rule set.
IllegalArgumentException - if the ruleSetUri is an invalid rule set URI.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the setRuleSet operation is not supported by the rule set repository subsystem.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


public void setRuleSet(RuleSetArchive archive)
                throws ApplicationException,
Saves a new or updated rule set. This method is an optional operation that may not be supported by the rule set repository subsystem.

archive - the RuleSetArchive that contains the rule set deployment information.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to persist the rule set.
IllegalArgumentException - if the RuleSetArchive is invalid.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the setRuleSet operation is not supported by the rule set repository subsystem.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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