© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class Property

  extended bycom.bea.content.ContentEntity
      extended bycom.bea.content.Property
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Property
extends ContentEntity

Property is a name value pair, with the name being unique relative to the Node and the value is an Array of Value objects.

The Value object can represent either BinaryValue, Boolean, Calendar, Double, Long, String values.

If the property is multivalued it may contain 0..n Values. If it is not multivalued it may contain 0..1.

A Property is part of a Node and its shape is defined by a PropertyDefinition with the same name in it's Node's ObjectClass.

A property may represent both the content and meta-content for a Node.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int BINARY
          A Constant to define if the Property is a Binary data type.
static int BOOLEAN
          A Constant to define if the Property is a Boolean data type.
static int CALENDAR
          A Constant to define if the Property is a Calendar data type.
static int DOUBLE
          A Constant to define if the Property is a Double data type.
static int LONG
          A Constant to define if the Property is a Long data type.
static int STRING
          A Constant to define if the Property is a String data type.
static int UNDEFINED
          If a Property's type is not set, it will be set to this by default.
Fields inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
Constructor Summary
Property(ID id, String name, int type, Value[] values)
          Constructor with all values.
Property(String name)
          Constructor with just the name.
Property(String name, Value value)
          Constructor for a single value without type.
Property(String name, Value[] values)
          Constructor for multiple values without type.
Method Summary
 void addValue(Value value)
          Add a value to the current list of values
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the Property.
 int getType()
          Gets the type of the Property.
 Value getValue()
          Gets the first Value.
 Value[] getValues()
          Returns an Array of the Property's Values.
 boolean hasValue()
          Returns true if getValues() contains an instance of Value in the array.
 void setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the property that is unique to the Node.
 void setType(int type)
          Sets the type of the Property.
 void setValue(Value value)
          Sets a Value for the Property.
 void setValues(Value[] values)
          Sets the properties values.
 String toPrintString()
          Returns the Property name and values as a String in the format name: value1, value2, value3, along with the property id.
 String toString()
          Returns the Property name and values as a String in the format name: value1, value2, value3
 boolean valuesEqual(Value[] otherValues)
Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
getId, setId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int BINARY
A Constant to define if the Property is a Binary data type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BOOLEAN
A Constant to define if the Property is a Boolean data type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CALENDAR
A Constant to define if the Property is a Calendar data type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DOUBLE
A Constant to define if the Property is a Double data type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LONG
A Constant to define if the Property is a Long data type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRING
A Constant to define if the Property is a String data type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UNDEFINED
If a Property's type is not set, it will be set to this by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Property(ID id,
                String name,
                int type,
                Value[] values)
Constructor with all values.


public Property(String name)
Constructor with just the name. This may be used when creating a property whose type is defined by the PropertyDefinition.


public Property(String name,
                Value value)
Constructor for a single value without type. After using this constructor a call to getValue will return the value passed in. A call to getValues will return an array of size one with this value at [0]. This may be used when creating a property whose type is defined by the PropertyDefinition.


public Property(String name,
                Value[] values)
Constructor for multiple values without type. This may be used when creating a property whose type is defined by the PropertyDefinition.

Method Detail


public void addValue(Value value)
Add a value to the current list of values

value -


public String getName()
Returns the name of the Property. This name is unique to the Node.


public int getType()
Gets the type of the Property.


public Value getValue()
Gets the first Value. Useful for single value Property.


public Value[] getValues()
Returns an Array of the Property's Values.


public boolean hasValue()
Returns true if getValues() contains an instance of Value in the array.


public void setName(String name)
Sets the name of the property that is unique to the Node.


public void setType(int type)
Sets the type of the Property.


public void setValue(Value value)
Sets a Value for the Property.


public void setValues(Value[] values)
Sets the properties values.


public String toPrintString()
Returns the Property name and values as a String in the format name: value1, value2, value3, along with the property id.


public String toString()
Returns the Property name and values as a String in the format name: value1, value2, value3

toString in class ContentEntity


public boolean valuesEqual(Value[] otherValues)

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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