© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc

Interface Summary
Database Provides various BLOB and CLOB handling methods, as well as validity-checking for database drivers.
JdbcHelperDelegate Deprecated.  
Sequencer This file contains an interface for a unique number sequencer.

Class Summary
DatabaseFactory The DatabaseFactory class provides a means for creating and returning specific Database instances relative to the database being used.
GenericDatabase Concrete implementation of the Database interface.
JdbcHelper See also the Database and DatabaseFactory classes.
OracleDatabase Provides partial implementation of common functionality for Oracle JDBC drivers.
OracleThinDatabase Concrete implementation of OracleDatabase that provides support for reading/writing of BLOB/CLOB data.
SequencerFactory This class implements the Singleton design pattern for obtaining database sequencers.
WlsOracleJDriverDatabase Concrete implementation of OracleDatabase that provides support for reading/writing of BLOB/CLOB data.
WlsOracleThinDatabase Concrete implementation of OracleDatabase that provides support for reading/writing of BLOB/CLOB data.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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