© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class OracleDatabase

  extended bycom.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.GenericDatabase
      extended bycom.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.OracleDatabase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
OracleThinDatabase, WlsOracleJDriverDatabase, WlsOracleThinDatabase

public abstract class OracleDatabase
extends GenericDatabase

Provides partial implementation of common functionality for Oracle JDBC drivers. Base class for Oracle driver-specific Database instances to support reading/writing of BLOB/CLOB data.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
OracleDatabase(Connection connection)
Method Summary
 Clob getClobLocator(Connection con, String tableName, String clobColumnName, String whereClause)
 String getEmptyBlobInitializer()
          Returns the String required to initialize a BlobLocator object in an Oracle database.
 String getEmptyClobInitializer()
 boolean setClob(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, Clob clob, String data)
          Write to a CLOB.
protected  void trimClob(Clob clob, long newLength)
          Trim a CLOB to desired size.
 void updateClob(ClobKey key, String data)
          Updates a CLOB in the database managed tables for CLOB persistence
Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.GenericDatabase
accept, close, close, close, close, close, close, close, close, close, commitConnection, createPreparedStatement, endBlob, endClob, getApplicationName, getBlob, getBlobLocator, getClob, getClobTableName, getConnection, getName, getProperty, printSqlWarning, readFromClob, readFromClob, setClob, startBlob, startClob, writeToClob, writeToClob
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OracleDatabase(Connection connection)
Method Detail


public Clob getClobLocator(Connection con,
                           String tableName,
                           String clobColumnName,
                           String whereClause)
                    throws SQLException
Specified by:
getClobLocator in interface Database
getClobLocator in class GenericDatabase


public String getEmptyBlobInitializer()
                               throws SQLException
Returns the String required to initialize a BlobLocator object in an Oracle database. Since you modify the BlobLocator object in the database instead of writing to the column directly, this helps to identify the method used to create one in a PreparedStatement such as INSERT INTO BLOB_TABLE ( ID, BLOBS ) VALUES ( ?, empty_blob() ).

Specified by:
getEmptyBlobInitializer in interface Database
getEmptyBlobInitializer in class GenericDatabase
String method used to create a BlobLocator in an Oracle database.
SQLException - on an error.


public String getEmptyClobInitializer()
                               throws SQLException
Specified by:
getEmptyClobInitializer in interface Database
getEmptyClobInitializer in class GenericDatabase


public boolean setClob(PreparedStatement stmt,
                       int index,
                       Clob clob,
                       String data)
                throws SQLException
Write to a CLOB. Write the input stream containing the ASCII data associated with the passed String to the CLOB's output stream. Streams support for updating CLOB columns is not addressed by JDBC 2.0 so this method uses an extension implemented in the delegate. This will always return false, since the Clob is written directly to the database.

Specified by:
setClob in interface Database
setClob in class GenericDatabase
stmt - the PreparedStatement
index - the paramater index
clob - the CLOB locator
boolean executeRequired. If false then a delegate was used to directly set the CLOB in the database without using the PreparedStatement. If true then no delegate was used, or the delegate set the Clob value on the statement and the PreparedStatement must be executed to update the database.
SQLException - on an error


protected void trimClob(Clob clob,
                        long newLength)
                 throws SQLException
Trim a CLOB to desired size. This method does not commit the connection. In normal use, you will call this method with a connection that has auto-commit disabled. After you have called this method with such a connection you can then commit it (if you are finished with the CLOB).

If the newLength is greater than or equal to the current CLOB length (determined from Clob.length()) then nothing is done.

This trim is required because Oracle has some strange behavior for CLOB UPDATEs:

If you use UPDATE to put a small CLOB into a field that contains a larger CLOB, then the CLOB size remains unchanged. In other words, the new small CLOB data overlaps the large CLOB data and the end of the CLOB consists of the old data from the end of the large CLOB.



public void updateClob(ClobKey key,
                       String data)
                throws SQLException
Updates a CLOB in the database managed tables for CLOB persistence


© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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