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WebLogic Portlets for Siebel Installation Guide

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WebLogic Portlets for Siebel Installation Guide

This document explains how to install the BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel application.

The BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel application integrates BEA WebLogic Portal with the Siebel 7.0.4 system.

This guide contains the following sections:


Installation Prerequisites for BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel

Hardware Requirements

The server should have the following configuration:

Software Requirements

The following software must be installed on the server:

Administrator Privileges

You must have BEA WebLogic Platform administrator privileges in order to install and configure the BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel application.

Licensing and Encryption

The WebLogic Platform software cannot be used without a valid license. You can purchase licenses for the entire WebLogic Platform product or for individual components. For information about the licenses available for WebLogic Platform, contact your sales representative or visit the BEA corporate Web site at

About 128-Bit Encryption

Secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption software is available with two levels of encryption: 56-bit and 128-bit. Licenses for the 128-bit client version of SSL are available in the United States and Canada. With proper authorization, customers outside the United States and Canada may also acquire licenses with 128-bit encryption enabled.

A WebLogic Platform license comes with 56-bit encryption enabled by default. Enabling 128-bit encryption for SSL requires that a 128-bit encryption license be present in the license.bea file of the target BEA Home directory before you install the WebLogic Platform software.


Installing BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel

Before you start the BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel installation ensure that you are installing BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel on a supported platform. See Installation Prerequisites for BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel on page 2.

Installing BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel

BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel can be installed on both Unix and Windows operating systems using graphical-mode installation.

Graphical-Mode Installation on a Windows System

To start the installation:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.
  2. Insert the BEA WebLogic Portlets CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
  3. Navigate to the folder and run the installation file Bea_Siebel.exe.
  4. The program prepares your system for the installation task.
  5. Figure 1 Installation Initialization Screen

    Installation Initialization Screen

  6. The Introduction screen appears. Click Next to continue.
  7. Figure 2 Introduction Screen

    Introduction Screen


  8. In the Choose Installation Folder screen, specify the path of the installation directory or click Choose to select the \bea\weblogic<version> directory. This is the path where BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel will be installed.
  9. Click Next to continue.
  10. Figure 3 Choose Installation Folder Screen

    Choose Installation Folder Screen



    Note: If a folder other than \bea\weblogic<version> is selected then you need to manually copy the templates files from <selected folder>\workshop\templates to \bea\weblogic<version>\workshop\templates.

  11. The Pre-Installation Summary screen displays your installation preferences. Click Install to continue.
  12. Figure 4 Pre-installation Summary Screen

    Pre-installation Summary Screen


  13. The Installing BEA WebLogic Portlets Installation Setup screen displays the progress of the installation.
  14. Figure 5 Installing Screen

    Installing Screen

  15. The Install Complete screen confirms that BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel was installed successfully. Click Done to complete the installation.
  16. Figure 6 Install Complete Screen

    Install Complete Screen



Graphical-Mode Installation on a Unix System

To start the installation on Unix system:

  1. Log in to the Unix system.
  2. Mount the BEA WebLogic Portlets CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
  3. Open a command-line shell.
  4. Go to the CD-ROM directory and navigate to the folder for the installation program install.bin.
  5. Invoke the procedure by entering the following command:
  6. ./install.bin
  7. The program prepares your system for the installation task.
  8. Figure 7 Installation Initialization Screen

    Installation Initialization Screen

  9. The Introduction screen appears. Click Next to continue.
  10. Figure 8 Introduction Screen

    Introduction Screen

  11. In the Choose Installation Folder screen, specify the path of the installation directory or click Choose to select the \bea\weblogic<version> directory. This is the path where BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel will be installed.
  12. Click Next to continue.
  13. Note: If a folder other than \bea\weblogic<version> is selected then you need to manually copy the templates files from <selected folder>\workshop\templates to \bea\weblogic<version>\workshop\templates.

    Figure 9 Choose Installation Folder Screen

    Choose Installation Folder Screen

  14. The Pre-Installation Summary screen displays your installation preferences. Click Next to continue.
  15. Figure 10 Pre-Installation Summary Screen

    Pre-Installation Summary Screen

  16. The Installing BEA WebLogic Portlets For Siebel screen displays the progress of the installation.
  17. Figure 11 Installing Screen

    Installing Screen

  18. The Install Complete screen confirms that BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel was installed successfully. Click Done to complete the installation.
  19. Figure 12 Install Complete Screen

    Install Complete Screen


Reviewing the Installation

The installer will install files in the following directories:


Configuring the BEA WebLogic Portal

After the installation is completed, perform the following tasks using the BEA WebLogic Workshop.

For a New Portal:

  1. Create a new Basic WebLogic Portal Domain using the Configuration Wizard.
  2. Create a new Portal Application in WebLogic Workshop.
  3. Create a new Portal Project.
  4. In the WebLogic Workshop's Application, right-click the Data directory and choose Install > PortletsForSiebelPropertySet.
  5. In the WebLogic Workshop's Application, right-click the portal project directory and choose Install > Portlets for Siebel.


Downloading the Third Party Software

Table 1 List of JAR files required for BEA WebLogic Portlets 

JAR file


Download from /Copy From







Download from



C:\bea\user_projects\applications\BeaPortalNetApp\beaportal\WEB-INF\lib (JDBC driver for Oracle database)

BEAPortalnet dbAccessLayer

Download the appropriate driver from


Copy from <%ORACLE_HOME%>/jdbc/lib directory.

Set it in the CLASSPATH



Copy from the Siebel installed directory.











Downloading Oracle JDBC Drivers

To download Oracle JDBC drivers, you can either:

  1. Go to the URL and look for the appropriate driver.
  2. Sign in and download the
  3. Set it in the CLASSPATH.

Or, if you already have Oracle installed:

  1. Set the CLASSPATH for to the <%ORACLE_HOME%>/jdbc/lib directory.


Configuration and Settings for Siebel (on Unix)

Make the following changes on the Unix system:

  1. Open the file located in ${WL_HOME}/server/bin directory, for editing.
  2. At the bottom of the file, locate the following java command that starts the application.
  3. "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -classpath
  4. Add the following statement to the java command:
  5. -Dfile.encoding="ISO8859_1"

    as shown below:

    "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dfile.encoding="ISO8859_1"  -classpath 
  6. Save the changes and close the file.
  7. Open the DOMAIN_HOME/ file for editing.
  8. At the bottom of the file, locate the following java command:
  9. ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS}  -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}
  10. Modify the java command with the following statement:
  11. -Dfile.encoding="ISO8859_1"

    as shown below:

    ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dfile.encoding="ISO8859_1" -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}
  12. Save the changes and close the file.
  13. Copy the jar files SiebelJI_Common.jar, SiebelJI_enu.jar, SiebelJI.jar to any directory.
  14. Open the $DOMAIN_HOME/ file for editing.
  15. Add the files to the CLASSPATH variable.
  16. Save the changes and close the file.


Configuration and Settings for BEA WebLogic Portlets

Setting Up Siebel Portlets Repository

Creating Schema and Importing Metadata in MS SQL Server

To create schema and import metadata for WebLogic Portlets for Siebel in MS SQL Server run the following scripts in MS SQL Server's Query Analyzer in the order given below.

The scripts for creating schema are located at the following path:


  5. The script for importing metadata is located at the following path:
  6. <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic<version>\portal\thirdparty\siebelportlets\scripts\data



Creating Schema and Importing Metadata in Oracle

To create schema and import metadata for BEA WebLogic Portlets in Oracle database run the following scripts in Oracle's SQL Plus in the order given below:

The scripts for creating schema are located at the following path:


  7. The script for importing metadata is located at the following path:
  8. <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic<version>\portal\thirdparty\siebelportlets\scripts\data



Configuring the File

To configure the properties file:

  1. Open the file from the \bea\user_projects\applications\<application>\<project>\WEB-INF\classes subfolder for the product installed and change the settings.
  2. Modify the repository connection information, DATASOURCE=<datasource_ name>
  3. For example: DATASOURCE=EISDB

Registering Java Data Source

To create a Java Data Source:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server for your domain.
  2. Go to Tools > WebLogic Server > DataSource Viewer. The DataSource Viewer window appears.
  3. Click "New Data Source" button to add a new data source. The Configure DataSource window appears.
  4. Figure 13 Configuring DataSource (for Oracle) Screen

    Configuring DataSource (for Oracle) Screen


    Figure 14 Configuring Data Source (for MS SQL Server) Screen

    Configuring Data Source (for MS SQL Server) Screen

  5. Enter the Data Sources as EISDB.
  6. Select the Pool as <Create New Pool>.
  7. Enter the Pool Name as EISDB.
  8. Configure the Driver, URL, User and Password and click OK.


Activating the License for BEA WebLogic Portlets

To activate the license for BEA WebLogic Portlets:

  1. Copy the license file license.bea into the <%BEA_HOME%> directory.
  2. Restart the WebLogic Portal server.
  3. Login to BEA WebLogic Portlets with the weblogic account.


Uninstalling BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel

To uninstall BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel:

  1. Shut down any servers that are running. If any of these servers is configured as a Windows service, you should stop the service(s) before uninstalling the software.
  2. Navigate to the directory where BEA WebLogic Portlets is installed.
  3. Navigate to the \Uninstall_Bea Weblogic Portlets for Siebel directory.
  4. Run the Uninstall BEA Weblogic Portlets for Siebel.exe uninstallation program.
  5. Click Next to start the uninstall program.
  6. Select Complete Uninstall or Uninstall Specific Features option and click Next.
  7. Click Done to exit the uninstallation program.



Table 2 Troubleshooting WebLogic Portlets for Siebel





Running the scripts throws SQL error

Make sure that you run the scripts in the order specified in the installation document


Unable to connect to the database

Check if the JDBC Drivers are configured properly.


Invalid datasource entry error

Check if the DataSource is configured properly in WebLogic Workshop


Cannot connect to Siebel

Verify if the files SiebelJI, SiebelJI_Common and SiebelJI_enu are placed under the directory <\%BEA_HOME%>\user_projects\application\<protalapplication>\<portalproject>\WEB-INF\lib


License Expired

Check if the license.bea file is updated under the folder <%BEA_HOME%>


Unknown Source Exception

Make sure that you have given the IP Address and machine name of the Database server and Siebel server in the file named hosts.file which is located at C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc


Unable to run the installation setup for Unix

Check if Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is installed.

Check if the environment variables PATH and JAVA_HOME are set.



Installation Verification Tests for BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel

Customer Name

Install Date

Install Specialist

Install Contact



Operating System




This section provides instructions on running the installation verification test.

  1. This Installation Verification Test is designed to confirm that BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel has been installed properly. The Installation Verification Test is not designed to serve as a comprehensive test of BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel functionality.
  2. BEA specialists performing this test should provide one copy of this test to the customer installation contact by attaching it to a copy of the Post Installation Checklist.
  3. Unless otherwise indicated, each section covers functionality for all platforms that BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel currently supports. Please note that not all products are available on all platforms.
  4. The BEA WebLogic Platform Installation Verification Test should be completed prior to starting this test.
  5. BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel must have been installed as per the Installation Guide for BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel.
  6. The following tests should be performed using BEA WebLogic Workshop and BEA WebLogic Administration screen.
  7. Please refer to the User Guide and the Administration Guide for BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel for more details on using the product.

Installation Verification

Verify Project Templates

Project related templates would be copied into a directory at <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic81\workshop\templates.

Verify that the following files are present in the folder:

Verify Sample View Templates

Sample view templates (for .jsp and .jpf files) will be copied into a directory at <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic81\portal\thirdparty\siebelportlets\newportlets.

Verify that the following files are present in the folder:

Verify Product Documentation

Third party product documentation, if provided, will be copied into a directory at <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic81\portal\thirdparty\siebelportlets\docs.

Verify that the following files are present in the folder:

Verify SQL Scripts

SQL scripts for MS SQL Server will be copied into a subdirectory of <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic81\portal\thirdparty\siebelportlets\scripts\schema\mssql.

Verify that the following script files are copied into the folder:

Also verify that the insertion script file MSSQL_PNET_INSERT_SCRIPTS.SQL is copied into the following folder:


SQL scripts for Oracle will be copied into a subdirectory of <%BEA_HOME%>\weblogic81\portal\thirdparty\siebelportlets\scripts\schema\oracle.

Verify that the following files are present in the folder:

Also verify that the insertion script file ORCLE_PNET_INSERT_SCRIPTS.SQL is copied into the following folder:


Database Verification

Verify Database

Prerequisite: DataSource Creation has been done either using the BEA WebLogic Workshop / WebLogic console.

Assumption: DataSource/Connection pool has been created using either BEA WebLogic Workshop/WebLogic console as specified in the Installation document.

To verify database settings:

  1. In BEA WebLogic Workshop, select Tools > WebLogic Server > DataSource Viewer.
  2. Select the datasource as EISDB.
  3. The following datasource information should be displayed:
  4. Figure 15 DataSource Viewer Screen

    DataSource Viewer Screen


Note: The DataSource Name field should display as above, but the remaining fields may contain different information depending on your specific installation.

EIS Administration Verification

Verify EIS Administration Portlet Initialization and Authentication

To verify administration authentication:

  1. Build the project and start the BEA WebLogic server.
  2. Log in to BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel using the administrator account, with
  3. Username: weblogic

    Password: weblogic

  4. Verify that the server is running. Also verify that you are able to login successfully.

Verify EIS Instance Creation

To create an EIS instance:

  1. Open the Portal.
  2. Login to BEA WebLogic Portal as administrator.
  3. Click the Administration tab.
  4. Click the EIS Instance Setup link.
  5. Select the EIS Application as SIEBEL7.0.4 and click Create.
  6. Enter an Instance Name of your choice.
  7. Enter the Native Base URL. This is the URL of the Siebel system.
  8. Enter the User Id and Password for logging in to the Siebel system.
  9. Enter the Gateway Name.
  10. Enter the Enterprise Name.
  11. Enter the Object Name.
  12. Enter the Siebel Server Name.
  13. Enter the number of Maximum Connections allowed for the Siebel system.
  14. Click Submit to create the instance.
  15. Verify that the newly created EIS instance appears in the list of Existing EIS instances.

Verify EIS Credential Mapping

To create an EIS credential mapping:

  1. Login to BEA WebLogic Portlets as administrator.
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Click the EIS Credential Mapping Details link.
  4. Use any one of the following search criteria:
    1. Enter the Portal User Id and click search.
    2. Click Show All Portal Users link.
    3. Click on an alphabet with which the portal user's login name starts.
  5. The list of Portal Users matching the search criteria is populated in the Portal User Id drop down box. Select the Portal User Id.
  6. Select the EIS Name.
  7. Select the Instance Name.
  8. Click Search. The list of existing EIS User credentials is displayed.
  9. Select the User Type as either CUSTOMER or EMPLOYEE.
  10. Click Create.
  11. Enter the Siebel User Id and Password.
  12. Select the Allow Drilldown To EIS option to give Native drill down to view the information in the Portlet though ITS (Internet Transaction Service) by the portal user as required.
  13. Select the Allow Detailed Information option to give Target drilldown to view the Siebel window information in the Portlet by the portal user as required.
  14. Select the Status of the user as Active to activate this EIS user account in retrieving information from the selected EIS Instance (in above step), Otherwise select the Status as Inactive. Only one EIS mapping will be active at a given time.
  15. Click Submit.
  16. Verify that the newly created EIS mapping appears in the list of EIS credential mappings.

Portlets Verification

Verify Authentication

  1. Log in to BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel using the EIS user credential mapping that you created above.
  2. Verify that all the following portlets are shown:

Note: The visibility of the portlets will vary depending on the permission set by the administrator to the users for the above listed portlets.

Verify the Sales Order Portlet

Prerequisite: The user has successfully logged into the Portal.

To view an existing sales order:

  1. Scroll down to the Sales Order portlet. Verify that the list of sales orders is displayed.
  2. Click the Order # hyperlink to view details for the required Sales Order.
  3. Verify that the Siebel screen for the selected Sales Order is displayed.

To create a new sales order:

  1. Scroll down to the Sales Order portlet.
  2. Click Create Sales Order hyperlink. A new screen is displayed.
  3. Search for the Customer Id.
  4. Search for the Product.
  5. Enter the Quantity Requested.
  6. Select the Product Discount percentage.
  7. Select the Priority.
  8. Specify the Promised Delivery Date.
  9. Click Create. The Sales Order portlet is displayed.
  10. Verify that the new sales order was created.

Verify the Shipping Status Portlet

Prerequisite: The user has successfully logged into the Portal.

To edit / update a sales order shipping status:

  1. Select the sales order by clicking on the Status of the Sales Order portlet.
  2. The Sales Order Shipping Status portlet shows the shipping status information pertaining to the selected sales order.
  3. Under the Actions column, click the edit icon in order to edit / update the sales order shipping status details.
  4. Update the details for Quantity Requested and Status.
  5. Click Update. The Shipping Status portlet is displayed.
  6. Verify that the shipping status was updated.

Verify the My Accounts Portlet

Prerequisite: The administrator has given permission, for this portlet, to the portal user, who can be either an employee or an administrator or both.

To view My Accounts Portlet:

  1. Log in to BEA WebLogic Portlets for Siebel.
  2. Scroll down to the My Accounts portlet. Verify that the list of accounts is displayed.
  3. Click the Account Name hyperlink to view details of that Account.
  4. Verify that the Siebel screen for the Account is displayed.


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