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Interaction Management Guide

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Setting up Content

Targeting users with content is one of the most important aspects of interaction management. Targeting content to users with placeholders and campaigns can be made even more powerful by adding specific properties to content items in your BEA-compatible content repository.

Note: For instructions on the many aspects of content management in WebLogic Portal, choose from the list of Content Management topics on the WebLogic Portal edocs home page at

This chapter includes the following sections:


Content Priority

A placeholder—the bucket (JSP tag) on a JSP that displays general content or personalized content for a campaign—displays one piece of content at a time. When a content query in a placeholder (a default placeholder query or a query put in the placeholder by a campaign) returns multiple possible content items to a placeholder, the placeholder must decide which content item to display. Use a content property called adWeight to give content items a greater or lesser chance of being displayed in a placeholder when the content items are retrieved by a query.

Use Table 2-1 for guidance in adding the adWeight property to your content items.

Table 2-1 Properties for all content

Content Property

Property Type




The higher the adWeight number you assign to a content item, the higher the chance it will be displayed in the placeholder.



Other Content Properties

This section describes content properties you can use for image and Shockwave files. Use Table 2-2 and Table 2-3 for guidance in adding the image and Shockwave properties to your content items.

If you want to use Goal Setting to end campaigns based on the number of times content is clicked, you must use the adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName property as described in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Properties for images 

Content Property

Property Type




Makes an image clickable and provides a target for the clickthrough, expressed as a URL. The Event Service records the clickthrough.

Use either adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName, depending on how you want to identify the destination of the ad clickthrough.



Makes an image clickable and provides a target for the clickthrough, expressed as the content management system's content ID. The Event Service records the clickthrough.

You can view a content item's unique ID by selecting the content item in the WebLogic Administration Portal and viewing the description in the Edit Content window.

Use either adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName, depending on how you want to identify the destination of the ad clickthrough.



Makes an image clickable, using an image map to specify one or more targets. The value for this attribute is used in two locations:

  • In the anchor tag that makes the image clickable:
    <a href=value> <img> </a>

  • In the map definition, <map name=value>

If you specify a value for adMapName, you must also specify a value for adMap.

Use either adTargetUrl, adTargetContent, or adMapName, depending on how you want to identify the destination of the ad clickthrough.



Supplies the XHTML definition of an image map.

If you specify a value for adMap, you must also specify a value for adMapName.



Displays the target in a new pop-up window, using JavaScript to define the pop-up window.

The only value supported for this attribute is newwindow.



Specifies the name of a link that closes a pop-up window. The link appears at the end of the window content.

For example, if you provide "Close this window" as the value for this attribute, then "Close this window" appears as a hyperlink in the last line of the pop-up window. If a customer clicks the link, the window closes.



Specifies a text string for the alt attribute of the <img> tag. If you do not include this attribute, the <img> tag does not specify an alt attribute.



Specifies the value for the border attribute of the <img> tag. If you do not include this attribute, the border attribute is given a value of "0".


Table 2-3 shows useful properties you can set on Shockwave content items.

Table 2-3 Properties for Shockwave files 

Content Property

Property Type




Specifies whether the movie repeats indefinitely (true) or stops when it reaches the last frame (false).

Valid values are true or false. If you do not define this attribute, the default value is true.



Determines the quality of visual image. Lower qualities can result in faster playback times, depending on the client's Internet connection.

Valid values are low, high, autolow, autohigh, best.



Specifies whether the movie begins playing immediately on loading in the browser.

Valid values are true or false. If you do not define this attribute, the default value is true.



Specifies the background color of the movie. This attribute does not affect the background color of the HTML page.

Valid value syntax is #RRGGBB.



Determines the dimensions of the movie in relation to the area that the HTML page defines for the movie.

Valid values are showall, noborder, exact fit.



Determines whether the movie aligns with the center, left, top, right, or bottom of the browser window.

If you do not specify a value, the movie is aligned in the center of the browser.

Valid values are l, t, r, b.



Determines the movie's alignment in relation to the browser window.

Valid values are l, t, r, b, tl, tr, bl, br.



Specifies the directory or URL used to resolve relative path names in the movie.

Valid values are . (period), directory-name, URL.



Determines whether the movie player displays the full menu.

Valid values are true or false.



Displaying Binary Content

In BEA's Virtual Content Repository, content items are made up of properties. When you are storing binary content such as images, you store those images using a binary property. In order for binary content to be displayed in your content selectors and placeholders, you must assign binary properties as the "Primary Property."

In Figure 2-1, a binary property is shown in the WebLogic Administration Portal. The property is binary, because the "Data Type" is set to "Binary." Notice the "Primary Property" option is selected.

Figure 2-1 A binary property set as the "Primary Property"

A binary property set as the



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