
Interface Summary
CmExpressionSearchControl This control is used to generate and execute portal Expression-based searches.
CmFullTextSearchControl<Node> This class is used to build an execute FullTextSearch searches on data that is resides in any CM repository except the GroupSpace content repository.
CommunitySearchControl This base interface contains methods that may be used by GroupSpace and non-GroupSpace communities.
EnterpriseSearchControl This class performs full text search outside the scope of the BEA repositories.
ExpressionSearchControl<T> Usage: optionally set the search path optionally set the object class to limit the search to construct the expression string, using the available logical operators, repo search fields, and/or properties execute the search using that expression
FullTextSearchControl<T> This control leverages the full text search capabilites of a full-fledged search engine to search both metadata and binary text.
GsExpressionSearchControl<T extends ContentBase> This control is used to generate and execute portal Expression-based searches.
GsFullTextSearchControl<T extends ContentBase> This class is used to build an execute FullTextSearch searches on data that is restricted to GroupSpace.
GsKeywordSearchControl This control will search ONLY GroupSpace communities that have been deployed to this same web app.
RepoFullTextSearchControl<T> This control is used to perform FullTextSearch in BEA content repositories.
RepoSearchControl<T> A base control interface that allows configuration of parameters for searches restricted to the BEA repository (ies).
SearchControl<T> This is the base interface for all GroupSpace search controls.

Annotation Types Summary
CmExpressionSearchControl.SearchParams Set the defaults for search parameters
CmFullTextSearchControl.SearchParams Set the defaults for search parameters
CommunitySearchControl.CommunitySearchParams Scope the search
EnterpriseSearchControl.SearchParams Set the defaults for search parameters
GsExpressionSearchControl.SearchParams Set the defaults for search parameters
GsFullTextSearchControl.SearchParams Set the defaults for search parameters
GsKeywordSearchControl.GroupSpaceSearchParams Scope the search

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