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Installing the Propagation Software

To use the Propagation Utility and the Export/Import Utility, you must obtain and install the appropriate WebLogic Portal 8.1 SP4 patch. This chapter explains how to install the patch and the utilities.

Note: Before installing the patch, BEA highly recommends that you back up your WebLogic Portal data and project files.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Contents of the 8.1 SP4 Propagation Patch

The SP4 patch includes all of the files you need to install and run the Propagation Utility and the Export/Import Utility. Figure 2-1 shows the unzipped patch file.

Figure 2-1 Unzipped Patch File


Unzipped Patch File


The main directories in the unzipped patch include:


Installing the 8.1 SP4 Propagation Patch

The patch installation primarily involves updating your database using an SQL script and copying JAR files. You must install the patch before you can install and run either the Propagation Utility or the Export Import Utility.

Caution: Installing the patch involves overwriting existing JAR files with new JAR files. It is recommended that you back up these files before you replace them.

  1. Obtain and unzip the patch file. See Contents of the 8.1 SP4 Propagation Patch.
  2. Stop WebLogic Server if it is running.
  3. In a command window, navigate to the SQL directory of the unzipped patch. For example:

cd drive:\patchpath\8.1 SP4 Patch\SQL

where drive is the drive letter and patchpath is the root directory where you unzipped the patch.

  1. Run the pf_update_system_data.sql script using your database's SQL command tool.

Note: The exact procedure for running this script depends on your database system. For example, if you use an Oracle database, start SQL*Plus and enter:


Note: This script updates the default markup in the database. The default markup for books, pages, and desktops is used when new desktops, books, and pages are created with the Administration Portal or Visitor Tools. The script includes the $(markupName) token in the database. If this token is not added, SAXParseException errors are thrown when you import desktops, pages, or books that were created with the Administration Portal or Visitor Tools.

Tip: To undo the changes made by the pf_update_system_data.sql script, run pf_revert_xip_patch.sql. You can find this script in:

patchpath\8.1 SP4 Patch\XIP\db

  1. To ensure that future databases created have the correct markup, replace your current insert script with pf_insert_stystem.sql. Copy the script from the patch directory to:
  2. BEA_HOME\weblogic81\portal\db\data\required

    and overwrite the existing script file.

  3. Copy the JAR files listed in Table 2-1 from the patch directory to the specified directories.

Note: You must complete this step if you want to propagate an existing application. In the next step, you copy the same JAR files to portal system directories to ensure that the new JAR files are used whenever you create new portal applications.

Table 2-1 Copying JAR Files for an Existing Application 

JAR File

Copy From

Copy To


8.1 SP4 Patch\ejb

The root directory of your Enterprise application


8.1 SP4 Patch\ejb

The APP-INF\lib directory of your Enterprise application


8.1 SP4 Patch\web

The WEB-INF\lib directory of each of the web applications in your Enterprise application


8.1 SP4 Patch\system

The directory WEBLOGIC_HOME\portal\lib\

  1. Update the appropriate portal template files with new JAR files from the patch directory. The portal templates are ZIP files that contain files that WebLogic Workshop copies into newly created enterprise and web applications. To update the templates, you must unzip the appropriate ZIP files and replace existing JAR files with the new JAR files, as specified in Table 2-2. This step ensures that the new JAR files are used whenever new portal applications are created.
  2. The template ZIP files are located in the following directory:


    Table 2-2 Replacing JAR Files in Portal Templates

    JAR File

    Copy From

    Replace in Template File


    8.1 SP4 Patch\ejb



    8.1 SP4 Patch\web


  3. Copy the JAR files listed in Table 2-3 from the patch directory to the specified WebLogic Portal directory. This step ensures that the new JAR files are used whenever new portal applications are created.
  4. Table 2-3 Copying JAR Files to WebLogic Portal Directories  

    JAR File

    Copy From

    Copy To


    8.1 SP4 Patch\ejb

    The directory WEBLOGIC_HOME\portal\lib\


    8.1 SP4 Patch\web

    The directory WEBLOGIC_HOME\portal\lib\


    8.1 SP4 Patch\system

    The directory WEBLOGIC_HOME\portal\lib\



Installing the Propagation Utility

To install the Propagation Utility, you need to copy a WAR file and update two configuration files.

Note: The Propagation Utility is a web application that you deploy into an existing WebLogic Portal application. You need to follow these steps to install the Propagation Utility into any existing portal application that you want to propagate.

  1. Stop WebLogic Server if it is running.
  2. If you have not done so, install the patch as described in the previous section, Installing the 8.1 SP4 Propagation Patch.
  3. Copy the propagation.war file from the patchpath\8.1 SP4 Patch\Propagation Tool directory to the root directory of your Enterprise application, where patchpath is the root directory where you unzipped the patch.
  4. In the root directory of your domain, open the config.xml file and add the following WebAppComponent tag to the Application tag for the Enterprise application you are propagating to or from:
<Application Name="myEnterpriseApp" ...>
     <WebAppComponent Name="propagation" Targets="portalServer" URI=

Note: You need to perform Step 4 for each new domain you create after the patch has been installed.

  1. In the root directory of your Enterprise application, open the META-INF\application.xml file and add the following module if it is not already present:


Verifying the Propagation Utility Installation

  1. Start WebLogic Server.
  2. Open a Web browser.
  3. Go to the following URL to start the Propagation Utility:


where host and port are the host name and port number that are configured for your WebLogic Server.

The main page of the Propagation Utility appears.

  1. Click the View Configuration Details link and verify that the JAR files were installed.


Installing the Export/Import Utility

Before installing the Export/Import Utility, be sure you have Ant 1.5 in your PATH environment variable. Ant is part of the normal WebLogic Server installation. It is located in:


  1. Obtain and unzip the patch file. See Contents of the 8.1 SP4 Propagation Patch.
  2. Stop WebLogic Server.
  3. If you have not done so, install the patch as described in the previous section, Installing the 8.1 SP4 Propagation Patch.
  4. Open the file patchpath\8.1 SP4 Patch\XIP\build.xml, where patchpath is the root directory where you unzipped the patch, and edit the following properties in the Installer section to point to the appropriate locations:
  5. Property



    Points to the BEA home directory


    Points to the WEBLOGIC_HOME\portal\lib\netuix directory

  6. Build the Export/Import Utility. To do this, run the following command from within the patchpath directory:
  7. ant jar


Running the Export/Import Utility

For detailed information about running and using the Export/Import Utility, see Using the Export/Import Utility.


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