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MobileAware Interaction Server - Sample Workshop Mobility Project Guide

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Sample BEA WebLogic Workshop Mobility Project Guide

About This Manual

Pre-requisites Before Getting Started

The BEA Workshop IDE with the Mobility Extension

Summary of the Mobility Extension Features

Enable Multi-Channel

Mobility Palette

Mobility Toolbar

Viewing Content With Emulators

IDE Properties additions

MobileAware MIS Pane

Emulators Pane

Mobility Menu

MobileAware Mobilization Methodology

Device Classes

Mobilizing Content



Begin Mobilization of the Sample Project

Step 1: Enable the restaurantWeb Project for Multi-Channel

Step 2. Start the WebLogic Server

Step 3. Set Up the Page for Mobilization

Step 4. Grouping the Content

Removing a Group

Step 5: Adding Layouts for Handheld Devices

Adding a Layout for Menu-Driven Devices

Adding a Layout for PDA Devices

Manipulating Groups

Deleting a Group

Adding a Group

Moving a Group

Configuring Groups on Menu-Driven Devices

Delivering the Correct Images to Handheld Devices

Optimizing The Header Group

Optimizing the Horoscope Group

Optimizing the Menu Group

Optimizing the Timetable

Optimizing the Restaurant Search

Navigation Styling on Menu-Driven Devices

Automatic Navigation for PDA Layouts


Appendix A - Enabling Runtime Image Conversion


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