© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class PropertyChoice

  extended bycom.bea.content.ContentEntity
      extended bycom.bea.content.PropertyChoice
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PropertyChoice
extends ContentEntity

PropertyChoice defines a set of choices for a PropertyDefinition, and thus any Property instances based on it.

A choice can be a default, which means if the creator of a Property does not choose different values, it will be set as a Property value. By default, isDefault is false.

If the PropertyChoice value is defined as null, it allows for an empty choice. For example, a Property that has a String type could have 3 PropertyChoices - "blue", "red" and null.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
Constructor Summary
          Empty value constructor for a null PropertyChoice.
PropertyChoice(ID id, BinaryValue binaryValue)
          BinaryValue constructor with id.
PropertyChoice(ID id, BinaryValue binaryValue, Boolean booleanValue, Calendar calendarValue, Double doubleValue, boolean isDefault, Long longValue, String stringValue)
          Constructor with all values.
PropertyChoice(ID id, Boolean booleanValue)
          Boolean constructor with id.
PropertyChoice(ID id, Calendar calendarValue)
          Calendar constructor.
PropertyChoice(ID id, Double doubleValue)
          Double constructor.
PropertyChoice(ID id, Long longValue)
          Long constructor.
PropertyChoice(ID id, String stringValue)
          String constructor.
Method Summary
 int compareTo(Object obj)
          Compares this PropertyChoices to obj.
 BinaryValue getBinaryValue()
          Gets the BinaryValue.
 Boolean getBooleanValue()
          The Boolean choice can be true, false, or null.
 Calendar getCalendarValue()
          The Calendar choice can be a Calendar instance, or null.
 Double getDoubleValue()
          The Double choice can be a Double instance, or null.
 Long getLongValue()
          The Long choice can be a Long instance, or null.
 String getStringValue()
          The String choice can be a String instance, or null.
 Object getValue()
          Gets the Value as an Object.
 Object getValueByType(int type)
          Return the correct value based on the type.
 boolean isDefault()
          Returns true if this PropertyChoice is a default.
 void isDefault(boolean isDefault)
          Sets if this PropertyChoice is a default.
 void setBinaryValue(BinaryValue binaryValue)
          Sets the BinaryValue.
 void setBooleanValue(Boolean booleanValue)
          Sets the Boolean value to true, false or null.
 void setCalendarValue(Calendar calendarValue)
          Sets the Calendar value.
 void setDefault(boolean isDefault)
          Sets if this PropertyChoice is a Default.
 void setDoubleValue(Double doubleValue)
          Sets the Double value.
 void setLongValue(Long longValue)
          Sets the Long value.
 void setStringValue(String stringValue)
          Sets the String value.
 String toString()
          Returns the PropertyChoice attributes as a String.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
getId, setId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PropertyChoice()
Empty value constructor for a null PropertyChoice.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      BinaryValue binaryValue)
BinaryValue constructor with id. IsDefault defaults to false.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      BinaryValue binaryValue,
                      Boolean booleanValue,
                      Calendar calendarValue,
                      Double doubleValue,
                      boolean isDefault,
                      Long longValue,
                      String stringValue)
Constructor with all values.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      Boolean booleanValue)
Boolean constructor with id. IsDefault defaults to false.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      Calendar calendarValue)
Calendar constructor. IsDefault defaults to false.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      Double doubleValue)
Double constructor. IsDefault defaults to false.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      Long longValue)
Long constructor. IsDefault defaults to false.


public PropertyChoice(ID id,
                      String stringValue)
String constructor. IsDefault defaults to false.

Method Detail


public int compareTo(Object obj)
Compares this PropertyChoices to obj. This performs a native compare on all types, except Calendar is compared based on the time in milliseconds and BinaryValue is compared by name.


public BinaryValue getBinaryValue()
Gets the BinaryValue.


public Boolean getBooleanValue()
The Boolean choice can be true, false, or null.


public Calendar getCalendarValue()
The Calendar choice can be a Calendar instance, or null.


public Double getDoubleValue()
The Double choice can be a Double instance, or null.


public Long getLongValue()
The Long choice can be a Long instance, or null.


public String getStringValue()
The String choice can be a String instance, or null.


public Object getValue()
Gets the Value as an Object.


public Object getValueByType(int type)
Return the correct value based on the type. The user will then cast it to the appropriate object.


public boolean isDefault()
Returns true if this PropertyChoice is a default. There can only be one default per set of PropertyChoices for a PropertyDefinition.


public void isDefault(boolean isDefault)
Sets if this PropertyChoice is a default.


public void setBinaryValue(BinaryValue binaryValue)
Sets the BinaryValue.


public void setBooleanValue(Boolean booleanValue)
Sets the Boolean value to true, false or null.


public void setCalendarValue(Calendar calendarValue)
Sets the Calendar value.


public void setDefault(boolean isDefault)
Sets if this PropertyChoice is a Default.


public void setDoubleValue(Double doubleValue)
Sets the Double value.


public void setLongValue(Long longValue)
Sets the Long value.


public void setStringValue(String stringValue)
Sets the String value.


public String toString()
Returns the PropertyChoice attributes as a String.

toString in class ContentEntity

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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