Interface GsFullTextSearchControl<T extends ContentBase>

All Superinterfaces
FullTextSearchControl<T>, RepoFullTextSearchControl<T>, SearchControl<T>

public interface GsFullTextSearchControl<T extends ContentBase>
extends RepoFullTextSearchControl<T>

This class is used to build an execute FullTextSearch searches on data that is restricted to GroupSpace. It cannot be used to search any other CM repository, nor can it be used to search enterprise-scoped repositories.

This control is automatically scoped to search the current GroupSpace instance as well as the current user's data. It cannot be scoped to search other GroupSpace instances, which are not accessible for security reasons. The search path may be modified to refine the search within that GroupSpace data. For example, if you want to search only links, you could get the path to this community using getDefaultSearchPaths() and append it with "/Links".

Instantiate the control in a page flow as follows:

// Full text search control across the GroupSpace repository, not typed, not annotated
GsFullTextSearchControlBean gs_fullTextSearch;

// RichText full text search
@Control ()
@GsFullTextSearchControl.SearchParams(beanType=RichText.class, objectClassName = RichText.TYPE_NAME)
GsFullTextSearchControlBean <RichText> gsFtRtSearchBean;

// Full text search control across the GroupSpace repository, typed and annotated
@GsFullTextSearchControl.SearchParams(maxResults=50, loadAllIntoMemory=true, pageSize=25, limitRelevanceScore=30, batchLoadingSize=25)
GsFullTextSearchControlBean <CommunityContent> gsFtAnnSearch;

Nested Class Summary
static interface GsFullTextSearchControl.SearchParams
          Set the defaults for search parameters
Method Summary
 String getCommunitySearchPath(HttpServletRequest request)
          Get the search path for this GroupSpace community
 String[] getDefaultSearchPaths(HttpServletRequest request)
          Get the search path to the user's personal data as well as the current community
 SortOrder getSortOrder()
          Get the desired sort order...refers first to sort order found in sortCriteria
 String getUserSearchPath(HttpServletRequest request)
          Get the search path for the current user's personal data
 void setSortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder)
          Set the desired sort order...modifies sort order of all sortCriteria
Methods inherited from interface
getAvailableObjectClasses, getFullTextSearchBuilder, getObjectClassProperties, getObjectClassPropertyDefinitions, getPropertySearchBuilder, isCmBinaryDataEncoded, isCmMetadataEncoded, searchProperty, setCmBinaryDataEncoded, setCmMetadataEncoded, setEnableSearchCache, setSearchPath, setSearchPaths
Methods inherited from interface
allOfTheseWords, anyOfTheseWords, clearMetadataParameters, getSearchDatabases, getTextSearchBuilder, search, setMetadataParameter, setMetadataParameters, setSearchDatabases, setSearchScope, textContains, textEquals
Methods inherited from interface
asList, asSet, flushSearchCache, getSortCriteria, setSortCriteria

Method Detail


String getCommunitySearchPath(HttpServletRequest request)
                              throws Exception
Get the search path for this GroupSpace community



String getUserSearchPath(HttpServletRequest request)
                         throws Exception
Get the search path for the current user's personal data



String[] getDefaultSearchPaths(HttpServletRequest request)
                               throws Exception
Get the search path to the user's personal data as well as the current community



SortOrder getSortOrder()
Get the desired sort order...refers first to sort order found in sortCriteria


void setSortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder)
Set the desired sort order...modifies sort order of all sortCriteria

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