© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class SetStringDatabase

  extended bycom.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.GenericDatabase
      extended bycom.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.SetStringDatabase
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SetStringDatabase
extends GenericDatabase

Constructor Summary
SetStringDatabase(Connection connection)
Method Summary
 boolean commitConnection(Connection connection)
 String getClob(ResultSet rs, int index)
          Get the value of a CLOB column as a string.
 String getName()
          The name of this GenericDatabase instance.
 boolean setClob(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, Clob clob, String str)
          If there is a delegate, this method uses JdbcHelperDelegate.writeClobData() If this is done, then the PreparedStatement does not need to be used and the return value, executeRequired, is false.
 void setClob(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, String str)
          Set the value of a CLOB column with a string.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.GenericDatabase
accept, close, close, close, close, close, close, close, close, close, createPreparedStatement, endBlob, endClob, getApplicationName, getBlob, getBlobLocator, getClobLocator, getClobTableName, getConnection, getEmptyBlobInitializer, getEmptyClobInitializer, getProperty, printSqlWarning, readFromClob, readFromClob, startBlob, startClob, writeToClob, writeToClob
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SetStringDatabase(Connection connection)
Method Detail


public boolean commitConnection(Connection connection)
                         throws SQLException
Specified by:
commitConnection in interface Database
commitConnection in class GenericDatabase


public String getClob(ResultSet rs,
                      int index)
               throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: Database
Get the value of a CLOB column as a string.

This method will only return the value of the CLOB in the current row of the ResultSet. This method does not increment the ResultSet cursor. You must use ResultSet.next() to increment the cursor before calling this method. This allows the method to be used to process multi-row ResultSets.

If no JdbcHelperDelegate is specified in the console (configured via JdbcHelperMBean) then this method will return a string obtained using the default method that was used before a delegate model was implemented for this class. That method uses Clob.getCharacterStream() to construct a BufferedReader that is read in with the readLine() method.

Specified by:
getClob in interface Database
getClob in class GenericDatabase


public String getName()
Description copied from class: GenericDatabase
The name of this GenericDatabase instance.

Specified by:
getName in interface Database
getName in class GenericDatabase
the name of the database


public boolean setClob(PreparedStatement stmt,
                       int index,
                       Clob clob,
                       String str)
                throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: Database
If there is a delegate, this method uses JdbcHelperDelegate.writeClobData() If this is done, then the PreparedStatement does not need to be used and the return value, executeRequired, is false. The CLOB should be first located with getClobLocator() If there is no delegate, then this method ignores the Clob argument and sets the value of the String into the CLOB placeholder in the PreparedStatement with setClob(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, String str) and returns executeRequired = true.

WARNING: if using a delegate to stream data to a CLOB, then you should have used Connection.setAutoCommit(false) before calling the CLOB locator method that provided the Clob you are using in this method call. This will make the CLOB available across multiple SQL statements.

Specified by:
setClob in interface Database
setClob in class GenericDatabase


public void setClob(PreparedStatement stmt,
                    int index,
                    String str)
             throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: Database
Set the value of a CLOB column with a string.

Specified by:
setClob in interface Database
setClob in class GenericDatabase

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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