Interface CmExpressionSearchControl

All Superinterfaces
ExpressionSearchControl<Node>, RepoSearchControl<Node>, SearchControl<Node>

public interface CmExpressionSearchControl
extends ExpressionSearchControl<Node>

This control is used to generate and execute portal Expression-based searches. It will search content in all the BEA Repositories specified, with the exception of the GroupSpace repository. Use the ExpressionBuilder to construct expressions.

Instantiate the control in a page flow as follows:

// Expression search control across all BEA repositories except the GroupSpace repository, not typed, not annotated
CmExpressionSearchControlBean <Node> cmExpressionSearch;

// Search for a particular object class, "BOOK"
@Control ()
@CmExpressionSearchControl.SearchParams(objectClassName = "BOOK")
CmExpressionSearchControlBean <Node> bookSearchBean;

// Expression search control across the named repository, typed and annotated
@CmExpressionSearchControl.SearchParams(maxResults=50, loadAllIntoMemory=true, pageSize=25, repositoryName="MyRepository")
CmExpressionSearchControlBean <Node> cmAnnSearch;

Nested Class Summary
static interface CmExpressionSearchControl.SearchParams
          Set the defaults for search parameters
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface
getExpressionBuilder, search, search, search, searchAsSet, searchAsSet, searchContains, searchContainsAll, searchContainsAny, searchCount, searchDate, searchEquals, searchForOne, searchLike, searchNot, setExcludeObjectClassNames
Methods inherited from interface
getAvailableObjectClasses, getObjectClassProperties, getObjectClassPropertyDefinitions, setSearchPath, setSearchPaths
Methods inherited from interface
asList, asSet, flushSearchCache, getSortCriteria, setSortCriteria

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