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MobileAware Interaction Server Administration Guide

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MobileAware Interaction Server Administration Guide


About This Manual

This manual introduces you to the various tasks required to configure and manage the MobileAware Interaction Server. The manual is divided into three parts:

System Administration

Explains how to set up and configure the MobileAware Interaction Server. It describes the various files used by the MobileAware Interaction Server and the changes you need to make during configuration.

Resource Administration

Explains how to set up device profiles and how to manage the various device profiles. These profiles are stored in the device database and are managed through the Administration Console, a Java-based GUI that provides a convenient way of setting up, retrieving and modifying the various attributes associated with each profile.

Appendix A - Device Attributes

Appendix B - web.xml Sample File

Further Reading

For further information on the MobileAware Interaction Server, see the following manuals:


System Administration

Deploying an Application

In order to develop Java Server Pages or Java Servlets, regardless of whether they are mobilised or not, you must establish a server-side environment that interprets, compiles, and executes the pages that you write. This section describes how to deploy a mobilised web application with the MobileAware Interaction Server servlet filter.

There are two key steps to deploying the MobileAware Interaction Server applications in a servlet environment:

Creating the Deployment Site

Servlet containers such as BEA Tomcat and WebLogic support the Java Servlet 2.3 specification that standardises how the various components in a web application are organised. Some things to remember:

Note: If you developed your mobilized application in BEA WebLogic Workshop with MobileAware Interaction Server, BEA WebLogic Edition installed, "Enable Multi-Channel" has already copied any necessary MobileAware Interaction Server files into the WEB-INF directory.

The following table shows the contents of the WEB-INF directory:

Table 1 WEB-INF Directory Contents

WEB-INF Contents



The deployment descriptor for the application.


A directory for Java utility classes and other files such as the and files.

See the next section, "", for further details on how to set up this directory.


A directory for Java ARchive (JAR) files that contain servlets, JavaBeans, and other utility classes for the web application. The container automatically loads these classes. Copy the contents of the <installdir>\lib to this folder.


For additional information on deploying applications on BEA WebLogic Platform, Please refer to Developing Web Applications for BEA WebLogic Server documentation:

Configuring the Web Deployment Descriptor

Before deploying a web application, you need to place a deployment descriptor (web.xml) into the WEB-INF directory. This file pulls together all the components of the Web application.

The following table describes the key elements in the web.xml file:

Table 2 Key Elements in web.xml File




This is the root element for the deployment descriptor.


Specifies the name to be displayed for the application.


Names the filter used by this web application and the parameters it receives.


Specifies which URL pattern is mapped to the servlet.


Configuring the MIS Filter and Filter Mapping

An example of a web.xml file that has been configured for the MobileAware Interaction Server filter is shown below followed by an explanation of the settings.

    <display-name>MIS Mobility Filter</display-name>
    <description>MIS Mobility Filter</description>

Table 3 MobileAware Interaction Server web.xml Filter Settings




The name of the filter used by this web application:



The name of the filter to be displayed:

MIS Mobility Filter


A description of the filter:

MIS Mobility Filter


The class file containing the filter:



A name for each parameter to be passed to the MobileAware Interaction Server:



A value for each corresponding parameter name. In this case, the name and location of the properties file.



Table 4 MobileAware Interaction Server web.xml Filter Mapping Settings




Specifies which URL pattern is to be mapped for the servlet specified by <filter-name>:



The URL pattern to follow:



For more details on the Java Server specification and how to configure the web.xml file, please refer to the following URLs:

Developing Web Applications for BEA WebLogic Server documentation:

The MobileAware Interaction Server provides a set of sample JSP error handling pages and images:

Copy the error pages to your web application directory; you can place them in their own directory below the webapp root if you prefer.

Modify the following lines in the properties file so that they point to the appropriate error handlers.



Configuring the MobileAware Interaction Server

Configuring the MobileAware Interaction Server Filter

Configuring a MobileAware Interaction Server filter for each web application involves creating an file that specifies:

There is a sample properties file,, in the lib folder of the installation directory. Copy this file into WEB-INF/classes folder and make the necessary changes for configuring the database and the error pages.

You can rename the file to a name of your own choosing, but you need to specify the name in <param-value> section of the web.xml file that has been configured for the filter. See the section "Configuring the MIS Filter and Filter Mapping" for further details.

This sectionchapter introduces the various properties used to manage the behaviour of the MobileAware Interaction Server. As an administrator, you will need to configure some of these properties to adjust the behaviour of the MobileAware Interaction Server.

Some of these properties will have been set during the install process, while others can be configured later when you want to activate other new features.

The File

The main configuration file used by the MobileAware Interaction Server, which contains a number of user-modifiable parameters, is the file.

This file can be found in the WEB-INF/classes folder. It is a plain text file that can be edited in any text editor.

This section describes configuration settings for the file.

Configuring the MobileAware Device Database Connection

The following device database properties must be configured in order forthat the MobileAware Interaction Server tocan successfully communicate with the MobileAware Device Ddatabase used:

Table 5 Device Database Properties Settings




Location of the JDBC driver to be used by the MobileAware Interaction Server to gain access to the database.

This property also has the effect of informing the MobileAware Interaction Server which database it is connected to.

  • For Oracle, set to: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

  • For MySQL, set to:

  • For Postgres, set to: org.postresql.Driver

  • For PointBase, set to: com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver

  • For SQL Server (with MIS deployed on BEA WebLogic only), set to: weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver

To configure MIS to use the BEA WebLogic database connection pool: weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver

Example: deviceDB.driver:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver


The URL to use to access the Device Database.

  • For Oracle, set to: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<oracle_host>:<oracle_port>:<oracle_database_name>

  • For MySQL, set to:
    jdbc:mysql://<mysql-server-ip:port>/ <db-name>?user=<connect-user>&password=<connect-password>

  • For Postgres, set to:

  • For PointBase, set to:

  • For SQLServer (with MIS deployed on BEA WebLogic only), set to:

  • When using WebLogic database connection pool, set to:
    Example: deviceDB.url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle_host:1521:mySID


Username used by the MobileAware Interaction Server to access the database server.

Note: For MySQL, this property is left blank.

Example: deviceDB.user: user


Password of user used by the MobileAware Interaction Server to access the database server. For MySQL, this property is left blank.

Example: deviceDB.password: password


A numeric value indicating the number of concurrent database connections in the database pool. This is used to control the number of concurrent database connections and licenses required by the MobileAware Interaction Server. Defaults to 10. See "About Connection Pools" below for more information.

Example: deviceDB.maxDBConnections: 10


A numeric value indicating (in milliseconds) the time to wait for a connection from the database pool. Defaults to 5000.

Example: deviceDB.waitTime: 5000


A numeric value indicating the number of connections to add to the pool if there are no connections currently available. If the maximum number of connections in the pool has been reached then no new connections will be added to the pool. Defaults to 1

Example: deviceDB.increment: 1


About Connection Pools

A dynamic web site often generates HTML pages from information stored in a database. Each request for a page results in a database access. Connecting to a database is time consuming since the database must allocate communication and memory resources as well as authenticates the user and set up the corresponding security context. Setting up the individual connections can become a bottleneck.

Establishing the connection once and using the same connection for subsequent requests can therefore dramatically improve the performance of a database driven web application. Connection pooling is a technique used to avoid the overhead of making a new database connection every time an application or server object requires access to a database. Rather than making and breaking connections as required, a "pool" of database connections is maintained by the system on the server. When the MobileAware Interaction Server needs a database connection, it simply requests an available one from the pool - if none is available, a new one is created & added to the pool.

The connection pool not only grows to specified limits, but also contracts as required, closing connections that have not been used for a specified time. This avoids taking up system resources by simply holding connections that are not currently required. This also handles databases which "time-out" their connections, and prevents handing a "stale" connection to an application object.

Configuration of XML File-based MobileAware Device Database

To configure MIS to use an XML File-based MobileAware Device Database instead of connecting to an external database (e.g. Oracle, MySQL) where the MobileAware Device Database has been installed, the database settings must be defined properly in the file associated with the web application.

  1. Locate the file for your web application (e.g. for the sample Mobility Portal application, it is located at: <bea>\weblogic81\mobileaware\samples\BEAWorkshop\maportal\WEB-INF\classes\) and open it in a text editor.
  2. Look for the Device Repository Type setting in the file, similar to below:
# Device Repository Type
# -----------------------------------------
# This setting indicates whether the MobileAware Device Database is
# deployed as an XML file or installed into a JDBC database. 
# Possible values are: xml and db
# If not specified, db is assumed.
#deviceRepositoryType: xml
  1. Uncomment the last line so that it now reads:
deviceRepositoryType: xml
  1. Look for the XML Device Repository File Location setting in the file, similar to below:
# XML Device Repository File Location
# -----------------------------------------
# This setting indicates the location of the Device Repository XML file
# This setting must be set to the location of the xml file or the 
# classpath will be checked (see deviceXML.resourceName)
# Example:
#deviceXML.location: C\:\\bea81sp3\\weblogic81\\mobileaware\\database\\DeviceRepository.xml
  1. Uncomment the `deviceXML.location:' line and change the indicated location to the actual location of the DeviceRepository.xml file. The DeviceRepository.xml file included with MobileAware Interaction Server is located at: <bea>\weblogic81\mobileaware\database\DeviceRepository.xml. For example,
deviceXML.location: C\:\\bea81sp3\\weblogic81\\mobileaware\\database\\DeviceRepository.xml
  1. Look for the XML Device Repository Resource Name setting in the file, similar to below
# XML Device Repository Resource Name
# -----------------------------------------
# This setting indicates the name of the Device Repository XML file that 
# should be used in the classpath.
# The default is "/DeviceRepository.xml"
# Example: deviceXML.resourceName: /DeviceRepository.xml
deviceXML.resourceName: /DeviceRepository.xml
  1. If the XML file to be used is not named DeviceRepository.xml, uncomment the `deviceXML.resourceName:' line and change the indicated resource name to reflect the actual name of the XML file to be used. By default, DeviceRepository.xml is assumed.
  2. Save the file.
  3. In production environment, you must now use the BEA WebLogic Administration Console to redeploy your web application. In a development environment, the web application can simply be redeployed directly from within BEA WebLogic Workshop.

Configuring Session Encoding of URLs (configuration optional)

Where session cookies are not supported by devices or gateways, session information can be automatically encoded into URLs :using the settings in the table below.

Table 6 Session Encoding of URLs Properties Settings




For URLs generated by the MobileAware Interaction Server, this property defines whether the MobileAware Interaction Server calls the application server's encodeURL() method to automatically append a session ID. By default, this is set to true. When this property is set to false it will stop the MobileAware Interaction Server from inserting session IDs in any content it generates. If set to false, all devices or gateways which connect to the MobileAware Interaction Server must support session cookies.

Example: generatedLinks.encodeSessionId: false


This property defines whether the MobileAware Interaction Server calls the application server's encodeURL() method to automatically append a session ID for URLs not generated by the MobileAware Interaction Server. By default, this is set to false. If set to false, either all such URLs must be manually encoded with the session ID or all devices or gateways which connect to the MobileAware Interaction Server must support session cookies.

Example: rewriteAllUrls: true


Configuring URL Compression

The URLs generated by portal frameworks and other content servers are often very long. If URL rewriting is used instead of cookies for session management the length of these URLs is extended further. Because the length of these URLs takes up valuable space within the limited memory of a small device, the output visible to the user is often very limited. In extreme cases, pages are limited to just 2 or 3 links.

To mitigate this, the MobileAware Interaction Server supports URL compression, which reduces the length of these URLs to a minimum, thereby allowing much more content to be delivered to the device. This is especially relevant where the device has limited memory but could also be important where limited bandwidth is an issue.

URL compression works by breaking the URL into fragments (query parameters) and replacing the fragments in the URL with shortened tokens. These shortened tokens are used by the MobileAware Interaction Server to map a request generated from the replacemen URL back to the original URL.


The following is an example of a URL of 359 characters produced by BEA WebLogic Portal:

com.bea.event.userid=null&com.bea.event.documentid=Avitek/DemoDocuments/Demo Features
List.xls&com.bea.event.documenttype=AvitekDocs&contentId=Avitek/DemoDocuments/Demo Features List.xls

With URL compression turned on in the MobileAware Interaction Server, this URL would be reduced to 99 characters, which is a saving of 260 characters:


URL compression can be configured in the file. file.

The table below shows sample URL Compression configuration for the MobileAware Interaction Server running against a BEA WebLogic Portal server.

Table 7 URL Compression Properties Settings for MIS Running Against BEA WebLogic Portal



Defines the store type to be used. The only valid type in the MobileAware Interaction Server is session.

Example: session


The string used to prefix the compression tokens. Prefixing helps avoid clashes with uncompressed tokens which may have the same value as a compressed token.

Default is "!!".

Note: The Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 3.1 does not support "!!"


Comma separated list of query parameter names to be compressed.

Example: namespace, event, com.bea.event.type, com.bea.event.userid, com.bea.event.documentid, com.bea.event.documenttype, contentId, origin, pageid, portletid


Comma separated list of query parameter names that have values to be compressed.

Example: namespace, event, com.bea.event.type, com.bea.event.userid, com.bea.event.documentid, com.bea.event.documenttype, contentId, origin, pageid, portletid

The URL to which MIS will redirect a request if unrecognized compression tokens are received. This can happen, for example, if the client's session has expired and a page is refreshed or a bookmark is visited. A sensible value for this property would be the home page or login page of the site.
Note: the URL specified is webapp relative)

Example from BEA WebLogic Portal deployment: /avitekfinancial/application/


Note: When using the redirect URL for failed decompression it is recommended that content developers design JSP or XHTML pages that do not make use of, or depend on, the values of parameters passed in the URL.

Error Handling (configuration optional)

The location of Error handler JSPs for HTTP and WAP can be configured using the parameters in the table below. The location of the JSP error handlers is a webapp relative path.

Table 8 JSP Error Page Properties Settings




Location of the HTTP JSP error handler, or your own custom file.

Example: /errorHandler.jsp


Location of the WAP JSP error handler, or your own custom file.

Example: /errorHandlerWap.jsp


Configuration Mode (configuration optional)

This configuration entry determines which mode of operation the MobileAware Interaction Server runs in.

Table 9 Configuration Mode Properties Setting




The MobileAware Interaction Server has two modes of operation: `development' and `production'. Setting the mode to `development' provides detailed informative warning messages to enable content developers to tune and debug content during the development phase. By default, operation mode is set to `production'.

Example: operation.mode: development


Generated URLs

The MobileAware Interaction Server automatically generates a number of URLs during content transformation. For content that the MobileAware Interaction Server produces for WAP phones, the MobileAware Interaction Server can produce `Next' and `Back to Top' links that contain the identifier of the required page. Similarly, when the MobileAware Interaction Server splits a form into multiple pages, the URLs generated by the MobileAware Interaction Server contain information about required form ID, current form ID and whether a form reset has been requested.

The parameter name that the MobileAware Interaction Server uses for these identifiers can be changed in the file, in the event that they clash with those already used by content developers.

Table 10 URL Generation Properties Settings




In delivering forms to menu-driven devices, the MobileAware Interaction Server splits large documents into numbered forms. The MobileAware Interaction Server uses the value of this property to create any URLs that reference the current page in a paginated form.

By default, this is set to c_-p


Defines the parameter name used by the MobileAware Interaction Server to reference the number of the next page in a paginated form.

By default, this is set to form_n_-p.


Defines the parameter name for the MobileAware Interaction Server to use in generated URLs which reference the session-wide form identifier.

By default, this is set to form_-id.


Defines the name of the parameter that the MobileAware Interaction Server uses to uniquely reference parsed documents in generating `back to top' links.

By default, this is set to page_id.


Defines the name of the parameter that the MobileAware Interaction Server places in URLs to indicate that a form submit is actually a `reset'.

By default, this is set to form_-reset.


In delivering content for WAP, the MobileAware Interaction Server splits large documents into numbered pages and delivers one page at a time. In so doing, the MobileAware Interaction Server must add a parameter to certain URLs so they explicitly reference an individual page of transformed content.

By default, this is set to n_-p.


Strict Attribute Handling and Delivery (configuration optional)

These configuration entries define whether the MobileAware Interaction Server rejects stand-alone `&' symbols, and whether it delivers them in HTML content.

Example of malformed xml:

<a href="/url?param1=value1&param2=value">

Example of well-formed equivalent:

<a href="/url?param1=value1&amp;param2=value">

Table 11 Strict Attribute Handling and Delivery Properties Settings




For consistency with XHTML standards, the MobileAware Interaction Server parser is configured by default to reject stand-alone `&' symbols in XHTML attributes. For integration with pre-existing content and frameworks, this strictness can be switched off by setting this property to false. Allowable values are "true" and "false".

Example/Default: xsp.strictAttribute: true


When enabled, urls with query string parameters use the full XML entity reference "&amp;" and thus will be delivered in the form:


When disabled, these URLs take the form:


Default: "false" (i.e. use '&'). Allowable values are "true" and "false".

html.deliverStrictAttribute: true


Diagnostics Subscriptions (configuration optional)

The MobileAware Interaction Server is configured by default to send certain important diagnostics messages, such as error messages, to the application server console. It is possible to configure these and additional diagnostic messages to be sent either to the console or to a specified file.

Example diagnostics messages published to file:

diagnostics.startup.subscriptions.abcFile.topic: MIS.General.Startup
diagnostics.startup.subscriptions.abcFile.level: verbose|normal
diagnostics.startup.subscriptions.abcFile.filename: c:\\diagerrors.log

Note: "abc" is simply a placeholder for a unique identifier, to ensure that property names are unique. You are free to choose your own identifier.

Note: Each topic you subscribe to must be configured to output to a different file.

Note: At start-up, the specified file is overwritten, not appended to.

Example diagnostics messages published to the console:

diagnostics.startup.subscriptions.xyzConsole.topic: MIS.General.Startup
diagnostics.startup.subscriptions.xyzConsole.level: verbose|normal

By default, the MobileAware Interaction Server diagnostics are configured to publish start-up messages and diagnostic-audit messages (to track individuals connecting to diagnostics) to the console as follows:


Error messages could additionally be configured to publish to file as follows:


This is a special case where no topic is required.

Table 12 Diagnostics Subscriptions Properties Settings




Any diagnostic topic which can be selected from the MobileAware Interaction Server Diagnostics


Specifies the level of diagnostics message required, either "verbose" or "normal"


Name of file to log this diagnostic subscription to


Back to Top (configuration optional)

This configuration entry defines whether the "Back to Top" feature is enabled or disabled.

When enabled, a shortcut "Back To Top" link is provided on the device, which will allow the user to return directly to the top of the group based on the hierarchy of the current document. If the user then uses this enhancement to navigate to the top-level navigation card of the current document hierarchy, they are provided with a "Back To Top" link that returns them to the referrer.

Table 13 Back to Top Properties Setting




Indicates whether "Back to Top" links should be used for paginated content.

Default: true


Content Length Settings

The response.omitContentLength configuration entry defines whether or not the MobileAware Interaction Server will set the content length in the response. By default, response.omitContentLength is set to false, implying that the MobileAware Interaction Server will set the content length in the response. If it is set to true the MobileAware Interaction Server will not set the content length and chunked encoding will be used to deliver content

Table 14 Content Length Properties Setting




Indicates whether the content length should be included in the response from MobileAware Interaction Server

Default: false


Disallowed Output Encodings (configuration optional)

The MobileAware Interaction Server determines from the incoming device request which character encodings will give the best rendering of content. In some circumstances, however, a device may incorrectly report its quality of support for a given character encoding, or there may be no valid transformation from the original content encoding to the preferred device encoding. Specifying a comma-separated list of encodings for the disallowedOutputEncodings property instructs the MobileAware Interaction Server never to deliver content in any of these encodings.

Table 15 Disallowed Output Encodings Properties Setting





Indicates output encodings that MobileAware Interaction Server should never use.

Example: disallowedOutputEncodings: iso-8859-1, iso-8859-5


Optimizsing Performance with the JSP Tag Library (configuration optional)

There are several steps involved in the MobileAware Interaction Server transformation process. Some of these steps can by bypassed to achieve optimal performance using the MobileAware Interaction Server JSP tag library.

For full details on achieving optimal performance with the JSP Tag Library, see the chapter section "Optimising Performance with the JSP Tag Library" in the MobileAware Interaction Server, BEA WebLogic Edition. The properties involved in this process are summarised below.

Table 16 Optimizing JSP Tag Library Performance Properties Setting




Optimises processing when JSP files are known to contain only mm: and non mm- tags. Allowable values are "true" and "false".

mis.jsptaglib.passthrough: true


Optimises processing when JSP files matching specified patterns are known to contain only mm: and non mm- tags.

mis.passthrough.patterns: *.jsp


Bypasses certain processing where JSP files matching specified patterns are to be delivered only to FullBrowsers.

mis.bypass.patterns: /pc/*.jsp


Specifies fullbrowser device to be used with mis.bypass.patterns, or in unlicensed mode.

mis.fullbrowser.device: Mozilla/5


Passthrough Pattern Configuration (configuration optional)

The following properties control which HTTP requests the MobileAware Interaction Server will act on. For performance reasons it is beneficial to be able to inform the MobileAware Interaction Server to not process any request that will not produce MMXHTML.

When an HTTP request is received, the MobileAware Interaction Server will check the URL against the "mis.patterns.url.nonmmxhtml" patterns. If it matches, the request will not be processed.

Otherwise, the MobileAware Interaction Server will check the "mis.patterns.url.mmxhtml" patterns. If these match, or the property "mis.patterns.url.unknown.mmxhtml" is set to true, the request is processed and the Content-Type is checked after the content has been produced.

The Content-Type check is done in much the same was as the url check. The Content-Type is checked against the "mis.patterns.contenttype.nonmmxhtml" property. If it matches, the content is delivered as produced. Otherwise, if either the "mis.patterns.contenttype.unknown.mmxhtml" is set to true or the "mis.patterns.contenttype.mmxhtml" pattern matches the content is transformed.

Note: If you need to modify or add to these lists you need to include the appropriate values from the default settings as you are overriding the property. Only remove from these lists if you are sure that is what you want to do. Configuring these properties incorrectly may cause the MobileAware Interaction Server to no longer process content.

In the following properties the "patterns" may be of the form:

XXX* - starts with XXX, for example /images/*
*XXX - ends with XXX, for example *.gif
*XXX* - contains XXX, for example */ignore/*

Table 17 Passthrough Pattern Properties Setting




Configure the list of URL patterns to NOT consider MMXHTML. If a request is received for a URL matching one of these patterns it will not be processed by MIS.

mis.patterns.url.nonmmxhtml: *.css *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe *.wbmp *.swf *.dwt *.ico *.png *.txt *.pdf


Configure the list of URL patterns to consider potentially MMXHTML. If a request is received for a url matching one of these patterns it will be processed by MIS.

mis.patterns.url.mmxhtml=*.htm *.html *.jsp


Configure if an unknown URL should be considered potentially MMXHTML. If a request is received for a URL not matching the "mis.patterns.url.nonmmxhtml" or the "mis.patterns.url.mmxhtml" patterns, this property decides if it should be considered MMXHTML.

mis.patterns.url.unknown.mmxhtml: true


Configure the list of Content-Type patterns to NOT consider MMXHTML. If a response is received with a Content-Type matching one of these patterns it will not be processed by MIS.

mis.patterns.contenttype.nonmmxhtml: application/* audio/* image/* message/* model/* multipart/* video/* text/css text/plain text/rtf text/vnd* text/xml


Configure the list of Content-Type patterns to consider MMXHTML. If a response is received with a Content-Type matching one of these patterns it will be processed by MIS.

mis.patterns.contenttype.mmxhtml: text/html;* text/html text/tml text/tml;*


Configure if an unknown Content-Type should be considered MMXHTML. If a request is received for a Content-Type not matching the "mis.patterns.contenttype.nonmmxhtml" or the "mis.patterns.contenttype.mmxhtml" patterns, this property decides if it should be considered MMXHTML.

mis.patterns.contenttype.unknown.mmxhtml: false


Configure whether content type should be ascertained by asking java to do the mapping from URL to mime-type.



BEA WebLogic Portal Settings (configuration mandatory for BEA Portal deployment)

Note: The following properties are to facilitate MIS Integration with BEA WebLogic Portal and Server. Do Not change these settings if running with BEA WebLogic Portal or Server.

Table 18 BEA WebLogic Portal Properties Setting




Must be set to true if MIS deployed with BEA WebLogic Portal or Server. This is set by default when using the "Enable Multi-Channel" option in BEA WebLogic Workshop


Must be set to true if MIS deployed with BEA WebLogic Portal or Server. This is set by default when using the "Enable Multi-Channel" option in BEA WebLogic Workshop


The File

This file contains additional configurable settings that relate to the way content appears on the screen. Most of these settings have to do with the text displayed in the automatically generated links, which aid navigation around sites being delivered to handheld devices. For example, Next, Back to:, Previous, and so on.

Unlike the other two properties files discussed in this section, this file is located in the webapp's WEB-INF/lib/mmJSPtaglib.jar file. This file contains the default property values. If you wish to make changes to this file, unzip the jar, make a copy of the properties file, make the changes, then save it to:


Multiple versions of this file can be created to provide locale specific property values. Which file is used depends on the language and region settings of the requesting device and the availability of a properties file matching those settings. This mechanism uses the Java Internationalization functionality that provides a standard for application designs that are adaptable to various languages and regions without engineering changes.

As an example, if you had customers in France and Germany who would be accessing your website, you would create two versions of the file and name them:

Modify the property values to conform to the language of the country.

#                                                                                                              #
# Next Link                                                                                              #
# The text link that is inserted by MIS                                                     #
# during pagination of a group to take user to next                                 #
# page of content within the group.                                                         #     
#                                                                                                             # Suivant...					
#                                                                                                              #
# Previous Link                                                                                       #
# The text link that is inserted by MIS during                                          #
# pagination of a group to return user to previous page                         #
# of the group.                                                                                         #
#                                                                                                              #
######################################################### Précédent

Figure 1 Setting properties for French devices


Setting properties for French devices


For more information and a list of the fully supported locales and filename extensions, see the Java documentation at

Table 19 Content Assembly Properties Settings



The text link that is inserted by MIS during pagination of a group to take user to next page of content within the group.

The text link that is inserted by MIS during pagination of a group to return user to previous page of the group.


The default form submit button text when the user does not define it themselves.

Back to: %previous_page_title%*
The text link that is inserted by MIS during pagination that would take you to the previous page of content when in a paginated group.

Back to: %grp_name%
The text link that is inserted by MIS during pagination of a group to take the user to the top of the page of content.

Back to:%table_name%
The text link that is inserted by MIS during pagination of a group to take the user to the top of the page of content.


Placed in the 'alt' text on an image when no 'alt' text is defined in an mm-img.

The text link that is used to access the table data.


The text placed in an empty cell that is NOT a link.


Placed in the 'alt' text on an image when no media object is defined.

The text link included when a form is paginated.


The default form reset button text when the user does not define it themselves


Unnamed Link
The default link text for the meta tag defining an mm-section.


If all the Options links associated with a page do not fit on the transformed page, they will be placed on a separate page. This property specifies the text for the link to the Options page.


The File

The file is a text file containing the configuration settings that regulate the content caching mechanism. It is located in the WEB-INF/classes folder of each your webapps running with the MobileAware Interaction Server. It is a plain text file and can be modified in any text editor.

Normally, you do not need to modify anything in this file; however, you might want to change the directory that stores the caches. You can reset the directory by changing the cache.path property. By default, a cache directory called tempCache is created relative to the directory from which the MobileAware Interaction Server was launched.

Note: If you change the cache.path property, you must ensure that the cache has permission to write to the new directory.

Configuring the Error Pages

The MobileAware Interaction Server provides a set of sample JSP error handling pages and images. It is recommended that you replace these with your own error handling pages and images. This error pages can be found in the top directory of the sample BEA Workshop and BEA Portal projects installed during the installation process (see the MobileAware Interaction Server BEA WebLogic Edition Installation Guide).

Table 20 Sample JSP Error Handling Pages and Images




Defines the jsp that handles HTTP error messages


Defines the jsp that handles WAP error messages


Copy the error pages to your web application directory or place them in their own directory below the <webapp> root if you prefer.

You will need to modify the following lines in the file so that they point to the appropriate error handlers.

Table 21 JSP Error Page Settings




Location of the HTTP JSP error handler, or your own custom file


Location of the WAP JSP error handler, or your own custom file



Resource Administration

Getting Started

Device profiles are stored in the MobileAware Device Database. They are managed through the Administration Console, a Java-based GUI that provides a convenient way of setting up, retrieving and modifying the attributes associated with each profile.

This chapter introduces the Administration Console.

Quick Start

The following table introduces the basic steps in using the Administration Console.

Table 22 Administration Console Quick Start Guide



Launch the console

The MobileAware Tools Launcher Icon in BEA WebLogic Workshop or launch directly from <bea_home>/weblogic81/mobileaware/applications/MISAdmin/MISAdministrationConsole.exe or MISAdministration.bin.


Apps \> Login

Logout of the console

Apps \> Logout

Close all windows

Apps \> Close All

Refresh the device database

Apps \> Refresh Database

Exit the console

Apps \> Exit


Logging In

  1. The "Administration Console Login" window opens when you launch the application.
  2. Enter the correct MobileAware Interaction Server IP address and web application address in the "Server" field, for example localhost:8080/<application>news/. (The "Server" field recalls the last four servers that the Administrator successfully connected to.)
  3. f required, tick the "Password Protected" checkbox to enable the Username and Password fields.
  4. If required, enter your username and password in the respective fields. As you type your password the characters appear as asterisks.
  5. Click Login to display the "Administration Console" window.

Using the System Monitor

The System Monitor displays the Free Memory available and refreshes the console.

  1. Choose Apps \> System Monitor

Refreshing the Console Automatically

  1. Set the Refresh interval (in seconds) for the Administration Console using the refresh period indicator

Refreshing the Console Manually

  1. Click Refresh to refresh theAdministration Console display.

Using the Administration Console Toolbar

The Administration toolbar provides a convenient method for accessing the administrative functions within the MobileAware Interaction Server. The following illustrates the tasks associated with each image on the toolbar.

Figure 2 Administration Console Toolbar

Administration Console Toolbar


Managing Devices

Devices have a range of input and presentation capabilities, network connectivity and levels of scripting language support.

The MobileAware Interaction Server accommodates these differences by maintaining the device database, which contains profiles describing the properties and capabilities for a range of devices on the market.

These profiles enable the MobileAware Interaction Server to tailor the presentation and delivery of content to each device. This ensures clients receive content that they can display, store and which does not take too long to convey over the network.

Device profiles are managed from within the Administration Console. From here, you can add, remove and modify devices and device attributes.

This section explains:

About Device Profiles

Each device in the device database has an associated set of properties (attribute-value pairs) that enable the MobileAware Interaction Server to identify the requesting device in order to deliver and present the content appropriately. In the event that the MobileAware Interaction Server does not find an exact match within its profiles, it uses the attributes to determine the closest match.

Composite Capabilities/Preferences Profile (CC/PP) is a standard developed by the W3C that is used to describe device capabilities and user preferences (i.e. the delivery context). This information can be used to develop device independent web content or applications. Based on this standard, the Open Mobile Alliance, the group that establishes open global standards for the mobile community has defined their own standard known as User Agent Profile (UAProf).

MobileAware has adopted this new standard for our device database. Currently, the database is CC/PP compliant, containing both the UAProf attribute set and a more comprehensive set of MobileAware Interaction Server proprietary device properties.

Each device is described by a set of attributes that make up a unique profile for that device. The two types of attributes are described below.

CC/PP Attributes

Following the standard, the CC/PP compliant attributes fall into one of seven categories. Each attribute begins with a prefix that indicates into which category it falls. The following table lists these categories and gives examples of the types of attributes that they encompass.

Table 23 CC/PP Attribute Category Prefixes and Example Attributes

Category Prefix

Example Attributes
















MobileAware Attributes

Along with the CC/PP attributes are the MobileAware proprietary attributes that complete the database. These attributes describe device characteristics that are not yet included in the standard, but describe a number of extra characteristics that can be used when tailoring content to particular devices.

About the Device Database

The Organization of the Device Profiles

The database represents devices as a hierarchical arrangement, thus enabling devices to inherit attributes from a parent device.

The device database has three parent device classes: WML, XHTMLMP and HTML devices. When adding a new device, you can place it within one of these hierarchies or create your own parent device class.

The list of devices supported by the MobileAware Interaction Server is stored as a hierarchy or tree within the Devices section of the Administration Console.

The tree is branched on the mark-up language used by the device with HTML, WML and XHTMLMP providing the main branches off the default root. Below the main branches, devices are categorised according to browser or model type, as illustrated in the device hierarchy below. An example fragment is shown below.

Figure 3 Device Repository Hierarchy

Device Repository Hierarchy





The hierarchy stores device attributes for the named devices detailing mark-up languages, screen sizes etc. The device name root represents the complete device tree within the MobileAware Interaction Server. All devices are subordinate to root, see example below. Tree nodes are device names, while all leaf nodes are device attributes.

Figure 4 Device Attribute Inheritance

Device Attribute Inheritance


A node in the device tree inherits any device attributes (markup language, screen size, etc.) from its parent. If the child node specifies values for any of these attributes, the child's values override the parent's.

Device Recognition

Comparing Incoming Requests to Device Attributes

When the MobileAware Interaction Server receives an end-user device request, it identifies the device using a combination of incoming request header information (which indicates the markup language of the device and often provides device model information) and stored device attributes.

The MobileAware Interaction Server achieves this by examining the details of the request and matching this request against device attributes contained in the device database.

In matching a user request against a device each level of the tree is traversed. The pattern matcher starts at the root node and attempts to traverse the tree to as deep a level (hence as specific a device match) as possible.

Each node in the tree specifies a single header and associated values that are used to differentiate it from its parent node.

The HTTPMetadataKey attribute tells the matcher to match on either Accept header or User-Agent string.

The pattern matcher will determine from the Accept header whether it is to traverse the WML branch, the XHTMLMP branch, or the HTML branch of the device hierarchy. This is defined in the HTTPMetaDataString.

Note: The ordering of child nodes is important, as the pattern matcher will take the first match found and ignore all others.

Multiple Header Strings

If more than one string must be present in the header, pattern matching is achieved either by using more than one level of the hierarchy with one of the strings specified in each or by combining the strings in a single node with an ampersand (`&') character. For example, a menu-driven device could require that two strings be matched: "text/vnd.wap.wml&image/vnd.wap.wbmp". Similarly, an OR comparison may be performed using the bar (`|') character.

No Match

If an absolute match is not found a more general match is found at a higher level so that the MobileAware Interaction Server can deliver content in some format understandable by the given device.

If an unknown device sends a request, the MobileAware Interaction Server will find the closest match possible in the existing hierarchy (for example, an unknown UP 6.x browser-based phone will still match as far as UP 6.x). As such, the MobileAware Interaction Server does not need to have an exhaustive list of all devices on the market at present.

The MobileAware Interaction Server then uses the retrieved device attributes to assemble and deliver content in a manner suitable to the user's device. The content is tailored to suit the device, for example, content is restructured for smaller devices, such as WAP phones.

Transforming Content

Once the MobileAware Interaction Server has identified a device and matched it against one in its database, it seamlessly transforms the presentation of the content to the requesting device.

This transformation is managed through the use of Device Transformation Maps (DTMs). The DTM specifies how content marked up with the MobileAware Interaction Server mobility tags is transformed to tailor the delivered page to the capabilities of the requesting device.

DTMs make it possible to accommodate new devices or upgraded versions of existing models as soon as they come on the market; transformation rules can be built quickly to take into account the new capabilities.

Each device DTM forms part of the device's profile in the database. The DTM attribute specifies the location of the transformation map to be applied to the original marked up content before it is delivered to the requesting device. The transformation map specifies how the mark-up is transformed by associating each mmXHTML/HTML tag with a Java class file that is responsible for the transformation of that tag, or by directly specifying more rudimentary transformations, such as remove or replace element.

Tailoring Content

Device profiles enable the presentation and delivery of content to be tailored to accommodate the capabilities of the requesting device.

Within the MobileAware Interaction Server, tailoring of content takes place on three levels:

Creating and Modifying Device Profiles

Device profiles are configured from within the Administration Console. The existing profiles and attributes can be modified, or new ones can be created. This can be useful for capturing more device-specific information to finely tune your content delivery for a specific purpose.

Creating Device Profiles

Three steps are required when adding a new device profile to the MobileAware Interaction Server:

  1. Complete the "Basic Details" for the device
  2. Configure the standard attribute values for the device
  3. Create new attributes if required

Adding a Device

To add a device:

  1. Select Device \> Add Device.
  2. Select the parent device class to which this device will belong.
  3. Complete the details on the "Basic Device DetailsÅh tab:
  4. Table 24 Basic Device Details



    Device Name*

    Type in a unique name to identify this device or device class

    Display Name*

    Type in the label you want displayed for this device


    Optionally, type in a description of this device


Note: * Indicates a Required Field

  1. Click Next to proceed to the next tab.

When adding a device to the database, there is a standard set of attributes that need to be configured for the new device.

Adding a Device Attribute

To add a new Device Attribute:

  1. Click Add on the Attributes tab.
  2. Choose the Device attribute option.
  3. In the ìName field, type enter a name for the new attribute.
  4. From the Type List, select a data type for the new attribute. If you've chosen the String data type, and want to restrict its values to a predefined list, enter a comma-separated list of values in the ìPermitted Values field.

Note: The Modifiable By option should be ignored. This is a legacy option and has been deprecated.

Configuring an Attribute

  1. Select the device you wish to configure.
  2. Click the Next button until you reach the Attribute Values tab.
  3. Select the attribute you want to configure and double-click in the corresponding Value field.

Modifying a Device Profile

You can add and delete attributes or change attribute values. Inherited attributes cannot be deleted: the Delete button will be graeyed if you select an inherited attribute.

  1. Select Device \> Find and Modify Device. When the Device panel appears, select the device you want to modify. Click Next to move between tabs.
  2. Click the Finish button when you are satisfied with your changes.

Viewing an Attribute

Select the Attribute from the Attributes list and then click View.

Deleting Devices

You can only delete devices that you have added to the device hierarchy; you cannot delete pre-installed devices.

  1. Select Device \> Delete Device
  2. Choose the device you want to delete and click Delete.


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