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BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1 with Service Pack 4

BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1 provides enterprise portal infrastructure for streamlined portal development. This framework includes a rich, graphical, environment for developing portals as well as browser-based assembly tools for business experts. BEA WebLogic Portal simplifies the production and management of custom-fit portals, allowing you to leverage a shared services environment to roll out changes with minimal complexity and effort.

This Web site contains documentation for all versions of WebLogic Portal 8.1 and is updated on an ongoing basis.

What's New in Service Pack 4
What's New in WebLogic Portal Documentation
WebLogic Portal Release Notes
Upgrade to Service Pack 4
Upgrade Guide
Installing WebLogic Platform

Watch a video tour
of Portal Lifecycle


Portal Overview
Getting Started with Portal Development
Getting Started with Portal Administration

Tutorials and Samples

Portal Development Tutorials (PDF)
Portal Administration Tutorials (PDF)
Portal Samples


PDF Docs (current release) | SP2 Docs | SP3 Docs

Portal Development

Portal development involves creating all the resources and functionality for your application, then surfacing that application in a flexible, powerful user interface. Choose from the following topics to learn more about portal development.

Javadoc | JSP Tags

Getting Started with Portal Development

Workshop Help Topics
Developing Portals with WebLogic Workshop
The WebLogic Workshop Development Environment
Developing Web Applications
Building Web Services
Building Portal Applications
Developing Enterprise Java Beans

Portal Design

Portal Design docs contain information relevant to the design phase of portal development. These articles include concepts and best practices that will ensure a smooth portal experience. We recommend that you become familiar with these documents before attemtping to build your first portal.

White Papers
Designing Portals for Optimal Performance

Portal Framework

Portal framework docs describe the portal rendering framework and provide steps for creating portal user interfaces.

Portal User Interface Framework Guide

White Papers
WebLogic Portal Framework

Workshop Help Topics
Developing Portal User Interfaces

WSRP Support

WSRP support docs show you how to develop and use federated "plug & play" portlets that are compliant with the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) standard.

Using WSRP with WebLogic Portal
 > Introduction to WSRP
 > Establishing Interportlet Communications with Remote Portlets
 > Best Practices for Implementing WSRP
 > Implementing Custom Data Transfer
 > Establishing WSRP Security
 > Working with Producers

Workshop Help Topics
Implementing WSRP-Compliant Portlets
Building a Remote Portlet


Portlet docs show you how to build portlets, reuse portlets from the portlet library, use the collaboration portlets, and communicate between portlets.

Establishing Interportlet Communications

BEA WebLogic Portlets for Groupware Integration Documentation
Installation Guide
Setup Guide
User's Guide
Supported Configurations Guide

Workshop Help Topics
Building Portlets
Using Portlets from the Portlet Library
Building a Remote Portlet

Interaction Management

Interaction management docs show you how to build personalization with content selectors, placeholders, campaigns, and other features.

Interaction Management Guide
 > Content Selectors
 > Placeholders
 > Campaigns
 > Events and Behavior Tracking
Using Rules in Portal Applications

White Papers
Content Personalization

Administration Portal Help Topics
Interaction Management in the Administration Portal


Controls docs show you how to add predefined Java functionality of common tasks to your page flows and Web services applications using portal controls.

Workshop Help Topics
Working with Java Controls
Adding Portal Controls to Java Page Flows

Production Operations

Production operations include setting up a team development environment, configuring a portal cluster, deploying and propagating application updates to a production environment, and moving portal assets back and forth between development and staging environments.

Production Operations User Guide


Security docs provide guidance on securing your portal applications.

Preventing Direct Access to Portlet Resources

Workshop Help Topics
Securing Portal Applications
Using Multiple Authentication Providers in Portal Development
How WebLogic Portal Uses the WebLogic Server SSPI

Performance Tuning/Capacity Planning

Performance tuning docs help you increase the speed of your portal applications, and capacity planning docs help you plan your hardware needs for the amount of traffic you anticipate.

Performance Tuning Guide
Capacity Planning Guide

Administration Portal Help Topics
Service Administration in the Administration Portal



Internationalization docs provide guidance on building portals that support multiple languages and multi-byte environments.

WebLogic Portal 8.1 SP4: Use with Multibyte Environment



Reference docs include Javadoc for WebLogic Portal and partner APIs, and descriptions of JSP tags.

WebLogic Portal Javadoc

Workshop Help Topics
WebLogic Portal Reference
Portal JSP Tags
Properties for Portal Components

Portal Administration

Portal administration involves: assembling portals, creating desktops; managing content, business logic, users, search capabilities, and databases; rebranding the WebLogic Administration Portal; and maintaining the overall portal environment. Choose from the following topics to learn more about portal administration.

Getting Started with Portal Administration
Rebranding the Administration Portal

Administration Portal Help Topics
WebLogic Administration Portal Online Help
Administering Portals with the WebLogic Administration Portal

Portal Management

The portal management docs show you how to build and manage portals and portal resources in the WebLogic Administration Portal.

Portal Management Guide

Administration Portal Help Topics
Portal Management in the Administration Portal
Overview of Portal Management
Overview of Library Administration

Content Management

The content management docs show you how to add and manage content in BEA's Virtual Content Repository, whether your content is stored in an external BEA-compatible repository or in a BEA repository.

Content Management Guide
BulkLoader Guide
Repository Guide

White Papers
Integrating Content Into the BEA Virtual Content Repository

Administration Portal Help Topics
Managing Content in the Administration Portal

User Management

The user management docs show you how to manage the users who will visit and manage your portal applications, including setting up unified user profiles, anonymous tracked users, delegated administration, and visitor entitlements.

User Management Guide
 > Anonymous Users
 > Unified User Profiles

Administration Portal Help Topics
Users and Groups
Delegated Administration
Visitor Entitlements

Search Management

The search management docs show you how to use and manage search functionality in your portals.

Administration Portal Help Topics
Search Management in the Administration Portal


The security docs show you how to use multiple authentication providers in your portal applications.

Administration Portal Help Topics
Using Multiple Authentication Providers with WebLogic Portal

Database Administration

The database administration docs show you how to configure your 8.1-compatible database. The docs also provide descriptions of the database tables used in your portal applications, DDL modules, and database scripts.

Database Administration Guide

Visitor Tools

The visitor tools docs describe how to use WebLogic Portal's visitor tools to customize the portals you create.

Visitor Tools Guide


Included Third-Party Technologies

Included third-party technologies are products or technologies that are included in the WebLogic Portal installation.

PointBase Product Documentation


Complementary BEA Products

Complementary BEA products are pre-integrated to WebLogic Portal and are available separately from BEA.

Archived Compoze Documentation
All Documentation for past Compoze Releases

Kapow RoboSuite, BEA WebLogic Edition
Kapow RoboSuite Documentation

MobileAware Interaction Server Documentation

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Documentation

WebLogic Portlets for Siebel Documentation

Portal Solutions Catalog



Accessibility docs describe the product features that support users with disabilities.

Accessibility Notes for BEA WebLogic Workshop
Accessibility Notes for the WebLogic Administration Portal



Other Sources of Information

AskBEA | Customer Support | dev2dev Online | Newsgroups