Interface EnterpriseSearchControl

All Superinterfaces
FullTextSearchControl<com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.ResultDocument>, SearchControl<com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.ResultDocument>

public interface EnterpriseSearchControl
extends FullTextSearchControl<com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.ResultDocument>

This class performs full text search outside the scope of the BEA repositories. You can call the search APIs directly with the property and text search methods. You can also use this control to access the FullTextSearchBuilder to construct more complex query parameters, then use those queries to construct a FullTextSearch object to be used in the search. *

Use of this class assumes the Autonomy Search Engine is running.

Instantiate the control in a page flow as follows:

// Enterprise search across all available Autonomy resources, excluding BEA repositories and GroupSpace
< EnterpriseSearchControlBean <ResultDocument> enterpriseSearchControl;

// Sort on a particular field, TITLEk and include only a few key metadatafields in the printed results
@Control ()
@EnterpriseSearchControl.SearchParams(sortString="TITLE:alphabetical", printFields="title,author,drefullfilename")
EnterpriseSearchControlBean <ResultDocument> titleSearchControl;

// Override default ports
@EnterpriseSearchControl.SearchParams(maxResults=50, pageSize=25, limitRelevanceScore=30, DiSH_aciPort=20100, IDOL_aciPort=9015)
EnterpriseSearchControlBean <ResultDocument> customSearchControl;

Nested Class Summary
static interface EnterpriseSearchControl.SearchParams
          Set the defaults for search parameters
Method Summary
 Map<String,com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.DiSHChild> getAvailableServices()
          Get a Map of the available Autonomy services to which the search will be restricted.
 Map<String,com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.DiSHChild> getConfiguredServices()
          Get a Map of the Autonomy services that are configured, but not necessarily available.
 EnterpriseSearchBuilder getEnterpriseSearchBuilder()
          Access the TextSearchBuilder for more complex query construction for text and metadata
 MetadataSearchBuilder getMetadataSearchBuilder()
          Access the MetadataSearchBuilder for more complex query construction for metadata
 Set<String> getSearchFields()
          Show indexed fields that are available to search.
 void limitSearchToDocTypes(Set<String> docTypeSuffix)
          Limit search to only those documents ending with this suffix.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.ResultDocument> searchMetadata(IMetadataQueryParameter param)
          Search only the metadata
Methods inherited from interface
allOfTheseWords, anyOfTheseWords, clearMetadataParameters, getSearchDatabases, getTextSearchBuilder, search, setMetadataParameter, setMetadataParameters, setSearchDatabases, setSearchScope, textContains, textEquals
Methods inherited from interface
asList, asSet, flushSearchCache, getSortCriteria, setSortCriteria

Method Detail


Map<String,com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.DiSHChild> getAvailableServices()
                                                                            throws Exception
Get a Map of the available Autonomy services to which the search will be restricted. The Map is the display name of the DiSHChild and the DiSHChild. See Javadocs on DiSHChild //todo link to this



Map<String,com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.DiSHChild> getConfiguredServices()
                                                                             throws Exception
Get a Map of the Autonomy services that are configured, but not necessarily available. The Map is the display name of the DiSHChild and the DiSHChild. See Javadocs on DiSHChild



Set<String> getSearchFields()
                            throws Exception
Show indexed fields that are available to search.



void limitSearchToDocTypes(Set<String> docTypeSuffix)
                           throws Exception
Limit search to only those documents ending with this suffix. For example, to find all PDF documents, the suffix would be "pdf". Html oocs could be the set of suffixes: html, htm. You can search any combination of document types in this manner. These criteria will be combined with the other criteria specified in the argumens to the findDocuments() methods. This will override the property ;limitDocTypes(), which specifies a single doc type to restrict the search to.



EnterpriseSearchBuilder getEnterpriseSearchBuilder()
Access the TextSearchBuilder for more complex query construction for text and metadata


MetadataSearchBuilder getMetadataSearchBuilder()
Access the MetadataSearchBuilder for more complex query construction for metadata


SortableFilterablePagedResult<com.autonomy.aci.businessobjects.ResultDocument> searchMetadata(IMetadataQueryParameter param)
                                                                                              throws Exception
Search only the metadata


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